Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 839 Decision of the Ministry of Defense

The dinner is very fast, and the five major automakers will leave each other. US Secretary of Defense Caspa Winberg Informs the military representatives of the banquet today, and will meet at the Ministry of Defense tomorrow morning. This makes the military senior generals can't touch the mind, and the distribution of interest is still early!

Bao Zixuan is also thinking, how can we get more weapon equipment from the United States, and how to sell it. It seems that there is a full plan that can only achieve maximum interests.

At 10 o'clock in the second day, the US Department of Defense took the lead in holding a meeting.

National Defense Minister Casper Winberg saw that the high-level arrival was all, smiled and said: "Take advantage of everyone, convene a temporary meeting."

Yesterday at the dinner, the Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan agreed to buy all the vehicles retired by the military.

I heard that everyone exposed an excitement, as long as Bao Zi Xuan agreed to repo retired military vehicles. Then indicate that the purchase of new cars can be carried out smoothly, and the benefits will naturally get.

Caspa Winberg continued: "Bunzi Xuan put forward a new idea, it feels very feasible. We are discussing here, mainly wanting to listen to everyone, see what is there."

The soldiers took the order from orders, although Caspa Winberg did not have any military. You can feel very feasible, but you don't do it.

In fact, this is also the cause of Kaspa Winberg dare to answer Bunxuan, not only the program itself feasibility is high. Of course, I don't know that people don't dare to oppose, and they are open to everyone.

Dare to express in front of Bun Zixuan, but also to let this young rich look at his control for the Ministry of National Defense. The Secretary for Defense is ending, and it must be engaged in the old bank. Ability to make a super rich, it is very helpful for future career planning.

Seeing everyone didn't speak, Caspa Winberg continued: "The Black Cloud Group puts forward that all military vehicles are sold out, and it is necessary to match. That is to say that the sea and land is one, so that the maximum interest can be maximized "

"The country who purchases used for second-hand weapon is not strong. It can be said that these countries are very difficult, even if the US retired weapons and equipment, it is also a small expenditure for them."

"At the same time, many of these countries have used Susk weapons. If you purchase American military vehicles. The weapon compatibility is very poor, and for the purpose of transporting a precious foreign exchange reserve, many countries are not very willing."

"Want to achieve a matching, you can sell American retirement helicopters, small warships are sold to Black Cloud Group. Then let them go from new packaging, selling in other countries in the world."

I heard that the military high level thinks that business is absolutely doing,

It is very constructive, and the actual operability is very operative.

At this time, a Navy said: "This business is very good, we can do it yourself. The profits you get can be more, and the control is also stronger."

I heard here, Caspa Winberg is also speechless. These Qiu Ba is really simple, and the limbs are developed. It has been officially worshiped four-star, actually does not understand the business field and the international economic situation.

This is why the United States is so burning, not only worrying about soldiers' casualties. More importantly, there is a lot of relief with the commander, and the military senior general has never calculated economic account.

At this moment, I asked such an idiot, and it was really no one. It can only make him the Director of Defense like the teacher to lect out the primary school students, giving the generals to the international economic situation, and giving them to the benefits of outsourcing companies.

Caspa Winberg: "General, buy two-hand weaponry, do not have dollar reserves, there are very few. Many need to exchange in minerals and land mortgages."

"Is it necessary to let the US military go directly to some developing countries to build a factory, which will inevitably arouse international disputes. We will not only sell weapons now, but also get cash. So whether it is a Congress, or a taxpayer is a Explain. "

"After handing it over to the Black Cloud Group, the goal can be achieved soon. As for others, you can don't have to worry, after all, the main task of the military is to fight, Baofu Wei Guo, not let you do business."

In fact, there are some words that Casper Winberg is unimped to say; in his view, let the soldiers do business. It is not being blamed by people, and the company is closed is a morning and evening.

The air force will say: "Such a big benefit, you can't hand it over. Domestic many companies can do, such as Lockheed, Boeing, there are doctors in many countries."

At this point, this is a piece of cake, but all people don't want to give up. I want to fight for the Golden Lord, which in turn reaches their own purpose.

This is a normal phenomenon, no one can be said to be wrong. Everything must be started from the actual situation, and it is not always a respective wishful abacus. However, Caspa Winberg also balances the interests of all aspects and cannot tell me.

The Minister of Defense is not dry, after all, involve too many interests.

Caspa Winberg: "The idea of ​​you is right, there is a good thing to take care of yourself. But you can start from reality, many things can't be willing."

"In my opinion, there is currently no company in the United States to make this single business. It doesn't matter if there is abilities, but other companies have their limitations."

"This military sales is the retired military vehicle, most retired vehicles are Jeep production. Although the US military vehicle maintenance is good, it can be used in second-hand vehicles. Necessary measures such as new maintenance, replacement parts, maintenance maintenance."

"We have used a used car in the market, let alone military equipment."

"Domestic companies can produce accessories, which involves some columns such as technical patents. Even if the black cloud authorization, time needs time to form a production line. Do you want to wait until the production line is completed, the military began to retire military vehicles."

"Domestic companies have purchased back, and there is no way to let the retired military car exchange machine in a short time. Only Black Cloud Auto has this ability, after all, all drawings and technical information are ready, do not need time to adjust and adapt."

"Even if you can solve the maintenance of military maintenance, how to solve the problem. The Black Cloud Group purchases the military sells without the extraordinary of the Middle East and Huaxia mainland. Does Lockheed will explore the market in these two places, even if they also need to succeed a long time."

"The relationship between Baozi Xuan, the black cloud group, is not bad, there is no existence from new development market problems. Media reports; as long as he is willing to take the railway from Tel Aviv, the Railway will repair Baghdad. This is not a hole, but people are indeed Have this strength. "

"Think of thinking, it is our United States wants to complete this feat, it is also very difficult."

"Good in this young man is just a businessman, or it is absolutely a huge threat."

The Minister of Defense Casper Wenberge makes everyone fall into meditation, and it is unwropled that the president nominates him as the Minister of Defense. Considering the problem is comprehensive, actually can't find any reasons.

Ian Wright Suddenly said: "If you sell military helicopters and retired warships to the Black Cloud Group, there will be no leaks."

I heard that Casper Winberg was very satisfied, and other generals leaked disdain.

The Navy's four stars will say: "These weapons and equipment have been retired, and the United States has a more powerful warship. And the minister has explained that the small warship has not affected the overall situation."

Sell ​​retired naval warships must have new ship replacement. Not light can improve combat power, you can also get a lot of benefits. This kid also worried that the business could not let him destroy.

The Air Force four stars will follow: "There are a lot of retired aircraft, some products have not been able to keep up with modern strategies. It can be a baby in the backward country, and the waste is very good."

"Not only can you get a gain, but also make a valuable parking space. As for the discipline, don't worry, just some outdated products."

The navy, the Air Force has already made it, and the army has no reason to oppose.

In fact, the Minister of Defense, Casper, Winberge, and why Ian Wright asked such a low-level issue. It is to force the Navy and the Air Force. Only in this way can they reach a consensus.

Under the understanding of the US military weaponry, Of course, knowing what is actually.

Caspa Winberg smiled and said: "Since there is no opinion, then things are settled. The Air Force and the Navy list a list, and the specific transaction is negotiated with the Black Cloud Group."

It can be said that the US Department of Defense has decided, but it is still the same as the three armies of the sea and air. The retired weapon equipment is handed over to the Black Cloud Group, which is in history.

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