The US Department of Defense military bidding qualifications will drive the enthusiasm of the US media. There is no feeling of the remarks of Baozi Xuan; after all, no matter where the company is registered, the relationship with ordinary people is not big. Now that the Ministry of Defense has already shot, it will be very serious. Even a higher level is involved in this matter, the answer is self-evident.

Sure enough, then a word, as long as Bao Zi Xuan came to. Where is news, this sentence is still applicable in the United States.

Before Bao Zi Xuan arrived in the Middle East, changed the situation in the Middle East instantly. In the Chinese mainland, Shanghai Pudong New Area was established. After the Japanese, it is also a headline of the two headers of the second connection. Come to the United States and do not stop, let the US Department of Defense have modified bidding requirements and rules.

This young rich must be the protagonist in the movie, itself comes with the protagonist. Or God's illegitimate child, or how can it be able to change the rules.

The media is very excited, but can face difficult choices for other automakers. If you want to continue bidding, you must follow the Defense Ministry. I don't want to do business in the future, then it doesn't matter.

Nowadays, they don't dare to ignore national defense orders. After all, the civil market; it has been used by car manufacturers such as Japan, Europe, and Black Cloud, and there is no sales at all.

Henry Ford II returned home and looked at the people in the family. Laughing: "At present, it seems that the Department's orders must have a Ford car. This is a good thing. But I don't want to see what negative news in the Ford family in this time. After all, this time is the money of the government, can't Let the media caught the Ford car and the Ford family for any handle. "

For family children, Henry Ford II has not had any feelings. You can say it is the cold blood of the big family, or it can be said that there is no legal eye that doesn't have the family.

In the survival of the family, it must be abide by the family rules. Now Henry Ford II this family has been expressing, and others don't dare to say more. Be careful when playing with you, don't be caught the handle is.

And it is just a moment, just get military orders. What is the relationship between the media is reported, and the Ford family knows how to do it.

Unlike the Ford family, a happy and happy atmosphere, the general car is somewhat nervous.

At this time, General Motors are convening a board, mainly to discuss the pros and cons of Cayman Islands companies.

Although Mike Donald promised very refreshing, he did not dare to pay or express at that time. There are still some opposition to the Volume Auto Board, and his professional manager has to explain the individual directors.

Mike Donald said seriously: "Due to a remarkable speech of Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan.

Make the media have been concerned about the issue of tax avoidance island registration. It is not only the media concern now, and it will also pay attention to the White House. "

"I doubt that the Ministry of Defense has disconnected the company's cooperation with the relationship between the taxi island. It is the meaning of the White House. Now not how we have to choose. And White House wants us how to do it, and the President Reagan wants us to do."

"The two branches must be canceled, although more taxes are paid more than a year. But this money must be spent, or the general car can say goodbye to the military, the Ministry of Defense is impossible to give us orders."

Can become a general car directors, are smart people. Of course, I know that the curved around this is still unwilling to have individual directors. Mainly a company registered by Cayman Islands and has too much association with their interests. Once the general car logs out of the company, the days of their other companies will not be better in the future.

A director said: "We have not taken the existing interests for military orders. Do you give up existing interests for your paper? General Motors have recent results in recent years. If you don't use reasonable tax avoidance methods, then you will only lose money this year. "

"If you don't say that you will be divided by the year, you may have a large shrinkage. We can split the company's business, you can strip the two offshore companies. This is in line with military requirements, but also can apply rationally Its function. "

Some truths say, Mike Donner Know. This kind of confidential behavior must not be, don't take the military as a fool.

Mike Donald: "This time, it is not only a military shot, but received a white honesty instruction. It can be said that it is the requirements of the President of Ragang, you think CIA or FBi is very good!"

"This will bring the general car to the abyss that will be less than a million, will never get military orders, even difficult to stand in the United States."

"If you want to get military orders, you must handle the company's company in Cayman Islands. General Ian Wright said very well, this time is just a test. If you are in the process of test, the general car is dare Yang Fengyin violates, then there will never have a good day. "

In fact, everyone knows that the Ministry of Defense is definitely not so forth. But I still want to have a lucky psychology try it, and now I seem to be too idealized.

Mike Donald continued: "The so-called national defense department bidding, General Motors will definitely get orders. Just how much problems, this can be rest assured. And absolutely can occupy the big head, see how GM will choose this moment."

"If the General Motor also wants to make a business in the future, I will receive a military order. So you can't have any implicated in the same wording, even if you are lucky, you will be eligible for qualifications."

"If the directors do not agree, we want to achieve the maximum way to maximize the maximum method; sell the Hummer car. Take advantage of the Ministry of Defense to replace the military vehicles, the Hummer cars must be willing to take over, and it must be able to sell a good price."

"The days of American automotive companies are not good; don't want to bankrupt, you have to change. Or do you want to get a military order or sell Hummer."

I heard Mike Donald has the idea of ​​selling Hummer brand, and this is a director, this is a real grid. Although there is still someone else's different opinions, it is also necessary to serve the overall situation, so there is no one who dares to say more.

The general internal decision has been consistent, and some hidden dangers can be left. Several directors began dissatisfaction with Mike Donald, which was also buried in the next day.

At this time, other car companies in the United States have fallen into a more difficult choice. Ford itself does not have the taxi island registration company, and the general use is also decided by the Department of Defense.

For many companies, you are not registered on the taxi island, you can't survive. If you cancel your company, you can't get the order of the defense department. It is also good to register from the new application.

There is no problem with the big order for the amount, and there is no need to worry about the survival problem of enterprises at least in a short time.

I am afraid that there is very little amount of orders, and military orders cannot be delayed. The tax avoidance island does not dare to register again, and companies are not bankruptcy.

There is such a problem in the famous Marcca, and there are several ways to put them in front of them. .

US Markka Co., Ltd. was established in 1900 and is a heavy truck manufacturer in North America.

During the First World War, more than 5,000 Mark AC trucks were served in the UK and the US troops. When other trucks are in a mud, the British and American soldiers always transfer them from the Mark AC. Since the super power and flat nose hood with this truck makes people easily think of the bulldog, the British soldiers will call them "Bulder".

The Markka car has been cooperated with the United States in the First World War, which is a must for replacing the military truck for the Ministry of Defense. At this time, Markka is facing the same problems with other companies, and it is necessary to disconnect all relationships with the tax avoidance islands.

The French Renault Trucks and Mark have extensive cooperation; two different national companies are working together to avoid tax island registration. Mark's directors worried that Renault will have different opinions, but Mark CEO's words. Let the directors know that they don't matter if they lose Renault's partners.

When all, everything is to make the way for the military purchase order, as for others, then say it.

This is a shuffle, the sapack in the American local auto industry. At present, it has reached a certain effect, at least many car companies began to cancel the tax avoidance island affiliate, which is the actual results.

However, it is known that the President Ren is known, and these are currently in the image. The automotive industry belongs to the traditional industry, and the establishment is very early, and the history is relatively long. Most of the taxi island registration is a subsidiary, which is simply to avoid tax.

There are not so good to other industries, many large companies, and parent companies are registered in the taxi island. When these companies are run, they will definitely be very difficult.

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