Bao Zixuan has been worried that Americans let him pay, this fear is not unreasonable. After all, buy the British War Bond before, but the boiling is boiling, saying that the Americans will treat him as a fat sheep.

The black cloud car and the black cloud computer have developed as good, especially the Black Cloud Computer Company, which can bring massive profits every year. Because of some relationships, these money can only be placed in the United States; after all, we want to transfer foreign transfer costs. Is it aware of the attention of Americans who want to play these money?

During the Cold War, the US Soviet fee expenses are huge, even if the US economy is the first world, it will be very difficult to support it. There is a high-class big household with the black cloud group Baoxuan, which makes him have a blood.

If the US ** party is forcibly promoting war bonds, at least it means. With the richest body, I don't have it.

Americans have really thought about this problem, but this kind of thing is impossible to do so bright. The US system is different from the UK, and Xiangjiang is also jurisdiction of the British. In addition, I am worried that it is too urgent, Bun Zixuan moves the company, then it will be big.

As long as this kid can repay the retired military vehicle, it is to help the US **. As for others, all volunteers.

After Bao Xuan got on the bus, John Chambers is waiting for him. I can't help it in the past, it is better to report the situation in the car. John Chambers learned about the personality of the boss, so I took the national defense bidding together.

John Chabor: "The boss, all the way. According to your requirements, the information is ready. But I suggest you still take a rest, the Ministry of Defense will be held after the tender."

The head of the bag, of course, knows what John - Chambers is meaning, but now it is more ready at this time. I don't dare to have any lax before you don't understand the true intentions of the US Department of Defense.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I am fine, I will talk about it first!"

According to the original historical trajectory, the US military's future military vehicles are provided by Hummer. And Hummer belongs to a general car, as if there is not much relationship with other manufacturers.

There is no tender before, how can I have a big border for the bidding. Is it because the emergence of black cloud cars should not. Because when I acquired Jeep and Dodge, the military part has been completely peeled out, and anything will be found, and they can't find them.

John Chambers is also a face, Ian Wright finds the door, I also feel that the general is wrong, I know that Chrysler is next door. Until the other party explained, it was true that it was actually true.

That is to face seriously.

At present, Black Cloud Aircraft, Effect Aircraft, and automotive works in the Middle East, have military research and development and production capacity. If the US Department of Defense can include the black cloud car to the supplier list. So, for the brand expansion of Black Cloud, the technology is upgraded, and the product line upgrade has great benefits.

John - Chambs: "Previous US ** party only wants to replace a part of the vehicle, dispense to the elite troops. However, it is seriously dissatisfied with other troops. Because of the pressure, the Ministry of Defense decided to replace all military vehicles."

"At this time, most of the US military vehicles are produced during the period of Vietnam, so many years have not greatly improved. Most of the military fees have been brought to the Navy and Air Force, but the Army is the most existence of the number. Maybe the Army Command is serious, this Only the tendency to replace this military vehicle. "

Although John Chambs is very implicit, it is known that it is a change in the interests. Is it so simple, perhaps it is much more.

It is still too weak in American intelligence capabilities and needs to be strengthened. I thought it was too simple, universal and Ford still had to send people. Do not say what advanced technology, at least some of the dynamics of these two companies.

Bao Zixuan: "Things should not be as simple as the surface, or if you look for us, what is it is fair, but it is not like."

"Although I bun Xuan is not a big person, it is not the owner who can drink it. Although the US Department of Defense is not afraid of us, it will be a little scruple."

"If you are just simple, you are already enough. Why do you invite me to come personally, this is definitely less than a military bidding."

John Chambers also considers these issues, and the boss is still in a specific business, everything can be talked to him. However, the other party said that the invitation to Bunxuan came over and the meaning of the Minister of Defense. As one of the most powerful people in the United States, this face can't be given.

John - Chambs: "This is my work. I thought that the Black Cloud Group will certainly not pick up the military order. There is no attention to the Dynamics of the Ministry of Defense, and now it seems that our preparation is still not enough."

As the US branch of the Black Cloud Group and the world's leading people, John Chambers feels that there is no news in the United States, which is his dereliction of duty. It is important to know that Bunzi Xuan does not matter if a specific business is, and it has never restricted him. The United States is the most developed country in the world, military strength and Soviet Union are also driven together.

The ambition of the boss and the development of the Black Cloud Group have reached this scale, and many things don't have to be prepared in advance. It is still comprehensive in the future, and the Black Cloud Group can be a company with military license.

John - Quebus has made good, and now he has not yet grown to the height of the world's first professional manager. Sometimes it is not a good thing to spread the seedlings, at least many people still want to exercise and adapt time.

Bao Zixuan: "This thing can't blame you. Before the black cloud car has not participated in the US ** sale. This time, the Ministry of Defense took the initiative to find the door; but the coming of the person, the fees of the dispatched did not save. "

"At present, Black Cloud Group has entered the military field, and many beautiful people are all our competitors."

"You are Americans, the US Department of Defense will not force the group to buy Treasury bonds like the British."

It turns out that the boss is worried about this, then there is no need.

John - Quebus: "It should not be, the US economy has developed rapidly in recent years. And there are many companies in the United States than black clouds. If you have forcibly let the black clouds buy Treasury bonds. So Morgan, Rockfeller and other families have to buy how much, even if the White House is also Don't dare to force the United States these giant family. "

I heard the analysis of John Chaborz, Bunzi Xuan's heart put some. In fact, I have to worry about it with myself. At present, Saudi is striving to develop their own economies and engage in infrastructure construction in China. Of course, there is not much money to buy US Treasury bonds. It may still be reflected in a short time. It can be long before the Americans will definitely receive.

It seems that I have to do it early, and the money on the black cloud is still spend. The US real estate is not necessary, and the acquisition of other companies can consider and have already had a goal.

At the same time, Black Cloud Bank is also on the rising period, and you can use huge amount of money to take a heaven and earth in the United States.

Bunzi Xuan: "The money on the US Division of the Black Cloud Group is still more, although it can be used as emergency use. Can Xiangjiang has problems to use US funds, the acquisition plan is still to speed up."

The US government is not stupid, how can money from the United States can make you easily bring out. That is to pay huge taxes, and the proportion will make you suspect life.

In fact, it is not only the United States, and there are many countries in the world. John - Qian Bos knows that the boss is worried that there are too many cash and the risk is too large.

After all, once the US dollar exchange rate declines, it is a big economic loss.

John Chaborz: "It has been secretly acquired Caterpillar shares, and the progress is still smooth. But to complete the acquisition, at least $ 5 billion, after all, this is the largest engineering equipment and mine car production enterprises in the United States. "

Baozi Xuan stared on the United States Caterpillar, and the acquisition plan has already been secretly launched. At present, it seems that the effect is not bad, as long as it is a national defense, what is the moth, I believe that the funds of the US company are sufficient.

The Black Cloud Computer Company is really too much money, at this time, with the black cloud mobile company has become two carriages of the group. It's a big way to work hard, and future development prospects is a clear.

Many financial have been found many times, and they hope to be a listed underwrititor of Black Cloud Computer. At present, there is no packet in the bag.

This time, the United States should make changes, and certainly pay some interests. Otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble, the enemy is staring at him.

The two talked about some tenders, and the car came to the hotel. John - Qian Bos also knew the boss journey, returned to its own room.

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