Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 821, the conspiracy of the US car

At this time, the directors of General Motors don't know what to say, is it really going to work with Ford. You must know that from the beginning of the establishment, Ford can't see them. Henry Ford said they are a hunter who only knows how to acquire, does not understand technology is a shame of the automotive industry.

In fact, this is not reasonable, after all, Ford is earlier. And the founder itself is a genius engineer, of course, can not see the merchant's businessman enter the automotive manufacturing area.

Ford Motor is a multinational company that produces cars, founded by Henry Ford in Michigan, USA, in 1903.

At this stage, black clouds, Ford, General and Chrysler are considered to be the four major automotive manufacturers of Detroit. The trademark of the Ford Automobile is a signature font from the founder Henry Ford.

A directors of GM: "Mike, Ford cars really want to work with us, today is not April Fool's Day."

Different with GM, Ford is still in the founder. Ford was listed in 1956 and became the US stock market. The Ford family still maintains its control equity in the company's 40% of the company; this is a considerable ratio in stock publicly listed companies.

The founder of the GM Durant family is more symbolic, or even the board member. It is mainly because General Motors continue to acquire, making the founder family share less and less. In addition to the promotion of the rear capital, and the future people do not live, Durant family lost the company's equity and control.

It is certainly weak that you will be weak compared to your family's traditional Ford Motors.

Now Ford actively seeks to cooperate, of course, will be questioned.

Mike Donald said very seriously: "About Ford's sincerity, you don't need too much question. It is Henry-Ford II personally gives me a call, Ford is more serious."

"The four major cars manufacturing plants in Detroit, the black cloud car is opening the horsepower production. At present, the market is fundamentally inquisite, business is not good. The universal car is less than 50%, and the Ford is less than 35%. Chrysler is only 20%. Left and right starting rate. Looking like this, waiting for everyone to close and close. "

"So Fordo hopes that we will jointly use administrative means to intervene in the sale of black clouds."

After the end of the Ministry of Commerce, after the anti-monopoly survey of the Black Cloud Group, US automakers know that the crisis is inevitable. The first thing is a common and Ford, who makes them the biggest!

The volume is big and also means that the cost is large.

Daily losses are more than other companies.

Although the Ford family has accumulated nearly a hundred years of wealth, it can not be supported when the loss is in the face. There may be no problem in the short term, and when you have long, you can't stand it.

Since Ford has made, General Auto Board immediately authorizes CEO Mike Donald as a full representative to carry out negotiations with Ford. There is no good way, and cooperate with the previous competitors and enemies, it is not a choice.

Just when the Board of Directors held the board, Ford is also meeting. Ford is relatively simple, and the decision can only need to pass the inside of the family.

At this time, the Henry in the American population sat in the living room and looked at the family. Like other people, the young master, the lady, and it is estimated that this is also a problem that all the rich families will face.

Ford 2nd was born on Detroit on September 4, 1917. He is born to be a leader, plus his eldest son, so he has shown a trait different from your brother sister, firmly decisive, unpispentive, cold and quiet. In short, no one has challenged and objected to the status of Ford II. Therefore, the other family members in history have struggled to fight, and the tragedy of hand and feet.

1945 28-year-old Ford Second World Waiter Motor Company. What he faced is a huge, low-efficiency, almost bankrupt company. At this time, he showed excellent business capabilities, reversing Ford, reminding it. In the 30 years after the takeover power, the company has achieved modernization and listed in the company in 1956.

The stocks listed on Ford are divided into two levels, one is ordinary stock, the other is B shares. The B share only has a Ford family member to hold, so that the Ford family member controls the company's 40% equity.

Henry Ford II looked at the family members: "There are many people in the group in the group, and they know the actual situation of the company. Now there is only 30% of the starting rate, and the Ford car is in a serious loss."

"If you go on this, Ford's bankruptcy is a morning and evening. Ford Motor is about the rise and fall of the whole family, don't need me to say that you also know what Ford cars mean."

In fact, there is no serious Henry - Ford II says that the Ford is a listed company; even if it is closed, it is not necessary to take much more than the Ford family. After nearly a hundred years of inheritance, the family's trust fund, real estate, property, and art collection can be an astronomical figure.

To put it bluntly, even if the Ford is closed, the Ford family can still live a lot of life. This is also the reason why family children have no fear, and it is not much not much in their seemingly dozen.

But they don't want to do what to do in the future, what is the Ford family that doesn't have a Ford car. It is estimated that the American people will forget them, which will become mediocre.

This is the fact that Henry Ford II cannot accept, so he decided to cooperate with the earlier competitors. Its purpose is to have the development of black clouds; no one knows that a single company is not the opponent of the black cloud car.

The brother of Ford II knew that the big brother was already angry, hurriedly said: "The family is in the big brother, you are doing the master, including Ford Car. Big Brother has any decisions, we must do it without condition."

"Ford Motor is now facing a lot of pressure, so I hope that the family's children will not have the wealth that is not easy to accumulate outside. At this time, you don't expect you to help the family to spend the difficulties. I only hope that everyone will not add chaos to the house."

I heard the younger brother, Henry Ford, is very pleased, the key moment, or the brother can understand his intentions.

In fact, as the brother of Ford II is sometimes very helpless, there is a tough and dry brother not necessarily a good thing. Although the Ford family has no palace drama, then dog blood and cruel, but the giants also have a lot of disguise dramas.

If you express it too good, you will definitely be guessed by your brother. But if it is too mediocre, the other children of the family will not put you in the eyes. This scale is very difficult to grasp, so I have a good grasp in Ford II. I know how to maintain my brother's authority, but also take care of personal interests.

Let the grandfather of the family, the ladies change their lifestyle, and must be the work of sinners. He can't let the Ford II come out, at least this head can't be opened by Ford II.

If he started from him, it will be a lot when the Ford II is doing it.

With the brother's state, Ford II said: "The consumption habits of many families have really changed, otherwise the family will be lost in the morning."

"Why Ford car will fall into passive situation, mainly because of the rise of black clouds. Why black clouds have developed so quickly, because Baozi Xuan's dedication and attitude."

"This young man is almost the age, even more people you have to be young than you. But what do you do every day, what are you doing, don't you feel embarrassed!"

"The family is not the opportunity to exercise, but there are several people who can do their jobs, at least I haven't seen it yet."

"Before the Black Cloud Group has fallen into anti-monopoly investigations, there have been some left in the Ford and GM market. Now the Ministry of Commerce has ended the anti-monopoly investigation of the Black Cloud, after the Ford car will face what pressure does not say more? Let's! "

"I have decided to cooperate with General Motors. At this time, I have to put it down, and I will fight against the enemy."

I heard the cooperation with General Motors, several old people of the Ford family were whispering. It seems that there is different opinions, but I don't dare to say it.

At this time, in the Ford family, Henry Ford II had absolute authority, no one dares to question his decision. The best way to seem is silent, and praying Ford cars to overcome strong enemies, winning the market from the new market.

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