Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 829 Passing the protagonist

Bao Zi Xuan knows that there is definitely that organisms are driven later. Otherwise, Washington Post does not dare to be guilty of sin, even if you don't ask.

Since there is a reporter asked, you can't say anything, so that you are afraid and timid. This time, it is high-profile. The head of the bag is absolutely more than being a military bidding. It is definitely not known.

Black Cloud Motors win the bid rate lower than Mars low, how can it make him come over and negotiate. I know that I can't give the order to the black cloud car, but also let the boss come over. Is this not a torrential person! The US ** is in Hao, and it will not make such a low-level mistake, and it will not be so much.

How to say that Bunxuan is also the rivers of Xiangjiang, with a huge impact on the world. What is not a A cat, dog, people who can happen easily.

It must pay the price, the US ** is not dare to do things. The high level has a retirement day, at least in the face.

The head of the bag said: "The United States is an immigrant country, I have spent a few years in life here. If there is no MIT, I may not meet today's achievements."

"A country wants to develop, must learn to accommodate and collect the presidency."

"I am not an American, but the black cloud car is a US company. Headquarters of the Black Cloud Auto and Black Cloud Computer Company have been in the United States, and more than 80% of the company is American."

"Single Black Cloud Motor has more than $ 3 billion last year, these tax departments can prove. It is not polite, Black Cloud Auto is the first largest household in the US car industry."

"This is also one of the reasons why the Ministry of Defense is included in the category of Black Clouds into suppliers. The blood of Black Clouds themselves is the United States."

"Now you said that Black Cloud Car does not belong to the US company, it is a ridiculous to very. If most of the United States believes that black cloud cars, it is not a US company. I can move the registration to anywhere. I believe there is this transcript. Black clouds should be able to settle down. "

"There are many people to persuade me to register the Headquarters of Black Cloud Auto and Black Cloud Computer Corporation to Cayman Islands, Bermuda. This monthly can save billions of dollars in taxes, which is the real profit, and It is absolutely reasonable to legally. "

"Why didn't I do this, because I think it is a bit shameless. The country provides you with all convenient conditions, and think about how to avoid taxes after making money. Good things in the world make you a person, When there is a crisis in the country, what should I do if there is no money. Of course, I want to tell all the employees; if you pay tax for the country, it is a useful member of the country.

"When chatting with relatives, friends, I said: Our company is the first largest household in the US automotive industry, this is what the US enterprises should do."

Baozi Xuan's words made the scene silence, and there is still such a saying. Black Cloud Motors have become the most taxible enterprises in the US auto industry, it seems that people have hard feelings.

The head is rich, but the other companies are painful, of course, this is mainly to register in the tax avoidance paradise.

US Suzheng needs a huge military expenditure every year, and how much tax has decided to invest in military expenses. After seeing the report, President Reagan began to pay attention.

Let the tax department investigate how many companies in the United States, put the registered place in the Cayman Islands. I don't know, I'm scared.

Through the statistics of the tax department, approximately 30,000 companies at all levels in the United States put registered in Cayman, Viking Islands and other places. All companies add up to 120 billion US dollars a year, in other words, the US government decreases $ 120 billion in taxes per year.

The survey results have a very atmosphere of Rigan, and even regarding these corporate leadership as a national locust. At the same time, it is also actively discovered to the scene, see if it can be moderately handled.

Let the Ragan atmosphere is not the US company to avoid tax heaven registration, but a set of data contrast. Japan as the second largest economy in the world, only less than 20 companies are registered in Viking Islands and other places. And look at the gesture or national behavior, mainly to buy and export some control materials.

There is no contrast, there is no harm, and Raggure is really trying to pack these business people. The most is an idea. At this time, he still doesn't have this gut.

Tulk too many companies, over-excite treatment is easy to cause social turmoil. Of course, this is just a law, but everyone knows that he is worried about the vote.

These are later, but they also have a huge response in the United States in the United States.

The reporter group can be described as a wide range of knowledge, so it quickly responded. The last issue is left, it is obtained by the Wall Street Daily.

The head is rich, but there is a Wall Street background, which is also a face for Wall Street Journal. Although the main battlefield of the Blackstone Fund has been transferred in the next few years, no one dares to easily the influence of the Wall Street Daily. How much is to knot a kindness, at least the surface work is still good.

Wall Street Journal reporters asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! I am very happy to see you here."

"According to the data released by the Ministry of Defense, this time involves the procurement contract of 300,000 military vehicles. I don't know if the black cloud cars have confidence to win orders; Black Clouds have other technologies and cost advantages compared with other competitors."

Americans do things very, at least there is no problem, absolutely reasonable, legal; people can't pick a little problem.

At this time, most of the military vehicles have been handed over to General and Ford, but the procedures should be taken; other companies are still going well. Although I know what is going on; Most of the SMEs have to be accompanying. As long as you participate, you can get the benefits, although there are very few, you can always have no strong.

Although Bao Zixuan also knows what the final result will be, it can't show old. Even if hard steel, let other manufacturers to see, don't take black clouds.

Bao Zixuan: "As the largest car company in the United States, Black Cloud Automobile, of course, has confidence to win orders. The workers' salary of the black cloud car is the highest, but it is as low as each car, but low pity."

"We used a large number of automation equipment, most of which were the black cloud group research and development. It can be said that in labor costs, the black cloud occupies absolute advantage."

"As for the cost of material, the Black Cloud Group has its own steel company and mineral companies. It can reduce costs from the source of material, and of course, will never sacrifice the performance advantage of the vehicle."

"Black Cloud Auto Technology is not used. I said that everyone can also see it. After all, sales represent everything, the masses are bright."

"We have the highest super technical advantages, the most accurate machining process, the lowest labor cost. Therefore, for the order of the defense department, the black cloud car has absolute confidence."

If you have a richest, some people in the scene are very unhappy. What does this kid mean, say so much, don't you want to give up.

Bao Zixuan is definitely a smart person, you should know that it is impossible to give him a defense order. It seems that this is not dead, it is really going seriously.

I know that Bunxuan came over the United States, General and Ford Automotive directly sent people to airport monitoring. According to the common sense, there must be a reporter after the airport. Both companies want to know what Bao Zi Xuan will say.

It can be answered today, let two company staff are very unhappy. Bao Zixuan has always been a representative of American dreams, many American youth regard him as idol.

There is a huge fan group in the United States; it is not said to be a hundred, you can at least in the American youth. Black cloud car is sure Buffet and GM, because the black cloud car belongs to Bao Zixuan.

At this moment, there are so many advantages of so many black clouds, which is to use public opinion to be siege.

If the black cloud car does not win the order, then there will be a shady. This kid is a stirring stick, don't want to look at the general and Ford car.

The first rich understanding, there is currently not too deep in the United States, and involves military orders. No one dares to help, do things are very responsible, have not to that share.

When I was on the plane, Bun Zixuan thought about how to accompany the lubricant. At present, it can only pass the media, although it is difficult to change the final result. Can pack the richest and unhappy, it is not his personality.

At this point, the destination has been basically reached, and believes that the defense department will have a scruple; do not dare to let the Black Cloud Group will purchase a single.

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