The funds have been resolved, then the rest is the product delivery problem. A military vehicle needs a process, and the sea air equipment can be delivered directly. Both sides are worried that there are many dreams, Bao Zixuan is even more resolved as soon as possible.

US ** Party In order to give the people, we also wanted to promote it in Qiaoyun Group. Two sides were taken, and they decided to jointly organize a press conference.

After the Ren is on the stage, the US ** fee spending is increasing. Fortunately, President Ragang is an excellent speaker. It is exaggerated for the Soviet military strength, and the taxpayer's anger is slightly calm. It can suddenly replace all military vehicles, which can be an expenditure in the budget. Congress will have opinions, not to mention ordinary people.

If you can use the retired equipment, it is also an overrupted. It is normal for strategy to spend it, it can be decent.

Black Cloud Group acquires US retirement weapons and equipment, you must let the world know. Only in this way will make many countries find the door, at least a lot of promotional costs can be saved.

In order to reflect the emphasis on this conference, the Minister of Defense Caspa Winberg and Bunzi Xuan participated. And invited a well-known media in almost all over the world, just want people to see the strength of the beautiful **.

In fact, this vast news conference also has the President of Ragang in the inside. The decommissioning equipment of the United States, the US, the update, the Soviet Union certainly can't sit. Where is the Soviet economic volume, plus huge overhead on the battlefield of Afghanistan; updated the weapon equipment as the United States, and the domestic economy must have problems.

It has been held in both parties to hold this press conference.

It is not excited that the news media reporter is excited. Baozi Xuan really is not disappointing, no matter where it goes, it can give a surprise.

The area of ​​the US Department of Defense is not small, but it is still not possible to meet all media. Finally, there is no way, you can only control the number, and each newspaper or TV station is only allowed to participate.

The press conference is hosted by Ian Wright. Now this kid has become the absolute heart of the Minister of Defense, Caspa Winberg.

Ian Wright looked at the following crowd: "Thank you for your friends to come to the United States of America, today we are here to hold a press conference to let the world know. US ** is determined and courage, Of course, it also includes a commitment to pay taxpayers a penny.

After receiving the Department of Defense and the Black Cloud Group jointly organized a press conference, many media believed that the Ministry of Defense has decided to give military orders to the Black Cloud Group. This makes many people feel dissatisfied, even if the black cloud car is the first car company in the United States, it will not change the fact that Bun Zi Xuan is the facts of Xiangjiang people.

I still dare to hold a press conference now.

I must make the Ministry of Defense and the Black Cloud Group look good. It can be said that this is a real idea of ​​many reporters, and even prepares questions.

Now Ian Wright refers to not waste of taxpayers a penny, is it a good ** ** **. Bao Zixuan is a more money, and it can't be so stupid!

The reporter didn't know how to deal with it, or the situation is saying. Everyone feels not white today, inevitably have explosive news, or both parties cannot be so big.

Ian Wright continued: "Today's protagonist is not me, and the two next to me. United States of America, Mr. Caspa Winberg, and Mr. Bunxuan, Chairman of the Black Cloud Group.

Here are the idea of ​​the Jasper Winberg minister to introduce the purpose of this press conference. I believe you will have a surprise to bring you, and the media friends will feel unique.

In order to highlight the domineering, the Americans did not only invite the newspaper to participate. The most famous three TV stations in the United States also have an invitation, and live broadcast live.

To say that the beautiful three major radio and television companies in the United States can be a famous existence. The market share of Europe and the United States is very high, almost all coverage.

Ranking is a Columbia Broadcasting company, abbreviated as CBS, one of the three national commercial radio and television networks in the United States. Founded in 1927. Headquartered in New York. In 1941, a TV broadcast was officially opened, and a color TV was broadcast in 1954. Since the 1980s, there were 5 direct operation of TV stations in New York, 6 Sino-wave Broadcasting Radio, 7 FM Radio Station. One of the three major commercial radio and television companies in the United States, funds from advertising broadcast income.

In New York Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, St. Louis and other cities have 7 direct TV stations, 200 including 200, forming a national radio and television network. Also operate the FM radio station, and there are multiple subsidiary radio stations.

Due to the CBS TV platform, the CBS TV station is also referred to as "eye", and on the other hand, because the CBS and ABC viewing people are biased toward high age, they are called "old age".

NBC, referred to as the National Broadcasting Company, one of the three major commercial broadcasting companies in the United States. Headquartered in New York, Founded in 1926, it was a member of the long-standing commercial radio and television company in the United States. The parent company knows universal electrical electricity. The company has direct TV stations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, Cleveland, Denver and Miami, and 208 seats in the country.

After seeing the NBC TV station, Bunzi Xuan knows that they will definitely be martedly. After all, Universal Power and Black Cloud Group are very intense in the world; such a good opportunity, NBC is of course not missed. If it is not difficult for the Black Cloud Group and the head of the head, it is not good to explain the parent company.

American Broadcasting Corporation, ABC, one of the three major commercial radio and television companies from the United States, from advertising broadcasts. In 1941, the US Federal Communications Commission decided that the National Broadcasting Corporation must not have red broadcast network and blue broadcast network. In October 1943, Edward Nobull bought a blue radio network with $ 8 million, and the latter had 116 subsidiary radio stations, officially using the name of American Broadcasting Corporation on June 15, 1945.

There are two ABC headquarters, and the entertainment program is located in Burbake City, Los Angeles, which is close to the entertainment center Hollywood. Another headquarters is located on the Media Center New York Times Square. American Broadcasting Corporation operates TV stations, in New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, Fresno and San Francisco, and has 220 attached TV.

The three radio and television companies are all existence of giant. It is very eye-catching that you can see it next to you. The Media Media, the Media, the Media, to form the Fox TV in the United States, which is weaker than these three strengths. Even so, he must also ask him to join the US. Otherwise, only the TV station can be sold or dissolved. After all, US law stipulates that there must be a US nationality in China.

Bun Zixuan has not joined the idea of ​​the US, and there will be no in the future. Then the US TV is destined to have no reason to do, it is a unclear regret!

The three most beautiful TV stations are broadcast live in the same day. It is estimated that it can only appear in the president, or major news such as the third world war broke out.

It can be found a lot of news conferences today, and this has created a record. And this record is still difficult to break, at least in the future, there will be such a chance.

Through the satellite network, there are almost 15% of the world, can see this live broadcast. In invisible is a huge propaganda, and it is also a huge pressure on the Soviet Union.

At this time, the bag is finally understood, and it seems that the root is a big chess. The Black Cloud Group and him have become a chess, this is the matter of people; even if it is the richest river, the river is also able to be cultivated.

However, things have not ended yet, and the deer is not necessarily. Americans are smart, Bun Zixuan is not stupid. Everyone is useful to use each other, but the Soviet Union should appease one or two.

According to the current situation, the Soviet Union will be beneficial to the bag. Because there is only such China and the Black Cloud to accumulate enough strength, but the Soviet Union can't disintegrate, the pressure faces in the north of China is too big.

In short, this is a very contradictory thing, and it is difficult to grasp the balance.

Now I can only pass the message to the Soviet Union through some special ways, and the best result is not too much to operate more than the US. It is estimated that the Soviet Union is worried that the military is surpassed by the United States, then they will have no advantage in competition.

At this point, these are assumptions and expectations, first in the face of the roundabout of the major US major media. Today, the Black Cloud Group is likely to be a nail, meat in the eyes of some Americans. This is an inevitable thing that is strong, and the cake is only so big.

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