Compared with the three major radio and television companies, the traditional newspaper is far from the three major radio and television companies. So different from previous conferences, today, this group of reporters can only be the host of major radio and television companies. Although the reporter of the newspaper is unhappy, the best way to be silent and patience is. After all, in front of strong strength, others seem to have not value.

Even if the three major radio television companies are strong, it is impossible to win. Caspa Winberg as the Minister of Defense, here is his home. And Just Ian Wright has already introduced him to speak first, this time is of course top. Even if you face big difficulties and doubts, as the Minister of Defense cannot be retired.

If retreat, it will be able to see it. Caspa Winberge represents and the United States, he can't afford this person.

Caspa Winberg: "Welcome media reporters to the Ministry of Defense, first of all, all of the people of the Ministry of National Defense will express their warm welcome to the arrival of all people."

"The media has always been communicating and transmitting information bridges, because of the people. There is any news in the world to pass to the ordinary people's ear."

I heard it, Bunzu Xuan feels that Caspa Winber is worthy of lawyers. The level of speaking is high, but it is not dripping. It can be seen from the expressions of the reporters under the stage. It is estimated that they are not so embarrassed to be difficult for the Secretary of Defense.

Caspa Winberg: "Today, the purpose of holding a press conference is that there is an important thing to announce. After the Ministry of Defense is carefully studied, discuss the decision. All military vehicles of the retired, and some of the sealed helicopters, small warships Sell ​​to the Black Cloud Group. "

"That is to say that the Black Cloud Group will become a partner of the US ** party, and it is fully responsible for all matters handling this retired equipment."

I didn't have a bid for the black cloud car, and the media reporter responded fierce. The Black Cloud Group actually got the right to retired weapons and equipment, what is the ghost.

There is a greasy in it, or Bun Zixuan applied to the high-rise of the Ministry of National Defense.

US ** team retired weapons and equipment, why do you want to handle it to the Black Cloud Group. There are also many great companies in the United States. They are all eating.

Seeing below, Caspa Winberg continued: "The sale of retired weapon equipment includes 300,000 military vehicles, 600 helicopters, 8 small ships; total contract is 367 million US dollars."

Although Caspa Winberg said, although it is easy to write, it is still a sufficient shock to the on-site reporter. After all, I found 300,000 military vehicles, more than 600 helicopters, 8 warships in the United States, but unique, even if retired equipment is also unneapled.

Now sell it directly to private companies.

Today is April Fool's Day. Many American reporters want to question the Minister of Defense Caspa Winberg. Why sell the property of the property of the property to the outside, must make the problem clear, it is best to demonstrate this transaction.

American reporters can not care about the other person, even if they have just held them.

Seeing the reporter's discussion below, Ian Wright as the host must be prevented from being prevented.

Ian Wright: "If the reporter friend please quiet, then ask Mr. Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan to speaking."

The reporter is relatively high, and this is the Department of Defense. Not anyone can learn, no one dares to hurt. When I heard Bunxuan's speech, everyone was serious and see how this super rich.

Although there is a complaint for US assets, there is no chance to argue.

From the perspective of the performance of the reporter, it will definitely not be quiet. At this point, you will demonstrate domineering, at least you can't show weak in the US reporter.

Baozi Xuan said: "Received the invitation to the US Department of Defense, making me happy, and I feel great pressure. Happy is the results obtained by the Black Cloud Group won the recognition, this is a good start. Pressure is because of this Things are not so well completed, at least for a while, black clouds should consider the sales issue of the product. "

"That is to say, Casper Winberg ministers can worry, and I have to sleep. Think about $ 3 billion, although there are not much money, you can't put the product in your hand. That is not a mature business, mature businessman way of doing."

"For the Black Cloud Group, it is a challenge. However, I believe that all colleagues in the group will be able to overcome difficulties and complete the task."

I heard the advice received by the US Department of Defense is difficult, and the US reporters are very unhappy. This kid is a cheap and selling, it is really a businessman of a local road.

The $ 3 billion dare to say money, it is estimated that there are also several people in the world. Baozi Xuan is indeed a bit arrogant, but it has this capital, no one is envious.

No one thinks that Bunxuan will say this, so good in Ian Wright is very fast. Directly said: "Next is the reporter question request. You can raise your hand. After receiving the agreement, you can ask questions."

Many people began to raise their hands, but everyone knows. The previous few questions will definitely be handed over to the three major radio and television companies, and other newspapers have not played at all.

Ian Wright knows that the most important thing to be difficult to baked at the scene is inevitably NBC, universal power and black cloud group's relationship is difficult to easily. It is better to let them open first, at least will not let the Minister of Defense Caspam Winberg are difficult. For how to take care of the boss, this kid is very clear.

For the chance to get the first question, the NBC reporter is very happy. At least proved that the Ministry of Defense did not dare to despise them, and the first question occupied a lot of initiative.

The NBC reporter said to the stage: "The Minister of Defense, Mr. Bunxuan; two good, I am NBC reporter Jennifer. I would like to ask two, why I can get the defense contract for the Department of Defense weapons. After all, according to my Mr. Zhibao is not American, strictly, and the Black Cloud Group is not a US company. "

"There is a lot of great, and powerful companies in the United States. Is there any other cat-oriented?

I have heard that everyone is, after all, the NBC reporter is too fierce. These two in the stage are not well, I didn't expect this middle-aged woman to ask the question directly.

Caspa Winberg said with a smile: "Ms. This reporter, what you said is not existed at all. The military cost of the US party is provided by the taxpayer, and we will not waste each of the taxpayers. The retired weapon equipment is handed over to the Black Cloud Group, and it is careful consideration. It is currently the best results. "

"Most of the retired military vehicles are all Jeep brand production. Or sell scrap iron from new smelting, or sell it from new repairs. If you follow the price of scrap iron, it is a serious waste of resources. And the return of only Black Cloud cars can be done. After all, the Jeep brand belongs to the black cloud car. "

"This is also to maximize interests, and the sale of funds can fill some military expenses."

Caspa Winberg's answer is obviously unsatisfactory; at least the US reporter at this time, believes that the military should not handle the retired weapon equipment to the Black Cloud Group.

This idea has been printed into the bones, and it is difficult to change that.

At this time everyone looks to Bao Zi Xuan, I want to listen to this young super rich.

I don't know what to say, I will definitely, NBC is obviously coming over.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I don't understand what this Jennifer wants to express what it means, but the black cloud is absolutely reasonable, legal; cooperation with the government is to openly transparent."

"Recycling of retired weapons and equipment, is not my mind. The Black Cloud Group can produce advanced weapons and equipment. It is not necessary to recycle second-hand. It is the US Department of Defense invites me. It is not my Bao Zixuan to take the initiative to do business."

"Enterprise development may need to purchase second-hand products, refurbish the difference between China, can be developed to a certain size, do not need this kind of thing at all."

"NBC belongs to universal power, this is the great company's category. I hope that you can pass me to general high-rise, as long as they want to take over the US retire weaponry. I can transfer them to them, within three days effective."

If you don't get angry, you will be bullied, and now put the ball to generic power. In front of you, this female reporter certainly didn't dare to be the Lord. As for the high-sized power, it certainly dare not pick up. For this unique confidence, the general car may be possible.

At this time, everyone looked at Jennifer's NBC female reporter because Bunzu has given conditions. Then just say so, I am now falling to my head, see what I want.

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