The base is too big, so it is in a venue. Otherwise, you may not do anything throughout the day, in the Davis Morssen Air Force base.

Out of the respect of Freiburg, Bunzi Xuan demanded first to watch the B-29 strategy warrior. This is a meritorious model, which is also good for the old man.

Although the Ministry of Defense has decided to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, the county officer is worse than the current tube. If you can make your old man, the progress will be a lot.

For Bunzu Xuan's requirements, Freiburg is pleased to agree. In his opinion, this rich is very sensible, and there is no imagination. The most important understanding of people, much more than a lot of super rich.

For the entire base, Freiburg is very familiar. This familiarity has printed into the bones, maybe forget who you are, you will not forget the layout of Davis Morssen Air Force base.

Everyone came to the B-29 strategic slamming machine cluster, of course, the people who came to watch here were also the most.

As an aviation engine engineer, of course, the star fighter during this World War II. The B-29 strategy is still the only plane that performs nuclear bombing mission. Single will have a legendary color.

Freiburg reads the B-29 role machine, always with a tenderness, as if you see a lover. This kind of feelings are difficult to understand, and it is estimated that only those who have experienced life and death can experience the meaning.

Fortunately, I didn't let everyone wait too much time, but seriously introduced: "B-29 bomber is a propeller strategy bomber."

"The body is a flat-fledged pneumatic layout, and its naming continues from the B-17 bomber, is the main bomber of the US Army Airways in the World War II Battlefield, which is the largest aircraft in the air force in each country."

"The machine is mainly used to perform strategic bombing and remote bombing tasks, and it can also be used as anti-submarine, reconnaissance and air fuel turning machine, which uses advanced technologies at the time, such as cockpit boost, front three-point landing gear, high-wing and remote control machine gun Tower, etc., is known as "super aerial fortress". "

The B-29 bomber was developed by the US Boeing Company in 1940. First flight on September 21, 1942. In August 1945, the Atomic bomb was thrown to Japan and Nagasaki in Japan. After World War II, I continued to serve in the US Air Force. Time until the early 1960s, all retired. "

For this strategic bomber, Freiburg is quite familiar. Under the rendering of special feelings, let the people next to them have a bloody and boil, and I want to immediately board the plane and perform the bombing task.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "Mr. Bao should also understand this meritorious battle!"

This is taking yourself,

It seems that it is also easy to reveal, or it is really easy to look flat.

Bunzi Xuan: "B-29 Strategic Warfare; US Boeing Development Production. Change the occupant 11 people; the machine is 30.18 meters; the wings exhibition is 43.05 meters; the machine is 8.46 meters; the wing area is 161.27 square meters; the overall air weight 33793 kg The maximum takeoff weight 61236 kg; the maximum flight speed is 574 kilometers / hour; the utility limit is 10241 meters; the maximum range of 5663 kilometers; the operation radius of 2574 ~ 2896 kilometers. "

"Assembly 4 Tiant R-3350-23 engine; later replacement to R-3350-41 and R-3350-57 engine. Engine thrust 2200 hp / table."

"The machine has a maximum of 9072 kg; with 12 12.7 mm machine guns and 1 20 mm robot, post-model cancellation machine gun design."

"Overall, the B-29 bomber has changed the way of human war. In the history of human history, there is no bomber and match. In World War II, the US military did not land in Japan, but the Japanese bowed Chen. "

"B-29 launched the fire to Japan and the airotropic bullet action, which not only completely destroyed Japan's war war potential, but also watched the resistance of Japan's" 100 million total jade "."

"Although many fighter performance now is more advanced, there is no height that can reach the B-29 strategy bomber. Whether it is a fighter, or a bomber, you need to speak with a record. Although the United States has a more advanced strategic bomber such as B-52 However, in my opinion, they want to surpass the B-29 strategy to borrow the fighters. "

If Baozi Xuan's words, Ian Wright and Freiburg were incredible, and suddenly thought of this kid. It seems to understand what it is, it seems that people have not fallen at all.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao's wealth has already forgotten the majors you have learned. It seems that we are hitting a muzzle. For Dr. Massive Power of Massachusetts Institute, people should not hold any doubts."

Freiburg said with a smile: "Mr. Bao not only understands the comprehensive performance of the B-29 strategic fighter, but also a true meaning of this plane."

"Maybe it's old, some start nostalgia. I often think that if there is no B-29 strategy, how can the US have ended the war. You can only use people to fill in it."

This is true, after all, the battlefield environment and technical equipment. Empty atomic bombs are useless, and there is no suitable carrier to nuclear bombs can only be detonated at home. In addition to the madness of the Japanese, there must be a bloody battle.

Bun Zixuan: "We may not have such a deep experience, it is estimated that only people who have experienced war can understand it. I have an idea, I don't know if I can sell my two B-29 strategic strokes."

Bao Zi Xuan has finished, the expression of Freiburg colors and Ian Wright is some solidified. What does this kid mean, actually want to buy a strategic stroke. To know that although this plane has been retired for many years, it can perform a nuclear bombing mission after all, and the deterrent is not weak.

Seeing the two expressions, Bao Zi Xuan said: "There are no mistakes in the two people. I haven't mentioned a military museum in Xiangjiang, I want to collect the world classic weapons."

"If you can, I will purchase it in the past year. And the guarantee will not play the combat use, the plane to say World War II, now I don't have any difference between the bombing mission."

Bao Zi Xuan said that the two remembered that people could not see the B-29 technology. The Black Cloud Group can produce companies that can produce the HH-01 stealth fighting warfare, and buy B-29 should be pure personal hobby.

I know that Baozi Xuan builds a black cloud town in Xiangjiang. I heard that the buildings in it were rare, the young rich pursued some feelings of different feelings.

Ian Wright: "The Ministry of National Defense does not have any opinions on the sale of retired B-29 aircraft, what is the meaning of Freiburg colonia."

I heard the ball to yourself, Freiburg, know that the Ministry of Defense will definitely not be a young rich because of some small things. Moreover, it is full of honesty, and according to the price of the new aircraft, it is also respectful for the war of the war.

Freiburg top school: "Since Since Mr. Bao is so sincere, and B-29 is established in Asia. It is now possible to have an opportunity to visit the Asian people, of course, can not stop."

It may be completely unfounded that the buns Xuan buy back to the operation of the operational task, or the B-29 may be able to remember more. Freiburg colleges have no opinions on the sale of this kind of warfare, and even performance is very active.

Bao Zixuan brushed a little smart and purchased according to the factory price. The price of a B-29 strategy was about 2 million US dollars in that year. After all, the flight in the Second World War, the price is generally low.

It can definitely belong to the high price at the time, and even the most expensive plane is not.

It is one of the ultimate weapons in the Allies in the World War II of the Boeing B-29 "Super Air Fortress" bomber. It is the most strategic bomber that is the most in size and performance, has applied the latest scientific and technological achievements, with a total investment of about $ 3 billion, more than $ 1.9 billion, is more expensive during World War.

According to 4000 calculations, single-frame development costs are close to $ 1 million. In addition to the cost of other artificial, raw materials. Boeing quotes have been very good, mainly during the war, and dare not cost too much.

Although I know the price, I still have to ask. See if the Americans are real, don't treat him as water fish.

Bun Zixuan: "Freiburg, you know about this plane. What is the ex-factory price, let the accounting person record."

Freibberg presented very normal, I, Ian Wright next to it, I was unresolved. This young man is really not the Lord who is losing, it seems that it is really important to do business with this kind of person.

Don't look at people younger, but on business verses; it is not the opponent to expect people in the scene.

Freiburg colonel said very seriously: "1.92 million US dollars, this is the price of Boeing to the military that year."

It is very satisfied with this price. After Baozi Xuan nodded, the staff quickly recorded. This is a matter of personal manipitation, no one dares and spute.

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