Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 855 Different Reactions

When the ABC high-level is getting the ratings, I can't believe my eyes. It actually reached a 35% of amazing, that is, as long as it is a place that ABC can cover, more than one-third of the people watch this interview.

This is a number of firms when the US and Super Bowl finals, the ratings are higher than the finals of any other housing event. Even if the president's inquiry ceremony is not so high.

Non-American local areas that can be covered in ABC broadcast TV are actually higher than any TV show. It seems that the people also pay attention to the politics, but they have not found that point of attracting the public before.

The show is hot, and the high level of ABC is very happy and firmly believes. Create a trustworthy show, let Alice serve as the host.

Because of an interview, Alice fate shift. To a large extent, I would like to thank the head of the bag and invisibly changed the professional planning of a beautiful host.

The ABC interview show is a great success, so that other two are very annoyed. At this point, the other two high-level are under board acceptance, but still do not dare to refute.

NBC and CBS board of directors of the CEO do not trust the ticket vote, which is the first time in the history of Media Company. Not only that, the program of ABC broadcasting and television companies also affects the US high level. The President Reni has just read the show, as a big country of the Japanese, can complete a show, it is difficult.

Turn off the TV, Ragge said to William - Joseph - Kathy: "Turner wants to do, who allows him to go to this TV show."

William Joseph - Kathi; US Central Intelligence Agency, the 11th Secretary; is also the current director. Generally speaking, he is a second peak after Allen Dulles in the CSI.

However, William Joseph - Kathy is also a face, the CIA is mainly responsible for the essence of foreign countries. Turner will not be just a navy, or the former director of the CSI. If you dare to monitor him, then it is undoubtedly broken rules.

William Joseph - Kathy is not so big, after all, he also has retired. Make a person to leave a line, good evening. Today he can monitor your predecessor, after retirement tomorrow, the successor will not monitor him.

Seeing William - Kathy face wronged, the root did not say much. After all, he did not even send people to monitor the Navy, the former Secretary for the Emperience. That is to make two parties contradictory, who can't afford the anger of each other.

Ragang smiled and said: "I didn't blame you. The identity of Turner is too ming. This time, I didn't say any topics that influence the national strategy. I wouldn't help him. I still have to persuade him. He is a Advanced generals of the Navy,

Not a commentator. "

As for Fu Limin, there is not much to say anything. After all, I introduced some of the situation in Huaxia to the people. He has agreed before. As for what means publicity, it is the following things.

William - Case: "Turner will now have no specific positions, and the warning is not a good way. The President is not to find a thing, so there is not so much free time to participate in the TV show."

As for the warning ABC Radio and Television Company, William - Cases also thought. You can immediately cut this idea. If you don't dare to do this, it is estimated that tomorrow ABC TV will report it. So waiting for him only resigns, the reason is to violate the US Constitution and destroy the public's right.

Reagan feels William - Kathi is very reasonable, warnings will be counterpril, it is better to give a specific job on Turner. With official work, there is no time to appear on the TV screen.

The position is not good to arrange the position, after all, this old kid serves as the general commander of the NATO EU military. The official position is too small, or the official space is absolutely not dry.

Ragan: "Caser Director, what you think is to give the Turner what position is appropriate."

I heard the roots, William - Cases somewhat measures. What does the president mean, he is just an intelligent head. Only the right to recommend, have some decisions on the newspaper. Now there is an arranging position arrangement, William - Case can't give any specific recommendations.

But the president and asked, but no answer. At this time, it can be described as difficulty, and maybe silence is the best choice.

Seeing William - Kathy, the Director of the enemy's prestige, when I stood like a little daughter-in-law. Reagan feels very funny, and also knows the difficulties of each other.

Ragang smiled and said: "Here are two people, don't have any restraints. Everything we do is for the sake of beauty, not for personal interests."

This is said that there are several people who can really do. Seeing William - Kathi still didn't speak, Ren said impatiently: "You are the Secretary of the Central Bureau, some questions should be suggested for the president. Call you to help me divide the worry, not let you stand."

"Any guard can do this job, do not need your Secretary for the Central Bureau to serve as a guard."

William - Kathy knows that it is only hard to say sharply: "Turner will be too high, this is very unparalleled. Work can not be lower than the previous position; otherwise he must not do. But before High positions are the core leaders of the military. "

"I want to satisfy the other party, only two positions are suitable. US Navy Command, or the general commander of the NATO European Union Command. Or higher can only contact the chairman of the meeting, such as the chairman of the meeting, you will definitely not agree."

When I said the general commander of the NATO Europe, the root eyes were bright; in his heart, the Turner will serve as this position, maybe it will have unexpected effect.

Northern Athasical Convention Organization, referred to as NATO, is an international organization established in Europe and North American countries for defending cooperation.

NATO has a large number of nuclear weapons and conventional forces, and is an important military force in the West. This is a logo to implement the strategic alliance on Western military camps after World War II, which is Marshall plans to extend and develop in military fields, so that the United States can control the German and French EU defense system, which is a symbol of the United States to achieve super largest leadership.

The highest decision-making body of NATO is the NATO Council. The Council consists of the heads of the member states and the high-rise, foreign minister, and the Minister of Defense. The headquarters is located in Belgium, Brewe. Brussels.

NATO Established is because of two major powers in the United States and the Soviet Union, in order to capture world hegemony, launching competition in technology, arms, diplomacy, and outer space. At the same time, confrontation is also confrontation between the two major countries. NATO can say that it is a continuation of the European Renaissance program after the United States after World War II - Marshall Program. In order to control Western Europe in the military field, in April 1949, 11 of the United States and Western Europe, France, Portugal, Italy, have signed the "Peking University Convention" in Washington. After the approval of the procedures in the same year, NATO was formally established. The Warsaw Treaty Organization was established in May 1955, and one of its established is the Sid (Federal Germany) joined NATO in May 1955. After more than ten days, most of the European socialism, including the Soviet Union, in Warsaw, in Warsaw, Poland, signed the "Warsaw Convention".

At this point, with the establishment of the two major military organizations, the Warsaw Treaty organized by the United States, the United States, headed by the Soviet Union, marked the official start of the United States and the Soviet Union of the two major powers in the cold war.

Turner's qualifications, prestige enough to compete for the position of the general commander of NATO, and can also have a shocking role.

At this time, the Soviet Union is still strong in the Soviet Union. Now let a naval who have the identity of the Centralistory will serve as the general command, then the Soviets will think. Before you find out the Americans, you must not act rashly.

The more I want to find the plan; and this position, Turner must not be opposed, and will go up.

After that, Turner will definitely look forward to the Rigang horse; directly tell the other party not to agree with a similar TV show.

Ragan seems to have a decision, laughing and saying: "Texad Secretary, NATO ECM, Bernard, Rogers, will have been in office, it seems that it is going to mobilize."

I know that the president has decisive, William - Casei is not talking about. The life of Turner is still very good, and the last TV show is not a bad thing. Is it possible to consider itself, with this idea, William-Cased left the White House.

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