Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 851 Joint Conference Five

Baozi Xuan also has to add a little extensive, it is exactly to lead the direction of public opinion. In fact, the heads of the bag are surprisingly acquired or set up a media company; worrying that there is no specific implementation of the national level.

The Black Cloud Group has enriched the enemy. In the establishment of a media company, it will definitely be not allowed by the world. Even if the Chinese mainland does not necessarily support, the Soviet Union can't make you better; American Pakistan should not be black and bunxuan unlucky. It is really for some kind of balance, I have broken the idea of ​​forming a media company.

The head of the bag is watching the ABC beauty reporter Alice said: "Miss Alice; what is the strength of the US ** party, or as if you spend money to buy peace; we have two gambling."

At this time everyone can't understand, what is the meaning of this kid. Actually, I have a gambling and what other purposes.

Although Alice does not understand what Bao Zi Xuan wants to do, but with the rich gambling will definitely not suffer. What's more, Bao Zi Xuan is so young, is it a chance to give her an opportunity?

Alice: "Let's talk about it in advance. If you are gambling, you will count. After all, I am just a working class, which is better than the super rich like this."

The on-site reporters are very curious, and Baozi Xuan wants to play what gambling.

Bunzi Xuan: "Money does not have to leave Miss Alice, otherwise someone will say that I am in the air, don't know how to pity, jade."

"We will use the Black Cloud Group to buy retired weapons and equipment from the United States as a bet. If the profit reaches a double. So I win; the profit is less than double, even if I am Will Alice Winning."

I heard Bunzi Xuan actually dared to say something more than doubled, which made many people feel absurd. It is not possible to think about it. After all, the other party is the rivership of the son of God.

Although Alice didn't dare to believe that Bunxuan said, it doesn't matter if you want to lose. How, when the face of so many people, Bun Zixuan will not let her a woman to suffer. So did not hesitate to say: "Of course, there is no problem, you will be held by Mr. Bao! But the bet also invited Mr. Bao, at least let me have a heart."

Most of the media reporters are very gossip, I want to see what this super rich is going to express. Baozi Xuan has not married, and the world knows that it will stage the drama of overbearing president and beauty reporter.

Bunzi Xuan: "If it is Miss Alice wins, then I lose 10 million US dollars to you. If it is a win, Miss Alice will ask me to eat a meal."

"This requirement is not too far, and it doesn't make you difficult!"

I heard the buns,

Everyone in the scene laughed. This kid is in the pick-up, it seems that men are the same.

As for Alice, there will be no problems, no matter whether you lose win. Winning can get 10 million US dollars, lost the same bunxuan to come to dinner; this is not any chance. If there is anything in the dinner, you will not need to worry about money.

Alice: "I took it on this bet, and I will do it by Mr. Bao!"

At this time, Alice is more thinking about losing the gamble, winning the most, you can get 10 million US dollars, and the two will not have any communication opportunities, or people think that you are a picture money.

There is an unlimited possibilities for dinner together, at least a lot of things can be struggling. Success is not important, but must not leave regrets. You must know that Bunzu Xuan is the first diamond king of the world, not the woman has the opportunity to close.

Seeing the reporters' expression, Bao Zixuan knows the purpose. Today, the news is already enough, at least the media will not repurchase the US military retiring weapons and equipment in the transition. Xiangjiang bag is rich and dare to do this because there is a huge profit inside.

The three major radio and television companies have already completed the question, and they can be considered to the newspaper. It seems that the strength is not strong enough, and the iron is still hard, or it is always the back to others.

As Washington Local Well-known media, Washington Post has its unique advantage. At least when the reporter reception will be held, the government functional department will take care of them.

Get an Ian Wright, Washington Post reporter stood up: "Winberg minister, Mr. Bao Zixuan, two good. I am Washington Post reporter, I want to ask two. The Ministry of Defense has given retired military vehicles. Black Cloud Group is dealt with. Does Black Cloud have lost the opportunity to replace the new caravan of the bid defense department. Or through the old car contract, directly put the new car order to Black Cloud Auto. "

Two questions look very contradictory, but the relevance is very strong. After all, no matter how to answer, it is like internal transactions. The reporter of the Washington Post can be used to be sinister, at least nothing to do.

Caspa Winberg smiled and said: "The two concepts, every business in the Ministry of Defense is independently accountted. If you don't have something you said, the two things have their own correlation, but they can be undertaken before and later. relationship."

"The Ministry of National Defense chose to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, because the offer is the highest, the overall arrangement is the most reasonable. As for the new car contract you said, there is currently no one to take orders."

"The new military vehicles are still in the R & D stage, and there is no car enterprise that has no car enterprises. Of course, the vehicle's performance is optimal, and the price and reasonable Ministry of Defense will be considered."

"Mr. Bao Zixuan even here, I also want to explain the situation. If the vehicle provided by the Black Cloud Group does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the cost performance is very low, then the Ministry of Defense will not cooperate with them."

"The new and old military vehicles have no cooperation, and the Ministry of Defense will only choose the best partner at a time."

Caspa Winberg answered in place, at least the on-site reporter couldn't pick any problems. At the same time, people are very convincing, and they should do this.

Washington Post has always had an opinion on the Black Cloud Group, and Bao Zixuan does not know when he has sinned each other. It is necessary to encounter something to face, and the retreat is not his act.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The New Military Car Order in the Ministry of National Defense, the Black Cloud Group is definitely striving. The current preparation is now being prepared. Black Cloud Motor has more than 200 engineers enter the research team, and I believe it will be able to produce a qualified time in the specified time. The car is handed over to the Department of Defense. "

"R & D new cars to make money is on the one hand, it is more important to carry out related technical reserves. This is a matter of one fell swoop, the group never lets go of any business opportunities, and the development of growth."

"Black Cloud Auto has unique conditions, deep technological accumulation. At the same time, we are also the most advanced engineers and R & D staff, there is no reason not to fight for more orders."

Bao Zi Xuan responded relative to the relative, but it can be treated with domineering. It has been explained to US reporters, and the Black Cloud Group will definitely strive to work for the Department of Defense.

It seems that this kid is thinking that two men make money, the appetite is not small. The old old military vehicles retired, the Black Cloud Group has all taken all. At this moment, I want to get a new car purchase contract. The Black Cloud Group has strong strength, it seems that the traditional car companies in the United States have to face great challenges.

At this moment, all media reporters are very happy, at least in recent time, news will continue. Just look at how they seize the opportunity, may work overtime in the near future; this is the true idea of ​​the on-site reporter.

After the Wall Street Journal, Boston Post, the well-known media such as the Boston Post, a few related issues have been put forward. Caspa Winberg and the headers should be correct, and there is no leak in the interview.

Wall Street Journal has been in an objective attitude, and they are more concerned with billions of dollars of funding. Wall Street Journal readers are mostly engaged in the financial industry, so it is also more concerned about finance.

Baozi Xuan did not announce the two bank loans from the United States, because he wanted to see what kind of small generation dared to rob the fire, in a crowded wave.

As for the Boston Post, I would like to pay more attention to Bao Zi Xuan will not pass the MIT University. After getting a definite answer, the other party is very satisfied. At the same time, I also promised to take out time and accept interviews in Boston Post. The Boston Post reporter is excited, and it is even more envious of all media in the scene.

Detroit News reported as the most famous media in the auto city, paying very much attention to the development of the automobile industry. Whether it is a black cloud, it is still universal, or Ford; the home will be produced in Detroit. It is bound to drive the urban economy and there is no tendency. The first time the same bag is, the scale is to grasp it. Can't seem to be intimate, you can't be too alienated.

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