Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 822, the conspiracy of the US car

Other members of the Ford family know that the things determined by Henry - Ford II cannot change. Pray for cooperation is on the one hand, they have evil side in their heart. If the universal car cooperates, Ford still has not yet been changed in nature. Then they have reason to force the palace, and other members of the family will not say more.

Whether it is a successful cooperation, failure is also! The other members of the Ford family are all vested interests, which is also one of the reasons for objection.

At this time, the general board and the Ford family have reached a cooperative resolution, and how to negotiate both parties. After all, two companies cooperate, and there are too many interest allocation. Moreover, no one will be a difficult process with both enterprises.

Mike Donald and Henry Fulfu came to a private club. Both are the people of Detroit, and there are many people who know them, they don't want to have no results before the negotiations have no results.

Mike Donald knows, although the general car is slightly strong. Not only is the size of the enterprise, mainly the work rate of General Motors is higher.

But compared with the Ford II, it is a weak party. Henry Ford II can make any resolution on behalf of Ford, but he still does not dare to do it.

Although it has been authorized by the board of directors, it is too much to do too much. You must reach a balance, you must be satisfied with Henry - Ford Second World, and it is difficult to losing universal core interests. This balance is difficult to control.

Mike Donald came over to see the location, although there is no good way to be unhappy, but there is no good way. Who let Ford II are boss, and he is just a senior manager.

Seeing Ford Second World, hurry up and say: "Hello, Mr. Ford, I haven't seen you for a long time, your style is still!"

For Mike Donald, you can wait in advance, Henry Ford II is completely unmae. Here is Detroit, in a sense, he is the king of Detroit.

The Detroit is a quite special existence in the United States. The government officials here are more like a babysitter. Because of the universal, Ford, Chrysler, or the rise of the new rise of black clouds. There is a large number of workers, for the US official personnel, this is a vote, including the President, did not dare to neglect the large number of votes of Detroit Motors.

Ford car has more than 200,000 workers, and it is in the United States. More than black clouds and universal, this is the bottom of Henry Ford II.

Although the efforts of the industry in the automotive industry must not be small, but also to play horizontally. In front of General, Ford and other major plants, the automotive union will converge some.

If Ford and GM are in a hurry, even if the car union will not be better.

The Mayor of Detroit is a game of major auto malls; and is similar to Ford, General and other car manufacturers, even if the object is selected; as long as it is a smart person, I don't dare to use these big plants.

Henry Ford II laughed: "Mike must not say this, often sleep in the last period. People are old, many things can be more than your young people, they will be very far away."

Ford II has grown up from a small business family, and I will take over the company 28 years old. What kind of compliment didn't hear, what kind of people have never seen it. For commercial guests, research is very thorough.

Mike Donald smiled: "Mr. Ford can not say this, you are not old. The US automotive industry also requires the Ford family, the major car manufacturers of the Detroit also expect Mr. Ford lead."

Henry Ford II is only 60 years old this year, and the age is not a problem. And Mike Donald is not stupid, can't say that it is old, you really think that people are old.

Sure enough, Mike Donald said, Henry Ford I was very happy. Even if the other party said that the water is very big, but it is still very happy.

Henry Ford II smiled and said: "Thank you, Mike's recognition, but you can don't say this later, or it will cause misunderstanding."

"This time, I don't know what it is, what do you have on the negative surveys of the Commercial Ministry to the Black Cloud Group, do you have any ideas and views."

The guest's words have been finished, and next to begin to enter the topic.

Mike Donald knows that the Ford II wants to express the generality, but this is also something wrong. Who let Ford II have an ultrastay in the US automotive industry, at least no one is comparable to him.

This CEO is still weaker in front of others, who can let the General Genesis family have been out! Currently only on top, no one can't afford the chain at this time.

Mike Donald: "This business department survey on the Black Cloud Group made the black cloud car have been affected by this opportunity. By this opportunity, the market of General Motors will take some. But who will think that the business department actually End the survey so quickly, know that IBM company has used 10 years to end the anti-monopoly investigation, how to turn to the black cloud is so fast. "

The US business sector can be described as brilliant in history, and the standard oil company of the Lockefeller family is hard to be split into thirty companies. It is to know that this is one of the most powerful families in the United States, which is resistant to the anti-monopoly survey of the business sector, and the anti-monopoly investigation is great.

The IBM of Watson's family did not catch up with the dividend of the personal computer, and whitening waste 10 years.

It is to know that the top computer expert in that year, but more than half of IBM, this is the strength of people.

How does the Black Cloud Group thundered, the rain is small. Is the Ministry of Commerce will only engage in their own people, and outsiders come to the United States to build a company, let them do not know what it is.

Everyone knows that the Black Cloud Group has its own difference between the standard oil and IBM. At least in terms of market share, far behind two companies. It is just that Bao Zi Xuan's development is too fast, and it is very widespread involved. People feel like all walks of life can't avoid the Black Cloud Group, in fact, the various subsidiaries of the black clouds cannot be monopoly in the market.

These competition companies don't want to admit that who will let the Black Cloud Group blocked their financial roads, and they all have no meals!

Henry Ford Second World: "These worlds know that I just want to go to the common side to deal with it."

It is indeed, like the Ford II said, the US Department of Commerce ends on the anti-monopoly survey of the Black Cloud Group. Now the world is already known; there is no need to plural here. At present, he is most concerned that it is a future response method. It is impossible to do anything, just where to eat, etc.!

Mike Donald also knows that if you don't say something, or if you don't express Henry - Ford II, will not let him go easily. So said: "The business department ends on the anti-monopoly survey of the Black Cloud Group, meaning that the obstacle to the development of the Black Cloud Group has been removed in the next few years. At least the US government has no obstacles, or it is ignored."

"In addition to the technical advantages of Black Clouds, universal and Ford's days will not be better. Therefore, two companies must work closely to make black clouds accounted inexpensively in the US local market."

It will be said that the key is how to do it.

Henry Ford Second World: "How to cooperate now, how two companies seize the market. Can not be used to say that actual actions must be paid."

Mike Donald knows that he can't hide, and it must be generous to express it. So said: "The general preliminary plan is a new design, from the new design."

"General Motors have technical advantages in gearbox and engine in gearbox and engine in the field. Therefore, we can combine our two technical advantages, from new design with cost-effective cars."

"This car must be lower than the black cloud like products, the price is too high, will definitely decrease accordingly. Our two companies must first improve the operating rate, let the workers have something to do, is the urgency."

Ford II, of course, knows to solve the problem of operating rate, but it is impossible to start working, and something needs a process. Without sales, don't you put it when you are in stock.

Henry Ford Second: "It is indeed prioritized to solve the problem of starting; however, how many workers can be raised. It can be low than black clouds, this is difficult to do; after all, Black Clouds still have a lot of cost advantages. "

I know that this old kid doesn't understand what is going on, and the super rich three generations of Ford II will not do this. The bad guys still want him to do it, this is also the helplessness of Mike Donald.

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