Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 850 Joint Conference Four

The Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan unlucky, it is the future. Currently, you can do a prediction, or pay attention to this is good. The ABC reporter has already jumped there, if it is not asking questions, it is really a sin.

Many of the US Department of Defense requires media to cooperate, and several major radio and television companies in China are not sinful. Ian Wright Demoded ABC's reporter can ask questions, the other party's face is better.

In recent years, ABC Radio and TV has developed rapidly, and the wind has covered other two. The Ministry of Defense actually let them ask questions behind other two, and feel it. ABC reporter can be happy, at this time, you are angry!

ABC reporters don't want to give the defense facade, after all, they are in the first. And the United States is coming to the public opinion freedom, and it can be inspected at this time.

ABC reporter asked: "Winberg ministers, Mr. Bao Zixuan, two good! I am ABC reporter Alice, I would like to ask two. The Ministry of Defense sells retired weapons and equipment, what standards are referred to, or to be."

"The public has the right to know, I hope that Casper ministers can explain to the public."

"At the same time, please ask Mr. Bao, what is the purpose of buying the retired equipment. There is no strong behavior of the United States **. According to I know, the Black Cloud Group helped the Soviet Union to deal with many retired weapons and old machine tools. War in the Mahaia War During the period, it purchased a $ 1 billion in British bonds. Is it to achieve a balance, or buy Ping An.

Although this is to look forward to the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, it can be seen directly as a big head. Flower to buy peace, no one can admit it.

At this time, everyone looks at the two ones and see how they answer. I still feel that the problems of the two journalists in front are fierce, and now it seems to be just an appetizer.

Baozi Xuan did not expect the radio and television company's reporters so fierce, this is a non-dead situation. There is a big problem between US Su, don't say his businessman; it is the United Nations Secretary-General without any way.

Caspa Winberge is worthy of lawyers, and the reaction is really fast enough. Say: "The Ministry of National Defense is a strict auditor for the purchase of new weapons and equipment for bidding, as well as selling retired weapons and equipment."

"For example, there are three companies to participate in bidding, but the final Ford, General Motors, and quotations are not very reasonable. The Ministry of Defense decided to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. After all, everything in the Ministry of Defense is investing, we want Responsible for all American people. "

"The Ministry of Defense military procurement and transfer is completely public and transparent, but only because of confidentiality. Many data cannot be open to the outside world, after all, weapon prices determine their performance and advanced degree.

Caspa Winberg's answer, everyone can't find any problems. It is the two car companies in the United States who are unwilling to pick up, and this will work with Black Cloud. As for the two companies, what will be said, Caspa Winberg is completely unfamiliar. Moreover, there is already a plan, and even the bid is prepared. The material is prepared is very complete, completely from any inspection.

As for the Ministry of National Defense, the Department of Defense is proclaimed weapons and equipment, it must be confidential. If anyone knows, the Soviet Union will infer its combat performance according to weapons prices. Everyone understands that President Reagan is very powerful to put the Soviet Union.

Caspa Winberg finished, the spearhead has pointed to the head of the bag, I want to listen to this super rich. Is there a so-called balance, or spend money to buy peace.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Miss Alice is very beautiful, but the question is quite. It has formed a strong contrast, and at least let me have some handsome."

Bao Zixuan said that everyone smiled and didn't expect this young super rich. It's not that the scientific man is very straight, don't know if you want to ask a girl! This is not quite said, at least this is the case.

The bag is rushing: "I really didn't think about spending money to buy peace. I have always been with people and rarely sinned. Therefore, there is nothing to say, at least I haven't heard of who wants you."

"Buy used equipment in sales, you can make a lot of profit. It is the case before it is estimated that this time will not exceed the exception."

"There is a private problem to ask Miss Alice; which school is graduated, how much is the annual salary."

Although I don't understand what Bao Zixuan means, is it to show off? However, you can communicate with super rich, no one will refuse.

Alice: "Columbia University, 80,000 US dollars."

I didn't expect this reporter and quite simply, and I replied that I didn't drag the water. It is no wonder that such a young can come over to visit the Ministry of Defense. It turned out to have graduated from Brother. The Pully Prize issued by the Columbia University Journalism College is the highest honor of the US press, making the world aware of the world's first.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Miss Alice is still a wisdom and beautiful women, ABC Radio and TV companies are really enough. If you can still come to the Black Cloud Group, at least salary can double."

What does this kid mean, ask questions to pick up a girl. As a super rich, there is a world's first diamond Wang Lao Fous. What kind of woman has never seen, not in the national defense department, gallbling the sky! Even if **, the sister also has to be part of the place, this is not a venue in a wild.

Seeing everyone's expressions, I know that I have caused misuse. Bao Zixuan continued: "There is no other meaning, if you don't want Miss Alice to forgive."

"Ask you the annual salary to make a reference through macro data, let everyone have a concept."

"The Black Cloud Group has a strong purpose from the Soviet Union's second mobile phone equipment, which is now solved, and dare to disclose to the media."

"The second mobile phone bed in the Soviet Union is German production. Its precision and quality have nothing to say, but all need to operate, it is highly required."

Bao Zi Xuan said, many people expressed recognition. There are a lot of German descendants in the reporter, and it is very confident to the motherland products.

The head of the bag will also say: "At that time, the Black Cloud Group has just been established, lacking funds to buy large CNC machine tools. Even if there is any money, it will not sell it to me, after all, the black cloud main body is in Xiangjiang. Batches do not allow some products to enter Xiangjiang, it is not struggled fact."

"If you encounter a problem, you have to solve the problem, so you will find another way from other places."

"At that time, I just caught up with Rhine Metallic to resign a group of old employees. This is a great opportunity. The German old machine in the Soviet warehouse is plus an excellent German high-level mechanic. What does it mean together, even if I don't It is said that you must also guess it. "

"It is in the joint efforts of this helping the old mechanic and the computer team, the Black Cloud Group has successfully transformed the old machine tool. Make them control, and the accuracy is completely used."

"On this basis, the Black Cloud Group has developed the world's most advanced large-scale CNC machine tool. At present, the existence of the world, the black cloud Xiangjiang Headquarters, the Israeli Division, the large-scale CNC machine tool is continuously produced come out."

"These are not counted, single black cloud group transforms good old machine. The value has reached $ 13 billion, and the cost is less than 500 million US dollars. Plus all factors such as labor costs, material costs. Black Cloud The Group has passed this business, and the profit is at least 10 billion US dollars. "

"That is to say, Miss Alice does not eat, but also to work 125,000 years, can earn this money. It can make this money. It is possible to change the old equipment; just no one before. I want to start business. Young people say a sentence; to understand business opportunities, decide. "

Baozi Xuan is very good to avoid weapons and equipment in the Soviet warehouse, most of those armored vehicles and tanks are used to deal with Iran. Even if you can't show off, you can't show off, so you can cause unnecessary trouble.

Old machine tools can actually make so much money, no wonder the black cloud group has developed so fast. Bao Zixuan This kid is really too much to do business, and the business opportunity is really everywhere in his eyes.

It's a matter of seeing the effect. Bao Zixuan continued: "As for the British government bonds, it is also because it can be map. Of course, it is not that interest, the company has developed to the Black Cloud Group. It does not value interest, but more The action is to be implemented. It is still commercial confidentiality, and you will understand. "

This is in line with the common sense, or one can buy 1 billion pounds of war bonds in one breath. This is not a problem with less money, let alone Bao Zixuan look like a big head.

At this time, everyone feels that Bunxuan is definitely the British people to reach any internal transaction, can't wonder that I originally purchased so many British war bonds. There is reason for this, and at this time, the reporter is a look. It seems that it is misunderstood, this super rich can have a clear goal.

The British War Bond is filtered out, which is what the head is hoping. As for the media report, I really don't have to worry. Today, there are too many shock messages; the War of England is the news last year. The people have heard that they have been tired and don't want to see too much about Ma Island.

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