The warships and the aircraft have been very cool, and the funds can be solved urgently. Before Baozi Xuan did not plan such a huge funding expenditure, and sales need a process. In a short time, it is impossible to return to the quarter, and the money of the US ** can not owe, and it does not dare to owe it.

Although the Black Cloud Computer Company has a lot of money, it can not be all blamed. After all, there is this fund, there is a problem with the Xiangjiang, which can first emergency.

Buying Navy and Air Force equipment has spent nearly $ 1 billion, this is not 300,000 military vehicles. You know that it is big, no $ 2.5 billion. Sure enough, I should have a word, the more money, the more money.

Engineers of Jeep, Dodge cars, and black clouds have made all-round testing for the US active military vehicles. It is basically able to reach the requirements, and there is very few parts that need to be replaced. The US ** party is still very in place in the logistics, it is very in place, but also have to admire.

The US Department of Defense is also supported by the Black Cloud Group, at least at least in the funds. Bao Zi Xuan knows that the dedicated ** must know that the interests must be met. Some loans must be used, or it is not good to see it.

Banks in the United States have actively contact the Black Cloud Group. In any case, Bunzi Xuan will not lose money. Moreover, the US banking industry is not allowed to be lost, so maybe it can be unexpectedly harvested.

Bank of US Fuguo, founded in 1852, headquartered in San Francisco, is the only bank in the United States to get AAA rating. The founder is Henry Wales and William - Fagg, the highest bank in the world. The US rich bank is a bank that provides all-around service, business scope includes community banking, investment and insurance, mortgage, special borrowing, company loans, personal loans and real estate loans.

Not only is a rich bank, another American well-known bank has also participated in.

Citibank is a retail bank under the Citigroup, which is the New York City Bank established on June 16, 1812.

Citigroup serves about 200 million customers around the world, including individual, institutional, corporate and government departments. Provide extensive financial product services from consumer banking services and credit, enterprises, investment banking services, and brokers, insurance and asset management, etc., non-any other financial institutions can be more than.

As for the first Morgan Bank in the United States, the first is well avoided. The Ministry of Defense also knows that Bunzi Xuan's love and hate of the Morgan family, there is no too strong. In case there is something wrong, then all plans will be disrupt.

Originally, Morgan also thought of a piece of a cup, but this Xiangjiang Rich is disagree. This makes him no good, so in this business is not very big, or if you don't spit blood.

After engineers and accountants,

The Black Cloud Group needs to be paid to the US $ 3.67 billion. This wallet is rich enough to get it, but he can't do this at this time. Otherwise it is difficult to transport retired equipment in the United States, which is involved in huge benefits.

If there are two US banks support, in addition to the military acquiescence, things will do a lot, at least there are many troublesome things.

David Wales is the founder of the Françae Bank Henry Wells from the grandson, which can be said to be a proper rich. At present, the President of Welfare Bank is absolutely the most abundant person in the family. Many people say that they are rich but three generations, they can be abroad. At least in cultivating children, the old family still has its own unique.

Citibank is a professional manager, John Reed as a senior vice president of Citibank, appeared in front of Bun Zixuan. John Reed although the vice president, John Reed can basically perform the role of the CEO. On behalf of Citibank, negotiate with the Black Cloud Group, and it is not very good.

And the other party still has another identity, and the same Bao Zixuan is alumni relationship.

I didn't want to have a matter of questioning loans, but John Chambers should be docked with the Ministry of Defense. The identity of others is wrong, the head of the bag can only come out.

Seeing two people came in, Bao Zi Xuan said with a smile: "Two big driving, it is true that the entire Black Cloud Group is glow."

For cooperation or not, everyone is a heart. Bao Zixuan wants to solve the problem in one time, do not want to waste time here. Because American new military orders, I still want to fight. Although I hope is not big, I have to fight for a breath. It is most important to do technical reserves to prepare for next-generation models.

David Wells although the family of the super rich, I can't do it before Bunzi Xuan. Laughing and said: "Mr. Bao is really very polite, can see you again, you are honored."

Can become a family inheritor, enough to show that David Wells is not bad, and the emotional business will not be low.

John Reed: "Mr. Bao should not say this, come to the Black Cloud Group to be a lot of people dream of."

This time I invited two people together, I will not choose any of the home court of any bank. The Black Cloud Group Detroit Branch is the most suitable choice, after all, involving military trading. In addition to the head of the bag, it is necessary to lead the new car R & D, and the coordination of the Jeep production line. Discussion on the loan matters, you can put it into your work immediately.

After the three people sat down, Bao Zixuan said: "Mr. Well, Mr. Ridders; two are famous people in the US banking industry, have the opportunity to work with the rich bank, Citi Bank's honor is the honor of the Black Cloud Group. I think It is an attitude that everyone holds a positive cooperation. This business will certainly be successful. "

For Bao Zi Xuan's title, John Reed is very happy. The benefits of alumni identity of well-known colleges and universities have been reflected, although he is not a professional professional professional, it will not affect what.

David Wales is nothing, after all, he is not a Massachusetts Institute, and you can't climb it. And the alumni is just a bridge and cannot change anything.

After a while, the talks entered the topic.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I don't know what supported and black clouds, cooperation and winning business can last long."

The two did not expect Bao Zi Xuan 's Conversion so fast, but also experienced the big scene, and it was also prepared in advance.

David Wales: "The rich bank can loan $ 2 billion to the Black Cloud Group, 8% old interest, and after five years later."

Interest and repayment methods have been quite thick, at least relative to the United States.

John Reed: "Citibank will also give the same treatment, the specific amount is determined by Mr. Bao."

It means very obvious, as long as it is Bao Zi Xuan willing. How much is you want, Citi Bank will satisfy.

The richer is not very satisfying to this result, mainly interesting. The two banks don't do anything, with $ 6 billion in the benefits per year. The most important thing is no risk, because no one is worried that the Black Cloud Group can't afford it.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "According to the reason, the two given the conditions are very good, but I have to declare. The Black Cloud Group does not lack the money, the two should know the funds on the single black cloud computer company account; it is enough to pay The cost of retiring weapons and equipment in Ministry of Defense. "

"This cooperation is more for a balance. After all, no one can eat alone."

"There are currently not very strong in the Asian market. In this regard, we can still cooperate. If you want to achieve interest, the Middle East and the Soviet Union are not easy."

As the most famous banks in the United States and even Europe, everyone wants to expand, but there is no chance. Baozi Xuan said that it is a fact that this time is to achieve interest balance. He wants to cooperate, and there is a chance to expand the market in the future.

John Reed clearly understood the opportunity, so he said: "5.5% of the year, is the sincerity of the Citibank, and it is my maximum authority. Other conditions are unchanged, do not know how to learn from the school."

David Wales did not expect Citi Bank to make it so big, it is very passive by the rich bank; but it can't be followed, or it will definitely let Citi Bank is embarrassed.

John Reed more detailed the Bunzi Xuan, and the alumni resource can feedback a lot of information. The headers like to simply be simply directly, it may be the commonality of the science and engineering man; he has seen too many people in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Therefore, after the board of directors got the full power, there is so powerful.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Received, the Dempler is refreshed, according to what you said! $ 2 billion, year-on-year interest rate 5.5%; Black Cloud Computer Company took 10% shares to Citibank. "

After Citibank agrees, the rich bank is not dare to stick. The tripartite quickly reached an agreement, and the head is rich in 20% of the black cloud computer company, with a $ 2 billion from two banks. It is solved the problem of funding, and the two banks can't still have, so there is a chance to get the Black Cloud Computer Company Shares.

The shares of the Black Cloud Computer Company is definitely a hand-bonkell, and it is possible to become the world's first company. In any case, both banks do not suffer. And there are opportunities to enter the Soviet Union and the Middle East market, but I don't want to think about it.

After 7 years, it is in Japan to harvest the victory fruit. At that time, the money is not true for Bunzi Xuan.

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