General and Ford have reached a consensus, first of all, the government and the military agree to retire the military vehicle. This requires public relations capacity, Mike Donald is ready to start.

Mike Donald first thought of Edmman International Public Relations, professional issues or handed over to professional companies, so it was appropriate. Although there is a certain influence, it is impossible to destroy the rules of the game; let alone this time in this big head together.

In the heart of Mike Donald, the Ford car has been treated as a fat sheep. Who let Henry Ford II always take money, how much is he?

Today, I want to see my own ability to spend money, and I have to have a heartache. There is no good sense of these super families, Mike Donald. They occupy too many resources in the United States, even when they take advantage of their cheap, they will be tall.

It is indeed a sense of disgusting, as if the earth has to turn around them. This time, it is necessary to give Ford Second World, and it is also to let the other party spend money to buy a lesson, don't always think about using money for a day.

Edmman International PR Co., Ltd. was established in Chicago, USA in 1952. It is the world's largest independent public relations company that provides public relations consulting services. There are more than 3,000 employees around the world, and there are partners in 30 cities around the world.

The public relations may be a deep understanding, which involves interpersonal relationships, public communication, communication management, organizational behavior, marketing, etc., and has its own unique knowledge system.

Therefore, the public relations advisor need to master a large number of knowledge, including political science, sociology, communication, psychology, management and other theoretical principles, including RACE working methods, project management, process management, MI evaluation methods, etc. Media relationship, public relations investigation and other professional skills.

A successful public relations must have good patience and alert, and the expression ability is strong and good at writing. Handling public relations has an important role in countries, companies, individuals, and so on.

When known is a general and Ford jointly looking for public relations companies, Edman knows that this is definitely a big single. Even more than one business, or universal and Ford's two companies cannot cooperate.

As the world's largest public relations company, the grievances between countries and large enterprises in the world are not known. Ford has always regarded general purpose as an outbreak; if it does not involve huge benefits, how can it reduce posture, cooperate with competitors.

The company's founder old Edmman has not been responsible for specific matters for a long time, and can receive a non-ordinary case in the year of birth, has always been his dream.

Ford and GM joint offices can be used as a mountain.

Let Mike Donner, please go to the meeting room, and Oldman is already waiting for him. How to say that the other party is also a general car president, and it will be respected by any business visit.

And according to reason, it should be that Oldman's past general negotiation, but Mike Donald is worried that people are more miscellaneous. Of course, there are some personal reasons to determine from the Edmman PR.

Recommended to public relations projects, sure some content does not want others to know. Therefore, Edman has a lot of privacy conference, leaking customers' demands and information is definitely a coking of public relations companies.

See Mike Donald coming in, and Oldman stood up and said: "The president of Donald is coming, it is a pleasure of Ed Man."

"I am very happy to be universal service, this is the biggest encouragement for the company's all colleagues. The next time I have a phone call, Edward can send people in the past, do not have to run."

As a public relations company, it is absolutely detailed to customer investigation than any company. At this time, General and Ford's largest competitor have no extraordalexia, but it is difficult to reverse the situation alone. Even if Edman's ability is strong, consumers don't pay for it.

Then Mike Donald will inevitably have a higher demand, and things are certainly very difficult, or do you want yourself.

Old Aidman talking is still very level, after all, the language is his strength.

Mike Donald said with a smile: "Mr. Ed Man is really very polite, don't say this later. You are not just my senior, the most important to my mentor is also the same relationship; in love is reasonable, I want me Come and visit you. "

The benefits of well-known colleges and universities have been reflected in the university in Chicago.

In 1890, Chicago was founded by the oil king John Rockefeller.

Mike Donald can serve as a general-purpose car CEO, and there is also a big relationship with his mentor. To know the tutor of this kid, Milton Friedman is the 1976 Nobel's Economics Award, the famous teacher is not just an empty talk.

Milton Friedman is also a student relationship with the old Edmman. If you follow the traditional Chinese concept, Oldman is Mike Donald.

Old Edison said with a smile: "President Mike said this, I suddenly missed the days of the class with Milton."

"If he is not only thinking about studying academic problems, come out early, now it is absolutely to be the world's most well-known wealth. But everyone has a message, everyone has their own way of life, many things can't be stronger."

"I also saw Milton a few days ago, you are now his most proud disciple. General Motor CEO, but no one has the ability."

Old Edmman said that it is not possible to find a little problem.

First, changed to the president of Mike, which is both close, and respects. Can't say that you are your teacher, you will really put the uncle. How to say it is also a business that gives you money, you can't always want to raise yourself.

Referring to Milton-Friedman, I think of a bridge effect, can be more quickly close to the relationship. Alumni is very good, if you look for a bridge from the middle, the effect will be better.

As a 1976 Nobel Economics Award, Milton Friedman is very suitable for this bridge.

Finally, General Motors CEOs, I want to mind the identity of the two. Know what you come over, absolutely don't affected work problems because of private relationships.

It can be said that old Edmman speaks well everywhere.

As the high-profile student of the University of Chicago, of course, I know that old Edison's ideas, it seems that this old man wants to enter the topic, may have a big relationship with age.

It is also a seventy-year-old person, and the energy may not keep up. This is also the reason for the specific business for a long time. If it is not universal and Ford, he will not go out.

Mike Donald: "This time, it is mainly to let Edan's universal and Ford joint public relations. I want you to go to the mountain. Just simply introduce it in the phone, just think that it is clear that things are clear. "

"I don't know if you are old, after all, Mr. Ed Man has not been responsible for specific cases for a long time."

I have to call Edman's call before coming over, but I can't tell anything in the phone. Tell the other party is a common and Ford, you need to find a strong public relations team.

Mike Donald is not reluctant to adaise Edison, as the world's largest public relations company. For the principle of confidentiality, it is still conceivable; and must also be observed, this is the capital that they live.

Old Edmman: "General and Ford's cases are interested in any public relations company in the world."

"But let's talk, if you deal with the Black Cloud Group, I'm doing love."

"The volume of the Black Cloud Group is too big, and Edman is a little guilty. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce has conclusions to this matter, many problems are not the public relations company can solve."

I heard old love Deman said that Mike Donald knows that many of the public relations companies are more thorough than they understand. After all, people are eating this bowl of rice, and it must be investigated all details. In case in the public relations process, the consequences will not be conceived.

Mike Donald said with a smile: "Mr. Ed Man does not misunderstand, we will only do our own business, so that other companies can win the market, it is the matter of people. We don't look at it,"

"The main purpose of this time is to open the military market, the US ** car is too old. The performance has not kept the modern strategic demand, and you don't think it is the same as the enemy with the enemy, is the life of the soldier. Not responsible! "

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