Americans can certainly see the report of Japan's economic news agency, the first rich in the United States has a huge influence. It is a typical representative of the American dream, and there is a lot of fans in the United States. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce's anti-monopoly investigation of the Black Cloud Group has made people pay great attention to this Xiangjiang Rich.

Investigate the monopoly of the Black Cloud Group has not progressed, after all, the black cloud products are relatively high. From the market share, it does not meet the monopoly. However, the business department cannot give up easily. It doesn't dare to do it.

If abandonment is likely to receive anti-lawsuits from the Black Cloud Group, the business sector will become very passive. So easy to investigate a company, have not obtained results, and a huge blow to the Ministry of Commerce.

Therefore, now the business sector is thinking about how to retain, after all, the tax department has great comments on them.

To investigate the Black Cloud Group, the first rush is a computer and a car company. Because the headquarters of the two companies in the United States, all taxes must be handed over to the US tax department. In recent time, the Tax of the Black Cloud Group has fallen, and it has a big relationship with anti-monopoly investigation.

Unlike other large companies in the United States, the subsidiaries of the Black Cloud Group are registered in Xiangjiang, Japan, the United States. Bao Zixuan never wanted to go to Bermuda, Cayman Islands and other tax heavens to register.

At this time, the advantage has appeared, and there is a US strong department has begun to speak and platform for the Black Cloud Group.

One leader of the US Taxation Bureau said: "Combined with Bunxuan in Japan's work attitude, and the dedication of dedication. We can't see it, a person is reasonable."

"The young people have worked hard to create a business that affects the world, and the product of the invention will be normal. We can't make money than others, you can't make money than others."

"That is the contempt of the free capital market, and it is a reverse of economic development."

"The Black Cloud Group is the most ruled company in the United States. It has never worryable with the tax department. It is not only a business, and the black cloud staff is also average the average number of individual income taxes. Even more fund companies in Wall Street; because the fund company's parent company Registered in the tax avoidance paradise such as Cayman Islands, and the Black Cloud Group has never been. "

"The business department should check some companies that have traitted, rather than a busy business that is staring at the honesty, this year, this year, it is now round to the Black Cloud Group. Does companies can't invenment, there should be New technology improves production efficiency. "

The tax department is very much in the US, at least much better than the Ministry of Commerce.

There is a tax department to the Black Cloud Group.

The Ministry of Commerce is very difficult. At this time, I have already riding tigers, is it easy to give up so easy? They are very unwilling.

Through the vocal of the tax department, John Chaostima launched a documentary of the Black Cloud Group US Division.

When the Uri-Territory workers have been resting, the black cloud engineer is working hard. When other people have off work, the black cloud computer engineer is still writing code.

When other workers can only receive meager salary, the black cloud engineer gets twice, even more.

The last end is written, this is a madman; for the country, the national, family, the madman.

After the documentary broadcast, although it is hot and thin by some unions. But the black cloud worker at this time is no longer taken seriously. Their basic salary is already the highest in the same industry, plus other income such as overtime pay, bonus. Already in the US middle class family, the average salary of the black cloud car workers is only less than lawyers and doctors.

This is a huge encouragement for a blue-collar. No

Therefore, the current black cloud automotive factory is in the union. Fundamentally left and right, there is only one voice here, it is the voice of Bao Zixuan.

At this time, the United States is waiting for the results of the business sector, such a group of people working hard, actually speaking people's monopoly. This is to stand the foot, and who will die in the future, and work hard.

Due to the lack of response, many places in the United States have appeared in the team. They all ask the Ministry of Commerce to give a statement, or the people will never agree.

The development has become more intensified, and finally, even the US President Ren has to accept interviews. The business sector is required to be a fair and objective investigation. If you can't afford, you can't hurt your efforts.

It can be said that this is already equivalent to the statement, the business department has no way, and can only end the grass to the anti-monopoly investigation of the Black Cloud Group. Bao Zixuan did not do things, mainly, not too dare to put the government department to death. This matter is like this, I only hope that the US business sector can remember this lesson. However, the business department lost such a big face, how can it easily give up. Who let them not cool, they will not make people feel comfortable, just waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, the counterattack of the US Department of Commerce has long been began to brew; just there is no right opportunity. The head of the bag did not expect that the report of the Japanese media can actually play such a big effect. It seems that the management reporter is called the king, it is really a matter.

Like the US Department of Commerce, American companies with black clouds compete are quite unhappy. Especially the universal, Ford and other US local car giants; the rise of the black clouds, the biggest impact on them.

It can also compete with Japan and European car companies. However, since Bao Zixuan entered the automotive field, the business of the two companies was a thousand feet.

Black Cloud Cars is really suitable for the US local market, just like Americans to build.

I still want to rely on the Ministry of Commerce to the anti-monopoly survey of the Black Cloud Group from the new occupation market, but finally find everything still rely on themselves.

GM is definitely the most depressed enterprise. When they hold the Suzuki Group stock, the company has not tempered, the stock price has never had too much fluctuations. Since the public knows that the black cloud has reached the stock, the share price has risen more than 30% in just a few days. This is not to tell the world, the influence of general-purpose cars does not matter, at least compared with the black clouds.

Founded on September 16, 1908, General Motors has created American GM companies since William Durant, and General Motors have produced and sells a series of brand models such as Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC, including Buick, Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC. The full range of brands selling in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, including micrometers, heavy-sized trucks, compact cars and convertible.

This is one of the largest car companies in the United States and even the world, no one dares to ignore his existence.

At this time, General Motors are holding boards, the company CEO Mike Donald said to the directors: "The directors, it can be said to be the most difficult time in general history. Here I have to bear the main responsibility, if you feel I can't compete for CEO Job, I can resign. "

This trick is very good, even the fire is pure. Now this situation is not a mistake of Mike Donald, who may be almost the same. And this old kid has some ability to let him say it for a while.

This is the true thoughts of most directors, maybe change a newcomer is not as good as him!

Seeing no one stands out to stop him, Mike Donald knows that he is right.

Mike Donald continued: "Since the directors can continue to believe me, then I must do my best to reverse the situation."

"The current general car is facing a huge crisis. There are Japan in the external market, and the European car is struck. The US local market is also almost no space that is extruded by the black cloud car."

"If you continue, generic can face closing risks. Just just, the US Department of Commerce has ended the anti-monopoly survey of the Black Cloud Group; meaning all the problems, we must solve themselves."

"Before the meeting, Ford has already contacted me. I hope that two companies can cooperate to face the pressure brought by Black Cloud."

In fact, the general car is bankrupt, or some exaggerated words. After all, General Motors do not produce civil vehicles, and there is a lot of procurement of military police vehicles.

Lost the civilian market, the days may not be so moist.

The directors are incredible that Ford cars actively jointly universal. It seems that it is anxious, otherwise it is impossible to generate any intersection with the competition between two companies.

The head of the bag is not known that he has moved in Japan; indirectly contributing to the first cooperation between the two largest automobile companies in the United States.

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