For the internal resolution of the US Department of Defense, many military homes in the later generations, historians have their own different opinions. Some people think that the US Department of Defense should not decide so much, but not only make the black cloud group earn so much money, but also give them a license for the sale of arms in the United States. This also buried a volkage for later international competition, and it can be said that the military has a social enemy behavior.

Some experts believe that the environment at the time, as well as the US military faced a situation. I can only find the Black Cloud Group to apply for this matter, and other companies have no ability. As for the Bunzi Xuan to make money, it is a matter of people. At least the military did not suffer, and even a certain extent accelerated the modernization of the US military.

However, these can only be a commentary, at this time Bun Zixuan accompanied by General Ien Wright, came to the US Davis Messen Air Force Base. Come over here is very simple, direct, just buy American retired aircraft.

The Davison City, Arizona, Arizona, USA, David Stri Air Force base, was reported to the US military retiring aircraft, so there is also a "airplane cemetery". These aircraft are not completely damaged. The aircraft cemetery has the function of reserving these aircraft, which can reuse these aircraft when the war comes.

To say that this Air Force base is a big name, Davis Messen Air Force base covers an area of ​​2,600 acres, and later the world is worth 35 billion US dollars. It is stored there, and provides components for current latest models. The Davis Messen Air Force base saved thousands of aircraft, and some were only stated in the base during deployment, but more than 80 aircraft finally ended their mission. Davis Messen Air Force Base is still "steel cemetery", it can recover 350,000 steels if necessary.

At the same time, the Air Force Base is also the area of ​​the US No. 309 Air Maintenance and Reconstruction Center, which is responsible for repairing and maintenanceing aircraft, and even some of the aircraft fly over blue sky. Airplane engine, ammunition, wiring, electronic instruments, and some can be recycled to reduce the cost of maintaining the current huge aircraft formation.

The front world bag has been here, and the size of the scale and storage aircraft at that time is more than this. But even now, the scene is already very shocking. This is the strength of Americans, a single store here, it is estimated that in addition to the Soviet Union, any country's air force in the world is not an opponent.

In fact, this is not going to be targeted, after all, in the cold war period. The weapon update is very fast, and the various experimental aircraft are endless.

I saw the general of Ian Wright, and a grade came over to school than him. What is very strange is that this old school has an arm has never swing, it is very unforgettable.

The people will only find out that the old man has a prosthesis. This makes people very curious, after all, the disability caused by the army is normal, and if it is serious, it is also very common. In general, there is an injury if there is an injury, especially if the arm is broken.

Seeing the old man, Ihan Wright did not dare to put what the general shelf. The first to respect a military gratitude: "I am very happy to see you, Freiburg."

I feel a little strange to hear the name Bao Xuan, because this name has obvious German taste. In fact, this is also normal. After all, the United States is immigrant, and it is not surprising that German descendants is not surprising.

Just make many people can't imagine that the end of the World War II is not very long. There is a German officer in the US military, or some awkward.

Freiburg collected a standard military ceremony, said: "Welcome the generals to inspect."

Even if the grade is big, the general of Ien Wright is still his leadership. People respect you, but they can't lean old. Although the military's Chinese colleagues and age can work, it is mainly to see positions and rankings.

Ien Wright can be a properly general, and he is just a school. It can be said that there are a lot of the rank of the two, in front of the outside, and the colors of Freiburg will give each other enough face and respect.

Ien Wright knows the personality of the elderly,

Ien Wright: "Mr. Bao is the person in charge of the Davis Messen Air Force Base, Freiburg."

Then I said to Freiburg, "This is Mr. Baozi Xuan, Black Cloud Group."

Although Freiburg, although the main work is in the Air Force Base, it is no longer old stubborn. Of course, I know that the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, after all, the head of the package is bigger than the movie star.

And yesterday received the Department of Defense, and he also focused on the information of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan. I really don't know, I'm scared.

Freiburg colonel did not expect this young man in just a few years, it achieved such a achievement. Not only makes huge wealth, but also achieves extraordinary achievements in technology.

It is simply a living legend, has reached the point of the book.

Baozi Xuan did not dare to make a big, and he said with his hand and said: "Hello, Freiburg. I am Bao Zixuan, I am very happy to meet you."

Freiburg served a military ceremony, then extended his hand: "I have heard of the big name of Mr. Bao, and today, I have been a hero."

Ien Wright: "Freiburg is very familiar with the situation here, or let him introduce us."

To say that Freiburg is definitely a singer, when you are young, you will be a pilot in the US 29-speaking warfare. He was seriously injured during the day of operation, causing an arm forced amputation.

The military high-level opinion is to exit, and the old man is hard to rely on hard military quality, and the amazing perseverance is left in the troops. You know that this is very rare, experienced pains and difficulties can't imagine.

Freiburg said very seriously: "Davis Messen Air Force Base was built in 1925, 1927 Flying Muslin Bai hits the first time to fly over the Atlantic record. Driving a single-wing aircraft" St. Lu Yi "landed here It is also the largest civil airport for Davis Monssen Airport. It is the largest civil airport in the United States. During the Second World War, this airport served as a bomber combat training base. "

"After the Second World War, the airport turned into the Air Force Base. Since 1946, the mission of preserving military machines. The United States cast the first atomic bombing in Hiroshima in Hiroshima, that is, David The Svesters Air Force Base has become the first "guest" after the aircraft storage site. "

"After that, during the Korean War and the Vietnam War, the base was responsible for the provision of aircraft and spare parts."

"At the same time the US military base is the aerospace repair and maintenance center is stored in the base, the vast desert in the military retired aircraft and aircraft storage. Because the climate here is warm and dry, the body corrosion is very slow."

"The aircraft that is sent here is to remove the lossed parts and expensive instruments, and have a" blood of the aircraft "fuel, hydraulic oil, etc., the windows, doors, hatches, etc. The protective material is sealed, and the cabin glass covers strict, prevents the strong sun from the desert to be exposed to the aging, but the plane of the plane is tryable to avoid the air pressure in the machine. "

"As long as it is a task, many planes have been maintained and maintained, they can go directly to the battlefield."

The old school speaks and powerful, and the bottom is full. Although it is just a brief introduction, it can be heard that people have a feeling of boiling.

The front world bag is coming over, mainly to visit, travel. The person in charge of the base will not come up with reception. After all, he still has no strength to be alarmed.

General Ian Wright smiled: "Mr. Bao may still not know that Freiburg is in the 29-slamming machine, which is a pilot on the 29-slamming machine."

Hearing here, Bao Zi Xuan has a feeling of respectful for this old man. This is nothing to do, just recognized by its record.

With the first batch of 29-slamming machines, Freiburg colonel is likely to go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Although there is no test, but also eight or nine is not left.

Bao Zixuan said with a respect: "Every soldier who blessed, the sacrifice, the sacrificed soldiers were hero. It is fortunate to see one, and it is not a virtual."

Freiburg hasn't thought that this rich is not old, but it is very comfortable to say that it is very comfortable. It seems that success is not only need IQ, and the emperor can not be low.

After the few people, several people were in the cold, and the school in Freiburg got it.

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