If you want to do it, you can do it in the personality of Bunxuan, for processing used equipment. He is already enough. This time, it must make any country in the world will not find the black cloud group to handle second-hand weaponry. In addition to the unity of the two Germany, the opportunity of the Soviet Union, Bunzi Xuan does not intend to buy any used equipment.

Early development of the company, purchasing some second-hand equipment. But future development needs constant innovation, only this will progress.

A business that is not creative, the last result can be imagined. Therefore, Bao Zi Xuan wants, this time makes things, let everyone see the huge profits of second-hand equipment. All countries and companies will not dare to find the black cloud group to handle second-hand weapons and equipment.

Not only should you earn money, but it must be transparent. Let everyone see huge benefits inside. After all companies are interested, the Black Cloud Group can take it. Established new products, develop new technologies.

Bunzi Xuan: "Although the 310,000 retired military vehicles are not a decimal, the Black Cloud Group still has strength. However, it is necessary to raise the funds for a while. After all, the black cloud cars do not have a related plan."

Wen Bo, who is born by lawyers, of course will pay attention to the world economy situation. The Minister of Defense is still going to live after removing it, but he does not dare to do not smell the window. Of course, I know some of the situation of the Black Cloud Group, and the funds do not necessarily have more tensions, and they can not reach the extent.

The entire Black Cloud Group has a lot of revenue, which can be spent and developed. Black cloud town project, Huaxia Shanghu Pudong New Area, and some columns in Japan, the Middle East and other places. Bao Zixuan is in the money, can't afford it.

Fortunately, the Defense Department is prepared, and Caspa Winber is smiling: "If you don't need to worry, the Ministry of Defense will help the Black Cloud Group Contact Bank. For the reputation of the Black Cloud Group, there is a defense The department coordinated. I believe that all major banks in the United States will not refuse to loans for the Black Cloud Group, and the US military will never let the partners are difficult. "

The Black Cloud Group basically doesn't have much loan, and the wealth of Baozi Xuan is put there. Single technical patents value in the city, as for real estate, what is the real estate is really not that.

It seems that the US military planted everything, waiting for himself! This time you must make them regret, or it will be born later. Although acquisition of second-hand equipment, it is possible to earn a part of the profits. These small money have been wasted, and the bags have not been able to see.

Baozi Xuan: "It seems that the Secretary of Defense has already taken all things, it is really grateful. I want to know where these cars I can sell, there is any other restriction in the US military."

It is some outdated second-hand equipment, mostly for ordinary vehicles. It is already good to have someone, how can it be restricted during the sales process.

Caspa Winberg: "No matter what method used,

If you can sell it, the Ministry of Defense does not have any restrictions on these retired military vehicles. As long as it is capable, even the Soviet people want, the military will not have any opinions. "

In fact, this is just a joke, with the urine of the Soviet Union. Never use American second-hand equipment, especially in the army.

In fact, they still have to use the Soviet Union army to use, so that the performance of the Soviet military vehicle will be said. Although only ordinary transport equipment, it can still play a certain role at least, at least in investigation, the US military will save a lot.

As long as there is this attitude, Bunzi Xuan already has a plan. Just wait until the national defense nod, the rest is good.

Baozi Xuan: "There is a national defense department to authorize, then the Black Cloud Group can purchase all retired military vehicles. The specific price requires the two sides to send an assessment agency to negotiate, and then develop a price approved by both parties. One point of ministers can be assured; I am doing business Never accounted for anyone else, only mutual benefit business can last long. "

For Bunzi Xuan, whether it is a partner or a competitor, he is very recognized and admired. No one has said that Bun Zhenxuan pit, and there is no company to say that the Black Cloud Group has default behavior.

Enterprises have developed to a certain scale, and the credibility is important than life. At least in a super-large corporate philosophy, it will not go to the special pit partner. This time is the US Department of Defense, I believe what this young person knows how to do it.

Caspa Winberg: "For Mr. Bao's character, and integrity to do business. There is a monument in the whole world, the Ministry of Defense does not have any doubts. The defense department can make an appropriate concession, and please feel free to worry."

For second-hand military prices, the Ministry of Defense is not concerned about it. It can be handled well, which is traditional in this regard. On the logistics, the US military should say that it is the second world, and no one dares to say that he is the world. Waste a little weaponry, that is very normal.

The current retired military vehicle is a cumbersome, the Ministry of Defense does not want to smash themselves. That way, it will affect the new car entry, and the income will be greatly reduced.

Bunzi Xuan: "You should be misunderstood for the Minister of Defense. I have never worried about the price. After all, the military will not let me suffer, but I am worried that the support service is not good. I can't get the satisfaction of the customer, that is, it harms the black cloud. Group's brand image. "

What is the meaning of matching, is there any other requirement. This kid is very business, it must have any new ideas. Now Caspa Winberge is somewhat curious, I want to know what new ideas have this young man in front of them.

Casper Winberg smiled and said: "Both said you are the fastest businessman in the world, and it is very curious about the so-called matching. I want to listen to the specific method. It should not be disappointed!"

Bao Zi Xuan's decay is a magical ability, has been recognized by the world. Many people regard this young man who doesn't have a father, it is seen as a illegitimate child. Otherwise, how is it hanging hangs, the accumulation of wealth is so fast.

Baozi Xuan: "The US military strength world is recognized, at least more than 5 years in other countries. Some areas may be more, in addition to the United States in the United States, the Soviet Union can not be comparable."

"Even if it is a US retirement military vehicle, it is also at least the existence of other countries in the world. It can be used by second-hand equipment after all, there is definitely."

"Buyers are countries and regions with relatively weak economic strength; countries with strong funds, will never use second-hand weapons and equipment in other countries."

"I have a lot of investment in Saudi, but I dare to take two things to use it. I don't want to cooperate after it is estimated, I feel that you can see them. The Saudi people think that they are born, they are not using the second-hand object, you will use him. It is a face behavior. "

About the character of Saudi people, the United States is deeply understood. All major arms manufacturing companies in the United States, I like to do business with Saudi. People are more silly money, but they need money and time to accumulate.

Baozi Xuan continued: "The country has a relatively backward country, the military budget is limited. However, it is unlikely to increase the transportation vehicles, which is not great to improve the military power. Now the war is integrated, at least in the sea air."

"The fixed-wing aircraft can't afford it, the helicopter is a good choice. Buy a US military vehicle, buy some retired helicopters. So you can achieve empty integration, if you buy a few US retired warships, but Quite a card. "

"Buying retired military vehicles is best along with retired helicopters and small warships, which can achieve the maximum benefit. And the Black Cloud Group can better do public relations work, and matching is in line with minority."

Bao Zi Xuan's words let Caspa Winberg caught in contemplation, and I didn't think of it. According to the plan, business is absolutely doing. Sea and land are fully covered, although dangerous, it is not big.

Sold is the decommissioning equipment is on the one hand; helicopter, small warships can set off what storms. And there are more people who buy American weapons, and those who buy old Maozi weapons will decrease accordingly. It will make the Soviet economy more difficult, which can be described as much as possible.

Caspa Winberg: "Mr. Packet will not be the most successful businessman, the business talent is really awkward. This matter needs to be discussed with others, but I personally think that it is very operability. "

With this statement, then things will be successful. The defense minister of the lawyer is not or not. Talking is even more difficult to gain this guarantee, it is already very difficult.

Bedding house

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