Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 828 is an emergency to the United States

General, Ford, the US Department of Defense has reached an agreement, which is to convince the black cloud car. Of course there are some preparations to do, such as bidding links.

Although it is just a scorpion, it is necessary for the program. The money of the US taxpayer is not so good, many links must be open, transparent, at least the surface is like this.

Compared with the internal bidding, Ian Wright knows that his work is the most difficult. Baozi Xuan's surface is relatively polite, but when you are involved in core interests, you will not give it.

In fact, this is also normal, after all, if the businessman is too much, the business is not bigger.

The US ** party needs to replace the current military vehicle, which is the most shocking message in the last time. At this time, the competition between the US SuSec is very intense. It can be said that there is a big move in any party in both parties, which will affect the nerves around the world.

The United States is so high-profile announces that it is replaced by the current military vehicle, and the Soviet party will definitely respond. After all, the United States is their main opponent, and there is any big movement in the US **, basically, for the Soviet Union.

The replacement of military vehicles has not developed new missiles and the plane there is deterrent, and the heart is proud of the Soviet Union, I don't want to backward. Soon there is a corresponding plan; several major automobile manufacturers have begun to develop new military vehicles to address future strategic needs.

John Chambers called the phone, saying that the US Department of Defense hopes that the Black Cloud Group participates in bidding. This makes Bao Zi Xuan some can't understand. Although the Jeep brand is the US party supplier, but after the acquisition of the black cloud, it has been connected to the United States.

And at the beginning of the acquisition, in order to avoid trouble, the military department will strip out the military department. How can I invite Black Cloud Car to participate in the bidding, and there must be some conspiracy.

Is it that it has been accompanied by a family and a companion business. Ian Wright came to the Detroit Meeting to see John Chambers, indicating that invitation Bunxuan came over is the meaning of the Minister of Defense, Casper Winberg. This is some intriguing, after all, the black cloud group and the Ministry of Defense have no situation.

The Ministry of National Defense has issued an invitation, and it has to look at it in the love. It is best to get orders, if you can't get orders; it doesn't matter, after all, Black Cloud has existing order shipments have been tense. Fortunately, Brazil and Shanghu Plant have been put into use to some extent, some pressure is alleviated.

Recently, Bao Zixuan did not go out in Japan, and the media reported him completely famous Japan. It is already seen that some professional talents are not good in the past. The goal of the bag is too big, and now Japan's major companies are already in preventing him.

These days are basically waiting in the company, or in the accommodation. Since I entered 1983, he did not take a good rest.

Take advantage of this opportunity, you can adjust the status.

After the future, it is a critical moment, and the international situation changes multi-end. In fact, before the Soviet Union, it is a very critical node before, and you can see if you can grasp your chance.

The idle time is always short, and the invitation to the US Department of Defense. It must be in the past, although knowing that the winning bid is not large, the face should be given.

At the beginning of October 1983, Baozi Xuan got to the United States in two years.

It is very different from two years ago. Although it is very famous, it is hard to work. At this time, it is completely different, and the Black Cloud Group has also become the largest industrial enterprises in the world. Whether it is to any country, it will enjoy the treatment of almost equal equivalent.

The US ** party announced that the invitation of Bunxuan came over to negotiate. It is really exciting that the media is excited. On the land of the United States, there is no first-hand news for Bao Zixuan.

In the past two years, the bag must have not been to the United States, although many major things, about his report is also more legendary. However, it seems that the Americans seem to have a lot, this time is completely different. The Ministry of Defense purchases military vehicles and is related to the US national strategic security. Corrected with the interests of Americans, almost all people are watching.

Baozi Xuan took a special plane to take off from Japan tokyo International Airport and came directly to Washington, USA. After modified black cloud 919 passenger aircraft perfectly implemented this flight task, this is the most gratifying thing.

At this time, the technical strength of the Black Cloud in the aviation field is much better than the later China. If the ultra-large passenger project is able to break through, then the field of US sanctions will be less.

After 14 hours of long-distance flights, Bao Zixuan finally came to Washington, US Capital.

Know that the Black Cloud Group Baoxuan came over, almost all media waited at the airport. Everyone wants to get the first news, because it means promoting the promotion of salary.

John Howard is waiting in the airport, there are too many people who come over, and the boss is a problem, he can afford it.

I thought of low-key, but the US Department of Defense made him unknown. The head is unfolded and does not take a VIP channel and take it directly from the normal channel.

Black Cloud Auto participates in bidding, which is very dissatisfied with many Americans. It is believed that Black Cloud cars do not belong to American companies, allowing foreign companies to participate in defense engineering projects, which is easy to discure, not conducive to national security.

He is what you want to tell Americans, and Black Cloud is the best car company in the world, which is not related to that country. If you think that the order is handed over to the black cloud, it is the disclosure of the state confidential, then there is no way.

John Howard quickly took the buns to the middle, and the boss did not come over the United States for two years. These two years are relatively unsuitable, and he is a little worried about hello high salary. I can continue to serve the boss today, but I don't dare to have a big idea.

The reporter saw Bao Zi Xuan and hurriedly surrounded people. This is the best opportunity for close contact, if all did anything. Next time I'm straight, I'm going to wait until when I said.

John Howard brought 20 security personnel and elites, and all are the Lords of Kongwu. The 8-packet of the first body bodyguards are more likely to presence. Therefore, the number of people, although there are many people, but they can't enter Bunxuan.

I have seen it has been surrounded, I know that I don't say something, this helping king will not let go of it. Bao Zi Xuan said: "Don't squeeze, I will answer 3 questions. Only three, I chose three reporters to ask questions. Waiting for the next time, the Black Cloud Group will convene a reporter reception, I hope everyone can understand. "

Although it is a private aircraft, it can be flying more than a dozen hours. I must have to take a break, this is still young, if it is a little bigger than the grade, it may come to work.

The Boston Post reporter got the opportunity of the first question, which made everyone feel that Bao Zixuan is really not forgetting.

The Boston Post reporter said: "First of all, thank you for approved our newspaper, you are in order to buy a military car, I want to know what is the view of the Black Cloud Group's military bus plan for this US party. At the same time A private issue wants to ask you, will this time this time Boston! "

This is two problems, but it is more like a problem. The first question is about military procurement issues, this is very good, after all, the public also wants to know what attitude is Bao Zixuan. The second question is more like a friend's concern, and in some cases, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is another home of Baozi Xuan.

The head is said to say: "The military upgrade is imperative, technology is progressing. Let the soldiers use our superior weapons, will definitely improve the fighting power of the troops. Therefore, the starting point of this plan is very good, at least a kind of for soldiers. Great encouragement. "

"This time, the US incident suddenly, I haven't thought about it. But I haven't come back for two years. As long as there is time, I will have to see. There are many old friends still in Boston, in love I have visited it in the past. "

It can be said that Bunxuan answers the midrangement, very standard and formulation. However, it will pass in Boston, and the reporter believes that there will be a chance; the head of the head is not a person who is unless.

The second opportunity Bao Zi Xuan gave the Washington Post reporter, after all, here is home home. The face is still to give, or it must not let you stop in recent days.

Washington Post reporter: "Mr. Bao, hello! This military includes Black Cloud Motors to buyers. Many people are worried that they will harm the United States national security. After all, Black Clouds belong to Xiangjiang Enterprise, and you are not Americans What do you have to do so? "

I asked this question, what is the meaning of the Washington Post, Washington Post. At this point, everyone is waiting for the answer of Bunxuan, and I want to see how this young riche is dealing.

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