With detailed data, And Deman gave them a speech, the two US car industries came to the Pentagon. For Mike Donald Defense, there may be not so much attention, but the arrival of Henry Ford II, or to give enough respect.

The Assistant Secretary for Defense and the army needed the Director of Purchasing, and General Ian Wright personally greeted, it can be said that the specifications are enough.

After a few people, after a few words, Ian Wright will take them to the Office of the Minister of Defense, Casper Wimberg.

There is a cold war warrior called Caspa Winberg, which is very different from other defense ministers, this old kid is a full talent.

Caspa Winberg is born in the United States to join the First World War, the memory of the entire childhood is accompanied by Herbert-Hoover in the selection of president and economic depression, and Wenberg is undoubtedly the greatest American history. A generation of people.

During the Second World War, Winberg was in charge of MacArthur participated in the battle on the Pacific Battlefield. He entered California and eventually became a senior branch of the Governor of Ronald Reagan. He has also known "razor", which has been "razed" due to the early years of serving the government budget, and is also known as "long ladle" because of the largest military bill expansion during the US peace period. Green sapon white is full of discretion?

He advocates that the US ** team should continue to expand military power, but it also firmly oppose abuse of force. He opposed to Iran sale weapons, but he was ashamed of the "Iranian" scandal of the root government. After exiting the politics, Winberg joined the "Forbes" magazine, served as the issuer, Chairman.

This is a miracle in the history of the world, it can be seen that it is absolutely a legend.

One of the reasons why old Edison dared to take this order is precisely because of this defense minister, it is definitely a master of dare to spend money. At this time, it is in the most tight state of the cold war, or it is not allowed to save money.

See Henry Ford II came in, Caspa Winberg did not dare to stand, quickly stood up and said: "Ford and GM two heads, everyone comes, welcome."

Although he is a national defense minister, he belongs to a mighty person. But in front of Henry - Ford, still maintain low-key.

At her abroad, she knows the power of these top families than ordinary people. After the Minister of Defense, I know who the US politics is serving it.

The Ford family has developed in the United States for nearly a hundred years, although there is still a difference in the same way compared with the Rockefeller and the Morgan family. But compared with ordinary people, but there is absolute authority. Don't say that he is the Minister of Defense, even the president is also three points.

When you are at any time,

People may give you face. But once the end of the term, they have no different from ordinary people. The Ford family is still a Ford family, even if it has been hundreds of years. As long as the family does not have a loser, it may still exist.

After a few people sit down, Mike Donald looked at Henry - Ford II. It means that you have to open it first, otherwise we don't say much.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Henry Ford II is very happy. After all, this is a kind of respect for him and is also recognized by the Ford family.

Henry Ford Second World: "The Minister of Defense is very polite, this time I am invited to the Pentagon is also our honor. It can make contributions to the United States, which is the obligation of each people. Ford Motors and even Ford The family will definitely feel uncomfortable. "

This is the ability of top-level public relations companies, which is clear that they are looking for the Ministry of Defense to do business. It is hard to do it is a military side, and it is very shameless to say that it is very shameless.

However, it also explains the ability of people from the side, which has to be admitted.

As a lawyer, Caspa, Winberge, of course, know what Ford II means, this kind of word game, he is easy to drive. Not angry, because everyone's interests are consistent. As long as you remember this, then everything is not a problem.

Caspa Winberg: "Now the Soviet Union has formed a very large military pressure on the United States, and the national strategic transportation has been in a backward state."

"The Soviet army has been stronger than us, this is a very dangerous thing. The Headman must make changes, can't let the Soviet people occupy a dock."

"This time I invited two people, but also to discuss how we will deal with us. At this time, most of the military vehicles in the US military are produced in the vietnameday, and performance has been fully lagging behind."

"And, most of the procurement of Jeep Brand, now it seems that security is not guaranteed. After all, once the Jeep brand is leaked, then we will be very passive on the battlefield. Although the Black Cloud Group is not so bold, But not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of if you have to kill all the seedlings that are not conducive to the US military in the cradle, you must do it to prevent it. "

Caspa Winberg is said to be crown, let people pick a little problem. Does this not know what is going on, it will definitely be cheated not to be cheated.

Mike Donald knows that he has to speak, after all, the military purchase is dominated by General Motors. It can't let Henry Ford Second to grab the head, which is not conducive to order allocation. Although there is an agreement, if there is a Wanli-Ford II not want to perform.

This is involved in the business of tens of millions of dollars, no one can be indifferent.

Mike Donald: "Can serve every citizen for the US-Li Jian service. It is a unobtrusive thing. The best performance of the soldiers has always been the goal of constantly chasing."

"In order to let the soldiers open the most advanced car in the world, General Motors have been prepared for 5 years. The military also personally checks it, and the Hummer military vehicle is definitely the best in the world."

I heard that I have been advocating my own car, and everyone knows that this is to enter the topic. After all, the previous pavement is enough, and there is a little fake.

In Henry-Ford II, Mike Donald does not want Ford to accouprmise. Worried that he pressed him, making Ford became the leading lead of the military procurement vehicle.

As a car company inheriting nearly a hundred years, how can I forget, tear the contract. However, this kid can think so, prove that generic must have done similar things, or how can it be worried about others. It seems that the GM is dealing with a generation, or be more careful. Maybe one will be considered by the other party.

Mike Donald didn't expect that he had a heartless move, even caused the misunderstanding of Ford II; it also buried the film for subsequent cooperation.

Caspa Winberg smiled and said: "I am absolutely confident for the technical strength and reliability of General and Ford. Especially when two companies are combined. Combined with the two top car manufacturers from the United States Military vehicles will be amazed worldwide. "

"At this point, everyone can imagine, the best soldiers in the world; equipment is equipped with the best vehicles in the world, galloping on the Eastern European plains."

Although this is just a good wish, it can also give people an unlimited association.

Seeing everyone has come back, Caspa Winberg continues: "I want to replace all military vehicles, you must use the active military car waste. The programs you submit can be high, this thing is from Ian - General Wright is responsible. "

Two to prepare the performance instructions of the vehicle in advance, and a single offer. Although it is a comprehensive strength of strong beauty, but I hope that the two do not have a price too high, and the Ministry of Defense is not a rich unit.

After that, everyone in the scene laughed, which can be described as a heart.

I heard the responsibility of the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi, Ian Wright did not say anything. In his opinion, this helper is really shameless, the black cloud car not only can't take the defense order, but also the car before selling. Although the Jeep brand has already belong to Bunxuan, but before sold to the US military, he did not earn a penny.

Now use old, performance is outdated. I remembered people, how to open it. But the soldiers took the order of the command as a duty, and the Minister of Defense He must be implemented.

More importantly, Ian Wright also saw huge benefits. Whether it is a new military purchase, or dealing with old vehicles. These are all working hard, I heard that the Soviewer handles the equipment, it has earned a lot.

Now, the opportunity is in front of you, then you can't let go. Although I haven't sucsed it several times before the past few times, it can't be meant, this time is to deal with items, and I want to sell it too difficult to sell. Just look at this young man, whoever can't guess at this time.

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