Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 823, the conspiracy of the US car

Henry Ford II has been used to a good day, and it will not know the sorrow of the poor. This makes Mike Donald, Donald, don't know what to say, it seems that this bad guys can only do it.

Mike Donald said with a smile: "We can walk two steps, the first step is like I just said. The two companies jointly produce a new car, the price is absolutely high."

"The second step is to lobby the US **, let them increase purchase orders. The Soviet Union is a serious threat, and the US military has no powerful logistics guarantees. It is difficult to win in confrontation."

This is a military and civilian use, I don't want to let go, it seems that this little one is very big.

Henry Ford II smiled and said: "Union research and development a new car is very simple, and we are in the same situation. But how can a cost-effective, you have to know the US workers' salary standard world. And work efficiency Japanese workers should be low, which is one of the reasons for the current competition but Japanese automakers. "

Henry Ford I didn't mention the black cloud, it seems that I don't want to recognize the efficiency and style advantage of Black Cloud.

Seeing the doubts of Ford I, Mike Donald said: "We have given the government so many taxes, and now I am going to the government to subsidize us."

Hearing here Henry - Ford II Raime, what is meant, it is hoped that the government will give subsidies in terms of taxation. If the government can do tax on new cars, the car price can be at least 20%.

Is this the so-called cost advantage, the risk is too big. Once exposed, both companies are accused of public. Even if the public doesn't know, the tax department will greatly have a lot of opinions.

Henry - Ford Second: "This is too risky, and the general is completely doing yourself. I don't understand why I have to bring Ford, I hope you can give me an explanation."

Mike Donald: "This is called the US tax department. It is necessary to know that they can not be promise. It is difficult to say alone, it is difficult to say, but Ford is not the same, we have more than 400,000 direct balloons. And each worker has a family. This can be millions of votes, even if the President is, you can't ignore the actual interests of the automotive industry workers. "

At present, Detroit has not yet entered the depression period, but here is the most important industrial heavy town in the United States. Not only because of economic problems, no one dares to look at the population.

This is to pull yourself, and the Ford II is somewhat uncomfortable. Self-conscious of Ford II with aristocratic blood of the automotive industry, at all disdain, from taxes, accounting for the country.

Maybe it can play a certain effect,

Even defeat competitors. It can also become a stain, always with the Ford car brand, the Ford family will be ashamed.

General Motors do not have this concern, we must know that General Motors is a professional manager system. Even if there is a problem, most of the professional managers resigned. People who are dismissed can also get huge compensation, I believe many people are still willing to accept; at least there is nothing loss in terms of economic.

Currently thinking about it, Ford should not take risks.

Ford Second World: "GM's proposal is very good, you can try it. Ford will work hard, but in this regard, there is no experience in the Ford Motor, but also the Mike Presidents can be more than the money. Ford can be given to support, not Will let you lose money. "

I heard the old guy and said, I mean what it means. This is a love feathers, it is necessary to be a scorpion, and it is also a set of grades.

Mike Donald also knows that this thing must be pulled to Ford to succeed. For a bus with GM, the strength of the White House is definitely not enough.

Since Ford loves to cherish feathers, this cooperation can make them more blood. I don't want to work, I still want to get benefits, there are no two cheap things in the world.

Mike Donald: "Mr. Ford, I understand that as long as Ford cars can support this proposal. The remaining things will be responsible for lobbying, but the cost I want Ford can bear part, after all, this is two The company's things. "

In fact, Joint R & D is a scorpion, the purpose is to apply to the government with the volume of the two companies and the number of people. I believe that even if the president of Ragang cannot ignore two companies, this is the premise of cooperation.

Henry Ford II: "The cost is a matter of course, Ford is absolutely not a small gas."

"But relative to civilian vehicles, I want to get orders from the military."

At present, many of the US military have been very old, and the military has long intended to replace military transport vehicles. Just this order is too attractive, universal, Ford, Chrysler, and other local car malls hope to get this huge order.

If it is a company, even if it is a general car. However, plus Ford is another effect, and the US ** must not dare to despise their two companies.

I have heard the old guy and said that the military order is estimated that this is the true purpose of his call. It seems that it is dedicated to the old guy or be careful. If you don't pay attention, you will be wrapped in.

Mike Donald: "Mr. Ford, I understand that general has been related. But for two companies to work together, we are willing to share orders with Ford. The goal is to let the army add orders, I believe that the military will also make choices "

A few years ago, the US Army was based on the experience of Vietnam, and the new generation of light-type multi-purpose military vehicles were started. At that time, the military vehicles required by the military need to meet high-speed, multi-purpose and wheel (non-track-type), and to replace A wide variety of jeep and various four-dried skin cards, the purpose is to enable unified models of light military vehicles to achieve easier modular maintenance and maintenance to improve motor capacity.

This work is currently close to completion, but it will definitely have variables due to the rise of the Black Cloud Group.

In addition to the Black Cloud Auto, the American local car manufacturers have been difficult. At present, the US government and military cannot hand over such a big order to a company; even if there is no black screen, it will be shaken.

Military orders is definitely a piece of fat, no matter how you want to eat. Can be existing equipment that cannot be tramped, only to find ways to handle it.

Ford Second World: "What should I do if there are so many military vehicles, I have to know that even the military, I don't dare to make such a large-scale vehicle."

Mike Donald: "The main use of the military now is Jeep, Jeep is also in the Black Cloud Group."

In the Second World War, bombers, tanks, and submachine guns changed the battlefield, but the other changed the battlefield of the battlefield by people was a jeep full of world. This is the US Army designed for a lightweight service vehicle designed to replace motorcycles, like a rabbit, and quickly, and it is very raffin.

The ability of four-wheeled Jeep climbed water is well received by the frontline officers. From Normandy Beach, Aden's Forest, to North Africa's desert, Central European village; from Myanmar's rainforest, rice fields, to the Pacific's island reef, hills ... Wearing the lane, Jeep flipped all the battlefields in World War II.

Jeep also became the most equal vehicle, go to Barton, Eisenhower, and getting the same jeep. The US military called it "loyalty like a dog, as strong as the scorpion, like the goat as dexterous". Many tanks can't get it, Jeep is incorrect.

On the rack, the machine gun is even in the arm, and Jeep can be used for assault and guard. The UK special air groups often take the jeep of the lightweight machine gun in North Africa, whizzed in the desert, and went to Dust, gave the Logistics line of Longmeil, the first-modern special combat.

As a flexible, multi-purpose vehicles, Jeep is widely used in the place where the designer doesn't think. Jeep is used to drag the trailer, light artillery or even train, but also use to sweep the snow, trenches, build, and even drive circular saws, washing machines. In the wild without power, Jeep's rear wheel overhead can be towed with generators to drive radar, radio, searchlights, and electric welding machines.

Jeep flat engine covers are used as a rural priest who presided over the prayer, or the soldiers playing the table. American soldiers praise the Jeep "In addition to can't bake the cake, what can be done". When repairing, the car is not heavy, a few people have a force, and the car can be repaired.

Jeep is impossible to get military orders unless they are acquired by Americans. Now Mike Donald said, what is the meaning of this sentence, is it necessary to let Bao Zixuan recycle these cars. You must know that this is an old antique, what is the use of going back in it, is it in the facade?

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