After three days, the US Department of Defense is about to expand the second round of tendering. The subject of the bidding will be entered into the theme of the bidding, and the Ministry of Defense will make specific requirements for military vehicle performance.

As early as 1978, the US military proposed a specific requirement for the performance of a new generation of military vehicles, because some of the reason. It has not been achieved, which is also directly reserved for all replacement of military vehicles.

At this time, more than 10 automakers came to the Ministry of Defense. After all, it involved 300,000 military procurement, no manufacturers didn't want to share a piece.

The main officials of the Ministry of Defense have attended, including the Ministry of National Defense Minister Caspa Winberg. The host is still Ian Wright, which is also in Winberg intends to cultivate him.

Ian Wright will wear a stroke uniform, and men's charm reveals undoubtedly. Looking at Bao Zi Xuan has a little hot, it is not yourself. Can solders are not just a clothes so simple, mainly temperament. Although the head is rich, it is inevitable that there are still some unwilling.

At this time everyone is watching Ian Wright, I want to know what this relative young general said.

Ian Wright: "Welcome the tenders that can participate in the orders of the Ministry of Defense, thank you for your support of the US military."

"Enter the second round of indicating that the company has canceled off the taxi island, although I believe everyone's integrity. The ugly words are still in front, the company dares to yin, will be subject to the most severe sanctions in the Ministry of National Defense."

"Not only will the tendering qualifications, will not participate in any bidding meeting of the Ministry of Defense in the future."

This punishment is not a strict, at least the first time in the history of US military purchases. Prior to the past, all manufacturers represent that the Ministry of Defense may be hanily measures, and they didn't expect to kill directly.

Ian Wright finished, a gesture. The American female soldier took the agreement to sign a representative of the manufacturer, which made many people began to rash. After all, the problem before, some things I want to have, I didn't expect the military to be so embarrassed.

The agreement is not only to be a bidding company that cannot be registered in the tax avoidance island; as long as you participate in the tendering, there is no successful company; you can't register your company in Cayman Islands.

Is the Ministry of Defense not to be too wide, this is not blocked by everyone!

Many SMEs have begun to hesitate, they are not worth it. The Ministry of National Defense This time, he killed them, and it was really difficult to make a choice.

A small car company boss said directly: "General Ian Wright, if there is no winning, we still want to continue using the company of Cayman Islands.

Seeing someone first, everyone is waiting for the Security Answers. This is the behavior of public call, and some things can do, and it cannot be said. That is open to the government; of course, mainly the tax department. However, the US Tax Department is a terrible existence than the Ministry of Defense, and all manufacturers have pinched a sweat for this warrior.

In the formulation of the policy, the high-level high-level department of the Ministry of Defense also feels too wide. The tax avoidance is the responsibility of the Tax Department. The military main task is to safeguard national security and protect the lives and property of the people.

Some decisions are the presidential palace to force, they are only ordered.

Ian Wright: "If you dare to violate the contents of the agreement, you will pay a penalty of 100 million US dollars."

"But now the agreement has not been signed, you can repent. That is to say, it is now possible to leave directly, the Ministry of Defense will not limit the departure of the departure."

It is impossible to kill a stick directly, so it is easy to bring a chain reaction. The strength of the auto company itself is not weak, and the Ministry of Defense cannot do things.

I heard that I can leave, it is a company that came over to soy sauce before, and I feel hope. Looking at each other, the person who just asked him first.

Some people took the lead in making a lot, and several small and medium-sized car delegates left the meeting room. The military order is originally with them without many relationships, but I don't dare to support it here.

At this time, the Ministry of Defense meeting room, except for military representatives. There is a black cloud car, General Motors, Chrysler, Ford, Mark Motors, and five companies.

This is expected, but it can be rational. The small and medium-sized car companies are originally for coming, so demanding conditions, not anyone dare to continue playing.

For millions of dollars, you have to give a fine of 100 million US dollars. This risk is no longer daring, and it will not take it.

Black cloud cars, Ford Auto itself has no evolving islands, punishment does not have any impact on them. GM's order is presented to this military vehicle. And as long as it is unexpected, most of the military vehicles will definitely give them.

Markka cars are still very confident for the order of the military truck. At least the US military has a good partnership basis, and the order is not big.

Chrysler doesn't want to accept it, can't afford it. Black Cloud Cars is to buy Jeep and Dodge to develop, and two brands are more likely to be big. At this time, everyone believes that Chrysler's management ability and technical strength, or how can there be such a big gap.

The Black Cloud Group pays for the acquisition of Chrysler and has not been divided by the board of directors. It can be said that there is no more funds in Chrysler, and the military order is a life-saving straw.

And I don't want to admit defeat in front of the black cloud car and Bunxuan, if the black cloud car gets military orders. Chrysler didn't get it with Mao, so waiting for them, it is not just a criticism of public and media; it will affect customer, consumer, business employee confidence.

When the Chrysler dealer has grateful to the company, the dealers who have left have begun to regret. Why don't you proxy black cloud car, and most of them have begun to find a relationship.

At this time, I lost to Black Cloud on the military bidding, and I didn't make it indicating that the Chrysler can't compare the black cloud. It is to see this, Chrysler CEO did not dare to leave.

As for Chrysler employees, there is a great opinion on the company's management. Get so much money, do not want to develop new cars, update equipment, and increase workers' benefits. Instead, I got the board of directors, such companies can develop together.

The next door is the Black Cloud Auto Factory, which is similar to their salary. It is almost three times the salary in your hand now. There is no harm to harm, and Many employees in Chrysler thinkfully leave. If you can join the black cloud car, there is really no nostalgia against Chrysler.

After Baozi Xuan took the agreement, he saw a copy of his name directly. Although the agreement is very harsh, not only the restrictions on the present, and constraints to the future. However, it is mainly for the tax avoidance island issue, and I have never thought about the head of this bag.

Rebirth, if you rely on tax avoidance, tax evasion, leaking tax, it can be too shameful.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan signed, the other four people also signed the name. At this time, I can't find a flat.

Henry Ford Signed, said while smiling: "Ford cars never thought of being an article on taxes, but there is a violation of the family tradition. Signing this agreement is a shame for the Ford family. In order to express sincerity, I still signed my name on the agreement. "

"But this is a good warning role to make a family young man know where the family of Ford cars."

Mike Donald began to regret cooperation with Ford, this old guy is too embarrassing. And there is no feeling in all times, it is really a good advantage in front of others.

National Defense Minister Casper Winberg smiled and said: "Ford car is worthy of the sign of the US car industry, I am young, the biggest dream is to have a Ford car. Although this goal has already been realized, I heard Ford today. Mr. one, only know why Ford can't be loved by the people. "

As a referee, this should not be at this time. What does Winberge mean, knowing that he is one of the military orders, and is the most important?

It is reasonable to say that the Wenberge of the lawyer should not make such a low-level mistake, and it seems that the meaning is not very common.

At this time, the demanding agreement has been signed, and several companies have no turning road. I can only strive for the biggest efforts and get the military order. As for the Minister of Defense Winberg, you can only throw it first.

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