I heard Mike Donald, and Oldman knew what the general president mean. This is to let the Edman lobby the military to replace the military vehicle, which will take orders for them.

And it is definitely not small, otherwise it is enough. It is no wonder that it will pay so much, even in combination with the previous largest competitors, it seems that the general and Ford's map is even large.

Old Edmman said seriously: "Can let Mike president pays attention to, and also franc. It must be a big action, just don't know what effect you want to achieve."

As the world's largest public relations company, of course, participating in the public relations work purchased by the United States. And there are several executives internally in the Ministry of Defense, and you can say that these things are light.

Mike Donald: "Mr. Ed Man should pay attention to all major vehicle manufacturers, what states are now, you should also have something to understand. General and Ford is very difficult, if you don't get orders for the Ministry of Defense, it is likely to Close some factories. "

"The previous general has achieved a certain effect, but now there is a lot of variables. US native other automakers will not agree with the universal companies to eat eating, especially Ford will block it."

"Well, yesterday, I have reached an agreement with Henry - Ford II, regardless of how many military vehicles are replaced by Meimei **. It is 55% compared to General; Ford accounts for 35%; the remaining 10% will be handed over to other automakers. "

"Our two hopes that the United States can retire all military vehicles, of course, it is impossible to complete it. You can walk a few steps, but the time is not more than one year."

I heard that I want to be US ** to retire all military vehicles, and Oldman is very shocked. As one of the largest countries of the global army, military vehicles are definitely the world's first.

There are so many military vehicles that are retired, and the defense budget is here. This is a need for massive funds, even if it is strong as the US ** party, it is impossible to take such huge funds. Even if you barely come up, you must understand the reason of interest.

The status and role of the Army in the future war have declined, and how the Ministry of Defense may agree to replace so many military vehicles.

Old Edmman: "Not afraid of you jokes, this has exceeded the general capacity. The public relations company is not a million, the transportation vehicle of the United States ** has more than 300,000 units; each price is calculated according to $ 100,000, and this fee is single More than $ 30 billion, even more. "

"After all, some vehicles need to install other equipment, the overall cost may exceed 50 billion US dollars."

"The Ministry of National Defense will not agree to spend so much money in the army within a year.

You know that this is not a missile, can't get a strategic deterrent. In other words, it is not the most urgent thing to be replaced into a vehicle. "

"The PRoonament of Adman, plus Ford and general influence. It is expected to replace 100,000 military vehicles, which should be the best result."

Although Oldman wants to make money, I know if I replace the US active military vehicles; the charge fee charged will definitely be an astronomical figure. It is not a matter of money, and he analyzes the actual situation. But if you only replace one-third, universal and Ford will not come over to find a public relations company to help.

With the strength of the two, in combination with the situation in which the US automotive industry; and the excellent performance of the general Hummer military vehicle, the Ministry of Defense will give some faces.

Mike Donald smiled and said: "Of course, I know that there is a very difficulty of replacing all military vehicles, or if you don't want you to help coordinate. If we don't have a few together, you can really do things, no matter Absolutely say! "

Old Edman thought: "Can replace half of the military vehicle may be the best result, in many words unless God comes to the United States."

If there is no particularly effective approach, it is possible to let the US ** agree to replace half of the military vehicle, which may be already the limit. Mike Donald has already made a well-planned plan, how can it be able to receive half of the order?

Mike Donald: "Most of the vehicle used by the US Army is the production of Jeep Brand. At this time, Jeep cars don't belong to the United States, more direct point is not Americans."

"Then they are doing the possibility of winning military orders. This is a problem. How to help the active vehicles; do you want foreign engineers to help the US military repair. The peaceful age is also good, once the country enters the war state, then unlucky Can only be a heroic and fearless person **. "

"Because a company replaces the holding of the holding, it will bring unnecessary losses to the US **; do you have to bear some responsibility?"

"Before the Black Cloud Group acquired an outdated product in many warehouses in the Soviet Union, now just let them have difficulties for the beauty **."

I heard that the old Edman feels universal and Ford, but also wants to receive military orders, but also want the Black Cloud Group to help them pay away. This is not enough, it is too much to face.

However, a careful analysis and the feeling is very feasible.

Baozi Xuan Tong Huaxia and the Middle East relationship is very good, you can take the car back to these two places. This will not say more, and the taxpayer will not have too much response.

La Aidman: "This case Ediman is underway, it will go all out to let the military retire all Jeep brand military vehicles."

This is a challenge for Ed Man, and is also an incentive to Old Andreman. It is possible to replace all military vehicles with the US ** to end the career, and it is also a perfect curtain call for him.

The US Department of Defense is a department under the Government of the United States of America. Its center is the Pentagon, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is the US Secretary of Defense. According to the US law, the Minister is the civil servant. The US Department of Defense was established on September 18, 1947, predecessor for the US War, headquartered in the Pentagon.

The Ministry of National Defense is the highest leading organ of the US armed forces. The Ministry of Military Department is the highest administrative leading organ of all military, responsible for the personnel and administrative management, troops of the military species, the establishment, war training, military mobilization, weaponry development and procurement and logistics. The current system of the US Department of Defense shall be composed of 16 bureaus and six professional institutions of the General Defense Minister's General Office, Chief of Staff, and 10 Joint Combat Command, and 6 Professional agencies.

The Minister of Defense has the Office of the Minister of Defense, providing assistance by the Deputy Minister and Secretary, Assistant, Assistant Ministers and Deputy Ministers, including procurement, research, logistics, monitoring, finance, intelligence, personnel and policies.

The powerful public relations capacity of Edman's power is perfect. At this time, the US Department of Defense has basically agreed to replace all military vehicles. You have to know that such a big-handed procurement contract, but no one dares to promise.

Although mainly the Army procurement transport vehicles, it is necessary to reduce the military expenditure of the Navy and Air Force. If these two military species disagree, the Army will make the project strand because of the lack of funds.

The annual military expenditure is fixed unless special circumstances. Otherwise, the president has no right to increase military expenditure, after all, is the money of all taxpayers.

Old Edmman is almost useful to use it, just don't want to leave yourself. This is said that this old man will also be so powerful. After all, this order is to be able to become, and the actual net income of Edman will reach 9 digits.

Therefore, after the two parties reached an agreement, Edman began to fully exchange the US to replace the military vehicle. It can be said that it is inendering, which is why they can negotiate with the Ministry of Defense in less than a week.

Such a work efficiency, let Mike Donald are impossible. It is necessary to know that the other to be handed over with the Ministry of Defense, such a large order is not a month, it is impossible to come to the Ministry of Defense to negotiate; professionals are not the same.

Henry Ford II was even more incredible. I didn't expect the US ** party to agree to retire all military vehicles. It is also the attitude of the death horse as a living horse doctor, success is happy, failure is not much loss to Ford.

Now I see the old Edman and Mike Donald next to it, I think that these two people are really capable. This is a difficult thing, actually is about to succeed. It seems that some money can't really save, the public relations company has its value.

Old Edison said with a smile: "All joints have been opened, and then we have to see two performances. After all, the military also takes advantageous theoretical basis to give the people, can not let the taxpayer feel the money. ! "

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