Jennifer didn't expect Bao Zixuan to do not play the card according to constant executives, actually dared to give up the interests of the right. Directly let universal power connections, this is a good news. If a young vase reporter, it is likely to be lost, or it is not known.

Can Jennifer is a hundred wars, causing a well-known reporter. I have interviewed a lot of international politics and know that these people will not be free. Baozi Xuan dared to say this, certainly there is absolutely grasp.

Although it is a journalist, it does not understand the specific situation of the parent company's universal power. It can also be known that the general power of the aircraft has some advantages, and the universal power of the automotive industry is not involved. This time is 300,000 retired military vehicles, and the parent company does not dare to pick up even strength. After all, buy back a bunch of scrap iron, universal power is not extravagant.

At this time, it is not weak, and he knows how to use its own advantage.

Jennifer: "Mr. Bao said, I am just a reporter. I don't know why decision making of the universal powerful high level, and there is no ability to directly meet the Group's high-rise. So I am sorry to pass the content you have to express to the group."

"But as a reporter, I can report on TV media. And there are many newspapers reporters, I believe they will help you pass messages."

This woman is playing the word game, but also wants to pick him out. Media reported that universal power is aware that it is difficult to say, even if you know, you can say it. This will not make people jokes and can't afford it. In short, there is no one dare to pick it up for the ball of Bao Xuan.

If you really dare to say, tell the world to contact the universal high-rise. If the group does not pick up, how do you do it?

No one thought that Bunzi Xuan did not play cards according to constant executives, but the reporters did not work.

General Power is the most famous enterprise in the United States, and the Ministry of Defense is quite deep. Let the Black Cloud Group take over the military vehicles are a few big car companies, and this time you can't let the reporter destroy.

Ian Witter knows that there may be no business dare to pick up the Ministry of National Defense. However, many things can't be expressed, and they can't make the US big business.

Be sure to open the topic, at least you can't let the reporter introduce the topic to the dark box operation. There is no dare to pick up the US car company. In case there is a problem, it is too late to cry. As Bunzu Xuan said, the US ** party also believes that the $ 100 billion is not a big money. But you can't waste, especially when you can come. Let go of it, it is a crime of taxpayers.

Ian Wright: "I am particularly emphasized here. About the Ministry of National Defense for sale and retirement weapons and equipment to the Black Cloud Group is reasonable and legal; there is no violation.

The offer given by the Black Cloud Group is very reasonable and even distressed. "

"So I will ask the reporter to ask some other questions, as for the entire process of selling retired weapons and equipment. The Ministry of Defense announced in writing, this can be assured."

The reporter is not stupid, the Ministry of Defense does not want to mention. If you are chasing, it is a sinner. I don't care about you, I am very likely to drive you out. Here is the US Department of Defense, but it is not a small businesses who are slaughtered.

The CBS Radio and Television Company has always been in contact with the Ministry of Defense. Of course, the general knows what the General Ian Wright is.

Get it from Ian Wright, CBS reporter stood up: "Winberg ministers, Bao Zi Xuan, two good! I am CBS reporter Edwo, I would like to ask the Ministry of Defense to sell to the United States of the United States Registration weapons and equipment, there is a risk of leakage. You must know that even if you retire, you can still have the existence of this world. "

This problem is very good, at least to answer the public's doubts. At this time, the US is in the field of technology. If the weapon equipment is sold, it is a huge loss of the United States.

Casper Winberg smiled and said: "First of all, thank Idevo reporters to ask questions, at least prove your heart. However, there is no leak risk, at least this military sells."

Most of the military vehicles are Jeep production. The Black Cloud Group has long had related technical reserves. The naval ship is a small warship, and many are all production in World War II, and the technology has been fully updated. The US is in service, at least More than 15 years. "

"The helicopter beauty ** is more advanced, and the aircraft for producing and serving in these vietnamers has no technical advantage."

"Just update one process, after selling it to the Black Cloud Group; these weapons and equipment will not appear in the US ** team. Even if the shape is similar, there is also a major technological innovation."

The answer to Caspa Winberg allows the on-site reporter very satisfied, which is the tattered product. After all, the warship during World War II is bigger than they age, how can he be brave and fearless? People use these weapons; it is not responsible for the lives of people.

Now selling to the Black Cloud Group is very good, at least the waste utilization can be reached.

Do you still have to know how to say Bunzu, the strength of the Black Cloud Group is not small. In case, it is easy to improve the United States on this basis.

So the CBS reporter continued to ask: "Mr. Bao, the Black Cloud Group has a deep technical reserve. You are a highly academic student of Massachusetts, which has a fanatical pursuit of high-tech. Will not be based on these weapons and equipment, In turn, the purpose of updating the replacement. "

Although I asked euphemism, I didn't listen to it. This is to try the buns Xuan and the whole black cloud group; if Bao Zixuan admits, then the ambition is very big. If you dare not recognize that sneak research is the problem of character. In short, how to answer, it is wrong, it is difficult to ride.

The head is rich, no matter how many you have, he said seriously: "Buy weapons and equipment, must study hard. Otherwise how to sell, after all, many core components have been removed."

"I am a businessman, buy back products, definitely sell it at a high price. It is normal for the product from the new packaging. After all, I can't give the customer experience and poor performance. This is not the style of the Black Cloud Group, not my Bao Zi Xuan Business style. "

"The Black Cloud Group is mainly based on industrial, this direction will never change. Every year, there is a big capital to invest in research and development, I hope that you should not be strange."

"Is it possible to allow so-called great companies to develop, the Black Cloud Group can't do anything. It seems that there is no such reason, or if you talk about human technological progress."

Although I have already guess, it is when Bunzu Xuan said. It still feels very awkward, after all, this is in the US military weapons and equipment.

But you can't pick any problems. Is it possible to buy back according to scrap iron. What is the difference between and Mingzheng, and the Americans still don't dare to be so unscrupulous.

Yin En-Lai knows that it is necessary to start playing a round field. This is his job today, it is impossible to make Caspa Winberge's national defense minister. That is the serious dereliction of work, and people will be difficult to give you a chance.

Ian Wright: "The military has been demolished for some core components of retired weapons, including communication confidentiality equipment. The risk of leaks is almost zero, as for the black cloud group to use other new equipment to make up, the Ministry of Defense has no right to interfere "

"US is a country that attaches importance to intellectual property, never hindering the development of new technologies."

Upon hearing the core components, the communication device has been removed. US reporters are not so worried, but feel that Bao Zi Xuan is not a high thickness, or a silly money.

Core components, communication equipment demolition, singlely relying on a business strength of the Black Cloud Group, is it possible to fill the technical gap. It is difficult to know that it is no wonder that major companies in the United States are reluctant to take over.

It is destined to be a loss of sale, at this time everyone is lucky to see the joke.

Most of the well-known media have two characteristics; the first is to exist in the form of the group, that is, the parent company holds many newspapers, television and other media; such as Murdoch News Group. There is also a latter large enterprise support; such as NBC, universal power group can be its parent company.

The development of the Black Cloud Group has damaged many companies and personal interests. Now I see that Bun Zixuan is likely to eat, these American reporters are very happy to set off firecrackers.

Bao Zixuan has never done a myth who loses the business, it may be broken. This is not easy, how can you not be excited? Media reporters don't want the world to be too calm; the world is grateful, the more beneficial for them.

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