The four-person group is based on initial recognition, at least one or two can be seen from the ratings. As for the programs, it is mainly determined by the content. It is also necessary to see the specific playback of the commentator, and the high level of ABC has a confidence in this combination.

Alice is the host, it must lead to several guests. And only her one has just participated in the press conference of the Ministry of Defense, as a person who has mastered the first hand.

Alice: "Just from the Ministry of National Defense Department to participate in the press conference, the Black Cloud Group purchased many retired weapons and equipment from the military. These include naval ships and helicopters, for the US military performance, and the weapons of the world Level; Turner will have the most say. I want to ask Turner, the Black Cloud Group has been purchased from the US ** party. "

This is definitely asking people, Turner will not only the US Navy's senior general, the navy will be ranked. Also served as the Secretary for the CIA, for the US weapons, and weapons and weapons in the world. He talks, it will definitely convince.

Turner will come over to add President Ren, and attract the public eye. Increase the revenue while increasing the visibility. It is definitely going to sell, or else, who will also find him to serve as a program commentator. For the US retirement government staff, this is a non-small income.

Turner: "The Black Cloud Group purchased 8 warships from the United States, including four of which were produced during World War II. Performance has been completely lagging, even if modern modification is also difficult to bring a threat to the US Navy and allies."

"The other four boats are not small, and the products in the 1970s. It is a small ship, there is not much threat to the United States, and the Ministry of Defense is very strict."

Turner will be from the navy, and naturally cannot be criminalized to the US Navy. The incense is always there, no one will easily be difficult.

In addition to nuclear weapons in the world, the strongest military species is undoubtedly the Navy. Now selling navy weapons and equipment, there is no chance to threaten the United States, and the American people are naturally safe.

In fact, I will know that the military will not be stupid to the weapons and equipment that damages the US interests to the Black Cloud Group. The analysis of Turner will undoubtedly give the people a strong intensive agent.

Turner continued: "About the helicopter, the Black Cloud Group has purchased four styles. The most threatening of the AH-56 developed by Lockheed, which is the world's first high-altitude high-speed armed helicopter. Although it is replaced by AH-64, there is no too much grant. "

"The strength is not small, many of the technology of the aircraft is leading. In addition to the United States, no country in any country in the world, including the enemy's armed helicopter, including the Soviet Union. At least there is no intelligence, the Soviet Union has more than AH- Type 56 armed helicopter performance is more advanced helicopter.

"This also means that the Black Cloud Group has achieved advanced technology to develop helicopters. In addition, Bao Zixuan itself attaches great importance to aviation development. I believe in the future in the helicopter market, US companies will face huge challenges."

"But everyone does not have to transition, technology development is to continue to invest and develop. The success of the Black Cloud Group, in addition to having a genius boss, including huge amount of funds. The United States never lacks genius, not lacking financial support."

"The Black Cloud Group wants to achieve beyond, and it is not so easy."

"As for 300,000 military vehicles, it seems irrelevant. The US military active vehicles, most of them are production in the vietnameday, and they can't keep up with the era, replacement is imperative."

"The equipment for the United States, for other developing countries. At least 15 years or so, even more. But there is no threat to the United States. After all, the military vehicle is used as a transportation tool, it does not have too strong Fighting ability. "

I heard the analysis of Turner, and the people feel very relieved. The Black Cloud Group came over the United States to collect rot, the Ministry of Defense finally did a correct thing.

Turner will finish it, Alice will pick up the topic; "said to the lens:" Thanks to Turner's wonderful comment, I believe there is his authority analysis, and the American people can feel at all. "

"Selling retired weapons and equipment, is to update, improve the combat power of the US ** party. These retired weapons and equipment are not at all, they don't think of the United States."

"So, the problem is coming, the Black Cloud Group purchases so many weapons and equipment, where is it to sell. Next, we have a military expert Jimmy Water to bring a wonderful comment, see what he has."

Before Jimmy Water has always been the protagonist, this situation can not be the strength of the protagonist today, as well as guts. I heard the turn to myself, this opportunity is very difficult. So hurriedly said: "The Black Cloud Group has developed very quickly in the past few years, and there are trade exchanges in many countries in the world."

"But retired weapons and equipment, sales have limitations. Customers can only be a relatively backward developing country, and it seems that there are four regions available in Baozi Xuan."

"It is Africa, South America, the Middle East, China and the surrounding area; these places are possible. The number of military vehicles is too much, it is almost the US ** all transportation equipment. There is no country in the world that can eat alone. "

"Black cloud products are very popular in Africa. Most of African businessmen are warlords in the back control. The US military retired weapons and equipment, they will be interested."

"After all, the weapons used by the African warlords are relatively backwards, and the US military retiring weapons can be used to improve many combat power. African warlords purchase weapons and equipment, mostly using gold and diamonds. Believe that the Black Cloud Group will get a lot of hard and general, of course, this is only unilateral guess."

This is said that although the implicit, there is a conspiracy. It is also telling the world, and the Black Cloud Group sells the US retirement weapons to the African warlords, will definitely bring a bloody and rain.

What is Jimmy-Water means that it should not do this for blogging; at least understand the truth. Bao Zi Xuan can not be good, it is estimated that ABC broadcast TV is also affected.

At this point, the ratings determine everything, as long as the audience likes to watch; more important than anything; it is not so much.

Jimmy Water continued: "The Black Cloud Group cooperates very closely, and it is estimated that Brazil may become one of the sales of US retired weapons."

"Although Brazil is not abundant, the mineral resources can be very rich. It can be exchanged with minerals. Baozi Xuan has the largest steel production enterprises in Huaxia. How many minerals can be digestive."

"It can also rely on Brazil to cover the South American countries other than Argentina, at least 50,000 military sales issues can be solved by object exchange."

"The Middle East is better, and the black cloud itself has a car factory in Jordan. Can you renovate the vehicle at all, sell it directly to all parts of the Middle East."

"Whether it is with oil and natural gas, or land exchange; can solve most of the military sales. The Black Cloud Group has a good customer foundation in the Middle East; as long as it is Bao Zi Xuan imaginary, it is even able to build the Middle East Railway. This is an empty talk, But there is really this ability. "

"As for the Huaxia and the surrounding area, it is not a problem for the Black Cloud Group. Bunzi Xuan invests in the Chinese mainland, and there is a first person in China's mainland investment. Sales some price, low price weapons, very easy."

"The Black Cloud Group has a deep technical accumulation; whether it is maintenance and retirement military vehicles, or improves the helicopter, it is not a problem. The only disadvantage is in the ship, but the pursuit and persistence of Bao Zixuan should also get it. set."

"Although I don't want to admit that the Ministry of Defense is correct. It is estimated that only Bao Zi Xuan has the ability to digest so many military vehicles, the US local enterprises do not necessarily be able to get it."

"Tens of countries involving three continents, we have to admire the customer foundation of the Black Cloud Group, as well as the strategic vision of Baozi Xuan."

This is Jimmy Water to prepare a lot of information, comprehensively analyze the results. In this result, even he didn't want to believe that a company did not easily, even somewhat terrible.

Bao Zixuan This is called the super genius of Massachusetts Institute, actually takes such a solid foundation for six years. Regardless of the market share, it is unique to existence.

There is no company in the United States that is its opponent, and it will be difficult to win the international market without changing the future. At this moment, we must take care of it seriously, which is the reason why Jimmy Water is present. Just try to attract the US government and enterprises to pay enough attention, even if it is a criminal buning, you will not hesitate.

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