Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 854, far-reaching influence

Jimmy Water is in place, and it may be listed in the case. At this time, it is not only an ABC studio, and even the audience before the TV is incredible. What kind of company is this, it is a little terrible.

Alice did not expect Jimmy Water introduced such a detailed, it seems that there are many young people who have gambling themselves, there are still many stories that are not known.

Alice: "Thanks to Mr. Jimmy Water, I didn't expect the Black Cloud Group to be so strong. It seems to be valued, the United States seems to have no company to do this."

"Mr. Water said, Baozi Xuan was known as the first person in China. The most speech in this regard is the Mr. Fu Limin, and Mr. Fu Li will analyze the situation of Huaxia mainland, and Black Cloud Group can Does the US military retiring weapons and equipment are sold to Huaxia Continental. "

Jimmy Water has made an analysis, but the other party is just a so-called military expert. Even if he did not arrive in China, his words did not have much credibility.

Fu Limin is different, and the Chinese culture and history have been studied for a long time. And the chief translation of Nixon visiting China, at this moment, in China; it can be called Huaxia Tong.

It can be said that Fu Limin is an American, people who know the situation in China, he said that the credibility is very high.

In fact, Fu Limin is just a name of the Huaxia, formerly called Charles - Fritman. The name of Huaxia is called him strongly. This is just to let the Chinese pass the information back and make it easy for future work.

Fu Limin said with a smile: "Huaxia is one of the four ancient civilizations of the world, and my research is not deep enough."

"The people in this country are very simple, friendly, hardworking. Do not have any complaints, there is unconditional implementation of the mission delivered for superiors. It is very enthusiastic, help people, and even take the initiative to help people who don't know. If the audience friends have to go to China Tourism, you can feel what I mean. "

"However, the current China's economy is behind, although it has improved in recent years, it can be much more far compared to the United States, Japan, etc., per capita, wealth, is not very least one tenth, even less."

"Huaxia has achieved great success in attracting foreign capital in recent years, especially Xiangjiang businessman headed by Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan. It has increased investment in China, making it rapidly; the annual economic growth is very fast."

"Bun Zixuan has a lot of investments in the Chinese mainland, may be less than in the United States. Especially in Shanghai Pudong New Area, it is possible to say that there is no effort. At present, the Black Cloud Group has a total investment in China's mainland, and the conservative estimate is around 20 billion US dollars."

"After all, the largest steel factory, the largest automotive factory, the largest home appliance factory, the largest toy factory is invested in Black Cloud Group.

It can be said that the Black Cloud Group invests in China mainly based on industry, but this is also very good. Huaxia is labor-labor, and the people have a strong work enthusiasm, and it is not very good to invest in China's mainland China. "

"There is also a little need to pay special attention. At present, Baozi Xuan is in the capital of China. It has the largest real estate coverage, and its scale should exceed the White House."

"I just pass next to it. It is said that you can stay 800 people at the same time, you can see its size. And this thing is absolutely laulous, the next Huaxia officially organized Xiangjiang businessman to Kyoto inspection, that is, live in Bunxuan Home. "

"Bun Zixuan purchased a property near the United States near MIT, elsewhere is not. However, in Japan and Huaxia mainland, it is not the same, completely breaking the principles of the Black Cloud Group in the past."

"It can be seen that he is very optimistic about the economic development of the two places, which is why the Chinese and Japan's large investment in the real estate."

"As for you to say whether the Black Cloud Group sells the US military retiring weapons to Huaxia mainland, nor does it might. The mechanization of the Chinese mainland military is relatively backward, and the domestic automobile production level is limited. It is urgent to introduce foreign vehicles to enter, the army is also "

"Most of the military vehicles used in Huaxia are produced in their own country and Soviet Union, and there are even vehicles during Japan and the US Second World War II."

"This is a matter of serious and national strength, replacing military vehicles is a morning and evening. The US retirement military car is very cheap, it is still very attractive. And Bunzi Xuan Tong Huaxia relations is close, I want to sell out is not difficult."

"Even if the Chinese continent does not have to pay for cash payment, Bunzi You can earn back through various means."

"I am not military generals and experts, not very well - known for the Huaxia Navy weaponry. However, this Turner will be aware of Water, or ask them to analyze it."

Fu Limin finished, the American people have a correct understanding of Huaxia. The folk customs are simple, enthusiastic, and the economy is a label. At least Americans think it is.

Turner will serve as the Secretary for 4 Years, let him answer about the things about Huaxia, and it is easy to misunderstand. At this time, I can't take much more, after all, it is to attract eyeballs and increase the visibility.

Jimmy Water is in the big, and I don't dare to open first. In case he said that the Turner will refute, the audience will definitely not believe him. For the public, he is just a military comment expert, and the Turner will be an authority.

Turner will think about it, maybe it is sorted out, maybe it is analyzing and cons. After all, his identity can't open it easily, and it seems to be very determined.

Turner: "Huaxia Navy strength is very weak, there are few ships that have more than 10,000 tons of ships, but the strength of China is still limited in the submarine, which can be limited to processing precision is very noise."

"Speaking of jokes, as long as the naval submarine in Huaxia is in the sea, even in Hawaii can listen. Therefore, the US Navy retired ship, Huaxia will definitely be very interested. After all, the Chinese southern border is not very calm, there is a chance to get Navy ship should not refuse. "

"Huaxia Army's strength is very strong. Of course, it doesn't refer to their weaponry. In addition to missiles, Huaxia Army weapons and equipment is only equivalent to the level of World War II. But the tenacity and courage of Huaxia soldiers, many countries in the world are more than."

"You can have the opportunity to get a military vehicle, increase the force of the unit. The high level of the Huaxia will not be opposed, and even take the initiative."

"As for the helicopter, it is definitely the short board of the Huaxia military. Whether it is in armed helicopters, or transports helicopters, there is almost no more technical reserves. If the price is suitable, the Huaxia military should buy all helicopters to buy back. "

"If I am in the high-level position of the Huaxia, I will not let this opportunity. After all, the United States is not handed over to the Black Cloud Group every time the retired weapon is handed. Next time I want to get the US weapons, it is not so easy."

Turner's analysis, others will not question at all, and they don't dare to question.

This is also the same, he can only be attached to it later. As a military expert, there should be some novel ideas. Otherwise, who will convince him, and will not have someone in the future.

Jimmy Water: "Turner will say it very reasonable, the high-level high-level Hualia high-level will not let this opportunity. But as Four Mr. Fu Limin said that the economic situation of Huaxia is not very ideal. A one-time can't eat too many weapons Equipment, even if it is a low-cost product. "

"China wants to have a big move, it is estimated that it will be paid from objects, or the way of installment payment."

"No matter from that point of view, Bunzi Xuan reclaims the US retirement weapon equipment. The profit can be more than doubled, which is unquestionable."

"So Miss Alice is sure to ask, but this is not necessarily a bad thing for Miss Alice."

The gossip of the finisher is to be guided by the headset to Jimmy-Water. Let him take this topic, after all, the audience is not all political characters, and there are still a lot of ordinary people like gossip.

Bao Zixuan's popularity in the United States, as well as huge wealth is the topic of people. I have just gambling with ABC TV female anchor, of course, will be concerned.

In addition, the identity of the two people can only let Ji Mi Water open this topic.

At this time, Alice didn't say anything, because when promised to bun Xuan gamble. She will know that they will be paid attention to and non-discussed. With this opportunity to increase exposure and popularity, it is absolutely no loss to her.

Several people have analyzed how the Black Cloud Group will operate next, and in those local maintenance and maintenance of retired military vehicles; where to upgrade the warship; where to manufacture a helicopter; then ended this interview.

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