The B-29 strategy is only a appetizer, and the good play is still behind. However, there is a little Bunxuan very satisfied, that is, the offer of the Freiburg serves very much.

Although the price of $ 1.92 million is not cheap, it can not be said. Later generations encountered military enthusiasts, it is estimated that they are willing to purchase a collection of collections.

This is also the colonel of Freiburg is not very understanding of the market. After all, the old man has no children, every day, work is in the Davis Morssen Air Force base, not very concerned about foreign affairs. Can you know Bunxuan, or because the other person is very famous. In addition to the bag, the richest is to learn aviation profession, the old man is still concerned about aviation.

B-29 is just a small episode, next to the topic. After all, this time came over is a helicopter who can fight. It is not possible to carry the battle task, and it is not possible to die.

The purpose of Baozi Xuan is to buy a transport helicopter and have already made a clear goal.

CH-47 Transport helicopters, is a multi-functional medium / heavy-duty transport helicopter.

The Task of the CH-47 transport helicopter is to transport the US Army Air Forces from the troops to the gunfield replenishment and soldiers transport. Its double rotary longitudinally structural structure removes the normal propeller of the general helicopter; allows the body to be vertically rising, and the speed is up to 165 sea, Before Bao Zi Xuan crossed, CH-47 is still one of the highest models of the US military service helicopter.

The CH-47 transport helicopter was developed by the US Boeing in 1956, and the A type began to equip the US military in 1963. After the development of B, C, D, F, sold for more than ten countries and regions, the largest user is US military and Royal Air Force.

The CH-47 Squirigan Type A machine has been retired in the US military, as one of the most successful helicopters in the world. Have the opportunity to get, no one will miss.

Although some aircraft use it for nearly 20 years, there is no backwardness at all. In addition, it has been produced in later generations, it can be said that the adaptability of this aircraft is quite strong.

When everyone came to CH-47 slavery helicopter, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Davis Morsse Air Force base has this plane, if you can eat it, you can eat it."

This is a bit worry about Ian Wright and Freiburg. This kid is doing so many helicopters, is there other ideas. But this is a fatigue in the hands of the US military, and it is unpredictable to sell. At this time, there is not too much.

Although Freiburg is a traditional officer, you can also know that you have to praise your own products. So smiled and said: "Mr. Bao's eyes are really good.

This is definitely a classic helicopter. You should know very well about the technical parameters of the plane, and it is not more introduced. "

"CH-47 transport helicopters are not only used for military proceedings, transporting materials, but also to rescue light helicopters that cannot be fly back, and its excellent plug-in lifting capacity can take complete UH-1 from the battlefield, Transfer to the rear repair. "

"The same lifting capacity can also be used to transport vehicles, artillery, to expand the air mobile phone concepts in the Times of the Vietnam Age to artillery and motorized infantry, which greatly improves the combat power and maneuverability of the air-driven unit."

"The CH-47 is large and large loading capacity, can also be modified as air fire platform, install multi-machine gun, especially the super high radiant Gotlin machine gun, killing or suppression of bonus, for the lack of heavy weapons The guerrillas with the strong workplace are particularly effective. In the old bank of the dry transport helicopter, CH-47 is a helicopter that adopts tailgate feeders, which can greatly accelerate personnel and vehicles, and the loading and unloading of materials, and even allowed to be away from the ground. At the same time of the 1-meter high speed, the stroke is directly jumped directly from the tail jump board, or puts the materials on the damper tray directly into the ground, avoid landing steps, saving time, and improves Flight safety. "

No one thought that the old man will actively sell, it seems that the business is really going to work together; and can also exercise. Baozi Xuan This child is really enough, it can make Freiburg this old stubbornly promoted product, it is not easy.

Ian Wright: "I don't know where the package wants to sell this plane. After all, the CH-47 supported helicopter is the US military active equipment. You should know what I am worried, if you don't have it Necessary trouble. "

Bao Zi Xuan just knew what the Americans were worried, how to say that CH-47 slavery can serve for a long time. Although it is not particularly advanced and sensitive weaponry, it is not a small role. Let the Soviets get certain, this is related to US national defense safety.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "About this point of Ian Wright can be relieved, the Black Cloud Group mainly sells China and the Middle East. As for the Soviet Union, there is no lack of large transport helicopters, and will not buy the US second-hand equipment."

I heard that everyone is relieved, the US ** is also worried about the Bunxuan to sell to the Soviet Union. At that time, CH-47 slavery is not retired; it is studied, and it is very unfavorable to national security.

Freiburg colleges and universities understand the email, then he doesn't have to do this wicked. It said directly: "At present, the Davis Morssen Air Force base has 36 CH-47 supported helicopters, all of which are served in the pre-service. There are 25 in the normal use, and the rest have been removed. Parts, or damage is very serious, no use requirements. "

The old man is really unfamiliar and is very familiar with the base situation.

Bunzi Xuan: "If you can do this 25 Black Cloud Group, I want to work with Freiburg to work to work. These 25 aircraft should not have problems, as long as it is simple maintenance, it is possible to implement the operational task! "

The old man has always rigorous, and of course, there is no error in the work. So, I said: "Of course, there is no problem, I can guarantee you. However, the inside of the airborne radar and other auxiliary electronic devices have been removed, and the installation takes a certain time."

I didn't want these things, since demolition of course is better. It can not be seen too obvious. After all, many technical patents are involved, and the roaming imitation is easy to cause disputes.

Bunzi Xuan: "These are small things, the Black Cloud Group can handle, do not have to troubleshoot engineers and technicians."

I heard the answer of Bao Zixuan, and the two of course understood what it meant. The Black Cloud Group can be aircraft manufacturing company, and there should be no big problem for maintaining and assembling CH-47 supported helicopters.

Ian Wright smiled and said: "There is no problem, according to the tradition of the past, the defense weapon price for the Ministry of Defense is 2.3%, and due to the huge quantity of the black cloud group, the internal resolution price is 20% off."

The price cannot be said, but it can be not cheap. For this price Bunxuan or you can receive it, after all, the weapon and equipment maintenance of the old beauty has been very good.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "That means that I want to buy any retired weapon equipment, it is in accordance with this discount."

There must be anything to say inside, after all, Bao Zixuan is savvy. I can't pick anything at the moment, or first look at the situation.

Ian Wright: "Of course, all retired equipment will be treated according to this discount as long as it is not violating the principles and confidentiality agreement."

I feel that there is no problem, but it is until Bunzi Xuan's statistics. Ian Wright knew that it was a very miserable, harmful Freiburg, who was gave to the pit, and did not give him a good face for several years.

The head is rich to establish a military weapon museum in Xiangjiang, but many weapons and equipment are existed in the United States. However, it is also a scope of retired weapons. According to the factory price of the factory, it will make a big profit.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Freiburg, you should know the factory price of this helicopter."

For expertise, Freiburg has never been vague. Directly replied: "The CH-47 Granuki Type A transport helicopter price is 28 million US dollars."

Baozi Xuan knows that this price is absolutely thick, and the subsequent Emirates purchased 16 CH-47F helicopters in 2009, with a total price of 2 billion US dollars, a single price of more than 100 million US dollars.

Although it is 26 years later, it is still exported. Can a single price of $ 125 million is also enough, according to the offer of Freiburg, the Black Cloud Group only needs to pay a return of $ 5.6 million.

Baozi Xuan has a gesture, and the staff immediately enters the state. Engineering and technical personnel examine the aircraft, the accountant has begun to dock the financial staff of the Ministry of Protection.

Seeing the Black Cloud Group is so efficient, Ian Wright knows that this kid is really a big thing, and it is realized that this piece is really a dust.

In fact, Bao Zixuan is mainly worried about the night long dreams, in case there is something wrong, regret is not too late.

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