Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 831, the troubles of the Ministry of Defense

The next day, the major media in the United States reported almost at the same time, Bunzi Xuan returned to the United States. The idol of the world has added a large number of fans with confident, sunshine, and dedication attitude.

Among them, Boston Post is the best relationship with the same buns; it is also the most recognized his media, but the bag is full of cheap.

Direct first version of the headline reported that the package of MIT is coming back. It can be said that Bun Zi Xuan and MAC's tie are close. This makes the Ministry of National Defense a headache. After all, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can't afford it.

The military allocation may also be required before, and the MIT is absolutely not bad. The Black Cloud Group has many projects to cooperate with Massachusetts; not only, it is affected, many large companies will take the initiative to seek cooperation.

This also makes it in recent years, MAS is absolutely one of the most capital of universities in the world. This is difficult, after all, connect Bunzi Xuan and Massachusetts Technology, many countermeasures cannot be too obvious. The group of alumni groups is not good, what is the strength of people itself is also strong.

At this time, Mike Donald and Henry - Ford Second World really wants to buy Boston Post, then immediately let the newspaper disbanded. Because the Boston Post said that Bunxuan said that it is very perfect, and the introduction of the black cloud car is very perfect.

It seems that the Ministry of Defense will not give military orders to the black cloud car, which is the money of waste taxpayers, and it is also not responsible for the life of soldiers. This newspaper is still not a US media, how always always talks to outsiders.

However, the report has come out, and the American people can see it. It can only let the high-rise of the Ministry of Defense go to the headache, can't do anything, just think of interest.

National Defense Minister Casper Winberg seeing the media report is also very headache, but it is really not simple to give orders to General and Ford. At least prepare for work, you can't let the public pick a little problem.

Because not just the Boston Post, the Wall Street Journal is also talking to the black cloud car.

The Wall Street Journal directly lists the advantages of black clouds, which have been analyzed from the perspective of cost and technical perspectives. This is the benefits of intersecting the media, which has been fully reflected.

Although the Blackstone Fund has been the main force in the United States in recent years, it is also a famous capital. It belongs to your own category, generic and Ford cars also have capital. It is also a layer of relationship with respect to the black stone fund, although Bao Zixuan is not an American; can be capital in Wall Street is king, and it is not too strong.

In addition, Wall Street Journal also hopes that the Black Cloud Group will have some subsidiaries, and the Black Cloud Computer Company is a good choice. It seems that it seems to be very big, and at least Bao Zi Xuan can't hold some. After all, the interests must be met, it is impossible to earn money alone.

This has a Wall Street daily, it's a way to change the road!

In all media, only Washington Post is reminded to the military. Black cloud car background special, if you use Black Clouds, it will not cause certain discrimination. Even if the military car is used as a transportation tool, the pneumatic layout and other related technologies are also high.

To a certain extent, the extreme molecules are guided, and even many people start to organize parade. I don't want Black Clouds to enter the United States ** team, and it can be said that it will give people a feeling that it is difficult to see.

Most media reports are mainly surrounding the performance of military vehicles, and the specific requirements of the Ministry of Defense. Reporting is relatively objective and is not biased.

The newspaper still does not dare to have a criminal black cloud group and Bunxuan, and the annual advertisement cost of Black Cloud is quite luxurious. Almost most of the media can get some actual interests. Confused general and Ford compared to black cloud promotion costs, even if this time, some public payment fees, can not change anything.

After all, the Black Cloud Group is a long-term food ticket, general and Ford is more temporary nature. Even if you give more money, the media reporter does not dare to have a criminal.

The parade under the five-corner building, I will know that there is someone behind it. Not too fake, is it a fool?

Caspa Winberg looked at Ian Wright: "Tell Ford and General, or other car manufacturers. Don't make so fake, or hurry to call the people below."

"US is a free democratic country, and there must be no elimination of the event. Not only the military is not allowed, it is the Presidential Horizon."

Ian Wright, of course, what is going on, it seems that general and Ford practice has caused dissatisfaction with the Minister of Defense.

Ian Wright: "Some people still don't understand your pain, or they will remind them."

Caspa Winberg looked at this assistant, and it was really a small look at him. It is also possible to become a general from a soldier, and some people know more.

Ian Witter was working in the Ministry of Defense before he took office, and it was able to become the assistant for the Minister of Defense because Caspad Winberg is really unmanned. It can only be considered temporary nature, and it seems that Ian Wright is very qualified. And there is a Wright family face, as long as you don't have a big problem, the Minister of Defense does not say much.

Caspa Winberg: "All is a lot of money, most of these businessmen are all virtually people."

"What is the idea of ​​media reports on media reports, or what is tendency."

Wenbercy knows that Ian Wright has special channels, and it is still nothing to do with the Department of Defense. See how this kid answered, is it true that I really want to do an assistant position.

Even if the Rat family strength is strong, it is too obvious and excessive. In history, no matter that country, as long as there is a family dare to die, the final end is not very good.

If you work well, you will definitely be promoted in terms of term; everyone else will be taken. If you dare to pull your legs, Caspa Winberg does not mind close the promotion channel of Ian Wright within a term.

Ian Wright Sisso said: "At present, most people have been involved in the military bidding for inviting black clouds."

"Bun Zixuan's kid has too many supporters in the United States, and most of them are young women. Many people think that military bidding should be handed over to Black Clouds, but it seems that it has been forgotten that you are. Very ignorant. "

"This kind of person is not a small number, and any forces must take care."

"This military bidding is still to take more processes. At least let all automakers take out test sample cars, do ultimate decision. Otherwise, Bao Zi Xuan will not agree, the people are not happy over."

"In fact, these don't matter, the President is also paying attention to this matter. He is mainly thinking about the registration of Bunxuan said, and the United States is not a few; even the world is the world, it is very likely. "

What is the meaning of Ian Wright, is it to say that the president wants to take this opportunity to press the company registered in Cayman Islands. Caspa Winberg is not only the Minister of Defense, but it is engaged in lawyers.

Help many people registered overseas companies, whether in that country, avoid taxation must be separated from lawyers and accountants.

It seems that this is very likely that Caspa Winberg, which knows the taxi of Cayman Islands, clearly, how many taxes will be paid each year.

Without that country will disappear, and of course it must be within reasonable scope.

At this point, it seems that the Ministry of Defense military carrier tenders, those who registered abroad must be excluded. This can be able to eliminate a large number of companies; but the benefits have been got, is it easy to let people leave. The road to Caspa Winberg is very difficult, and it will fall into the territory.

Caspa Winberg: "I know, thank you for your reminder. Screen, see what companies do not meet the standard. Since they don't want to give taxes to the United States, then there is no reason to take care of them."

Although the president pays attention to let him have a very headache, it can also know that some decisions must be implemented. As a lawyer, helping customers reasonable tax avoidance is their job. Now become the Minister of Defense, need to stand on the US people's interests to consider the problem.

The President Reagan wants to use the military truck bidding and set an attitude. As a subordinates, I will understand, I can't let the leadership is difficult.

Although things are developing somewhat unexpected, even deviate from the track. At this time, it is not so much, as long as it is beneficial to the country, others are still waiting.

Let Casper Wimberg are more gratifying is an attitude of Ian Wright, as long as this is a Ken's work. Everything else is not a problem, and this loss is nothing.

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