The demonstrations of the five-corner building are quickly scattered, the Ministry of Defense is their Golden Lord. Caspa Winberg's face is to give, especially in this manner.

Nothing, no one is willing to pass or travel, it is forced to live. At this time, the money has already arrived, and the employer agrees with them to leave, why not!

Universal and Ford companies, although they are reluctant. It can also be known that the demonstration cannot bring more trouble to the Black Cloud Group, it is better to wait for the Ministry of National Defense.

More than 20 bidding companies were involved in the bidder, all from the United States. However, the first request of the Ministry of Defense has made many enterprises caught off their hands, and even some angry, because they have never had similar things.

Ian Wright said to the representative of more than 20 car business: "All bidding companies must be headquarters in the United States. The parent company cannot register in the Cayman Islands, Viking Islands, Bermuda."

"Not only, other branches can also register in the above location. That is to say, the car company must never have any association with the tax avoidance island, otherwise it will not be involved in this bidding."

This is a heavy bomb, playing a lot of car companies. At the same time, I have a hatred in my heart. If this kid is not said to eight, how can the Ministry of Defense may introduce this policy.

Many large companies in the United States will register a group or several companies in a Viking Islands, and the purpose is to rationally avoid taxation. The Ministry of National Defense is so, isn't it a broken way?

In fact, this is not the most terrible, many companies can deal with the government or military. This mouth can't open it, all bidding in the future is so much, then it is called how people live.

I heard this news, Mike of General Motors is very tangled in Donald Donald. The general company has two branches to register in the Cayman Islands, but the parent company is not dare to transfer, after all, these islands are still in semi-primary society.

Look at the scene, if you don't cancel the two companies, it is difficult to get the defense order. He also clearly remember that the General Ian Wright last night and his own call had already understood things very well.

The Ministry of Defense was only ordered by the president. It should be a statement, or maybe a military order will really make a wage in others.

I haven't waited for Mike Donald, and a car company representative said: "General Ian Wright, how did this not have this in this regard, let us do these companies. Registration in Cayman Islands is already more than ten years ago Things, in the Vietnom period, the company also provides quality vehicles for the military. "

"National policy cannot be met in order to meet, or how to serve.

I saw someone had already made a bird, everyone is waiting for the message. Look at what the Ministry of Defense is the reaction, is it a big thunder, a small rain, just want to scare a small business.

Ian Wright smiled and said: "Mr. Whatton, you can leave. That is to say your company out, I think I have already said enough."

It is a very rude behavior that it is a rude, Ian Wright can be a good temper, how can it be so unreasonable, and it is true that people don't understand.

I saw that Wharton, I wanted to argue, and Ian Wright said directly: "The military purchase order, the product is not only to have the best performance, and the company also has a major contribution to the country. "

"A company that thinks about tax evasion per day, how good products can do, at least I am very doubt. US tax payment is not high in other countries in other countries. But many people always think about it, This idea must be. "

"Although we are soldiers, we don't want to manage economical things. But national defense expenses require taxation to provide. You have not taxed, but also to participate in the tender."

"At least in the Ministry of Defense, there is no way to report to the Presidential Last. The United States will compete with the Soviet Union, and the national defense expenditure requires a large capital. All the elites of the United States, do not try the country Hind legs. "

I heard that Ian Wright said that it was so straightforward. Everyone in the field feels that this time is true. I didn't expect not to take the tax department first, but the army purchase.

In fact, this is normal, it is impossible to kill all companies a stick. If you look at all companies in the United States, you will bring serious consequences. It is not a simple master in the past Viking Islands and other places. Even as the president of the United States, I didn't dare to die in one.

Each presidential election requires huge amount of funding. Reagan still wants to have a job, it will definitely seek ahead. For these super rich, there is still no great action.

Fortunately, in Ren is actor, Hollywood is very supportive. Otherwise, even the military procurement is not so advancing, after all, this represents a political signal.

A White House wants to change certain companies, at least change the attitude over the tax.

Mike Donald stood up: "Mr. Ian Wright said it is very right. US has too many companies registered in Viking Islands and other places; everyone is a smart person, don't use me, don't know what to do? "

"But our major market in the United States, and everyone is American. It is impossible to contribute to the country at all, and the country will pay for you unconditionally."

"Before the General Motors are also registered in the Cayman Islands, this is the shame of the company, but also the shame of all General Motors employees. We must keep in mind this day, because General Motors will cancel the two offshore companies."

"General Motors will never harm the national taxation in order for a little minute interest."

Mike Donald's statement, let other companies know. This kid is definitely a message in advance, or it is impossible to say such a crown. It seems that General Motors will have the order of military vehicles, or Mike Donald is never dare to express this. Didn't get the order board, you can't let him go, you can say that you are unsuccessful, you will become a benefactor.

Henry Ford II laughed: "Fordo has been committed to the United States, and there is currently not registered in Cayman Islands and other places."

"So there is no problem that Ian Wright said, the state provides protection for companies, and we are very taxable for the country. The Ford car started from the creation of the taxi."

Ford is thinking is a US car nobility, and there is really not registered any business in the taxi island. Therefore, Ford II dares to express this, and his words make everyone hate admire.

Har hate is that this old guy is full of people who don't know that the hungry is hunger, Ford has a long history, and the family is rich; saying that some are rich. Other companies can not make money so much, and taxable can do not want to save. Now Henry Ford II actually said, this is not that everyone is embarrassed!

Admire is that Ford cars do not lose money for the US car, and it is realistic to take the lead. Rationality avoidance is not hard, Ford is really a business.

Ian Wright did not expect the Ford family to be so powerful, it seems that it is really small to see them. So said: "Ford cars do not lose money for the USA, Ford Auto directly enters the second round of bidding."

"As for other companies, if there is no relationship with the tax avoidance islands. You can submit information to the Ministry of Defense, enter the second round of bidding."

"But you have to explain it first. If you are involved, it is nothing. That is not to put the beautiful ** party in your eyes, not only directly cancel the bidding qualification. At the same time, it will be included in the Blacklist by the Ministry of National Defense. Participate in the bidding business of national defense orders. "

"If there is also a company registered in Cayman Islands and other places, I hope to have it within 3 days. The Ministry of Defense launched the second round of bidding after three days, and there was no eligibility to enter."

Although three days is very short, these large companies can be used. The company logouts in the Cayman Islands is absolutely enough, as long as it is supplemented with the management fee, it is not that other these tax avoidance islands don't care.

Everyone on the spot knows that I want to undertake the order of the Ministry of Defense, and must be done in accordance with General Ian Wright. Otherwise, you can say to the Department of Defense, because people are not to give you a chance.

It is necessary to face the choice and measure the company's company in Cayman Islands. If you don't get a defense order, you will be very passive. But fortunately, no one is stupid to really want to deceive the military, after all, this crime can be affordable.

And the army follows CIA, few people can deceive the world's most famous intelligence organization.

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