Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 857 Different Reactions

The headline of the Soviet Truth Headline, "The intelligence head is served as the general commander of NATO". " In detail, Stansfield-Turner's resume, and his own position, will bring those effects to the Soviet Union. The Soviet high-level is also immediately held an emergency meeting and negotiates measures.

During the Cold War of Meisu, any military equipment service, any advanced general, will affect the nerve of the other party. Stansfield Turner's former Secretary for the US Central Bureau, at this time, at this time, the general commander of the NATO European Allies. Will it break the strategic balance, and what changes will be brought to the international pattern, no one knows.

Andropoff has to bear the pain torture, appearing at the meeting. This allows the Soviet high-level, after all, the highest leaders have not come out for a long time. Many transactions are handed over to Chelno, and the next generation of leaders have been determined.

Andropoff looks at the Soviet leadership, and it is inevitable in your heart. The Bremenvian resumption of leading cadres, which allowed the Soviet Union's decision-making layer with average age of 70 years old, and the typical elderly.

But Andropov has no way, even if the Soviet leader has its own helplessness. He worried about walking Heruchu's old road, and it was difficult to do so.

Among the Soviet leaders, Herrushchev is the most legendary person. When he sculpts him after his death, he specially put two black and white stones together. Tomb Tomb: "The advantages and shortcomings in his life, just as black and white."

Herrushham is also a leader with reformational spirit. In the official history of the Soviet Union, Herrushchev is forced to step by the reform. In fact, the reform of Herrushchev is conducive to the people of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet people have no right to let Herrushche husband will step down. There is no doubt that Herrushchiff touched the interests of the Soviet bureaucratic group.

After Herrushham took office, the official's office was very adjusted, abolished the Soviet cadres, and the method of cadre rotation. This is undoubtedly a sunny day of the Soviet official, and Herrushchev announces the replacement of 70% of the Soviet officers. So the Soviet senior cadres jointly opposed Herrushchev, claiming: Herrush Xiaofez is to steal the labor fruits of the Soviet people, and must take Herrush Xiaofech to the stage and save the Soviet Union!

In October 1964, the senior cadres took a holiday, and he looked with Herrushhaffe's secretary Brehev, which made He lively reached. After Herrushche, he saw the accused of a man, etc., Question Herrushchev: "Why do you want to do this? Do you have a voice for the Soviet people, but what benefits do you do to the Soviet people?" Huru? " Xiafu faces "forced uterus", only have to choose active retirement, and still in strict monitoring after retirement. 7 years later, Herrush Xiaofeng died.

After Belzhev took office, the officials were built to build officials and further improve their lifelong system and various welfare systems.

Andropoff is also a very reformable person, if the body is allowed. I know the big limit, I don't dare to have too much actions. I don't dare to get started with old cadres. At this time, I think that I'm trying to be so correct.

Leading cadres are made up, not only let the Soviet Union have fallen into the elderly political pattern, and it has brought great impact on the state. People will inevitably be embarrassed, and the energy will not keep up, making the Soviet decision-making decisions. After the central command is issued, the place will also be greatly reduced.

This is also the reason why the Soviet leader died in a term of office. After all, there is no way to take work.

Andropoff did not speak, and several other high-rise in the central center of the Communist Party did not open. After all, before the highest leader didn't speak, others did not dare to cross.

After the Secretary saw, he quickly reminded Andropov. The Secretary knows the physical condition of the leaders, thinking that old worship is sick; this is a top secret. At this time, you can't miss the horse, or you don't know what to do.

Andropoff said with a smile: "People are old, some are somewhat. You have a national high-level leader, but you have to share more."

This is said that no one dares to pick it up. As long as Andropov is still on, others don't have excess ideas. And the other party has a KGB background, one is not good.

To say the most embarrassing people, it is definitely the Chernocology. Although it is a successor, Andropov is still there. If the performance is too obvious, then don't you want the other party!

Chernote said: "*** Comrades Never say this, the Soviet people still need your leadership; the entire alliance also needs to listen to your instructions. You are our main bone, see you today, you have a lot of peace. With your leaders, the United States and NATO are underway. "

This old boy is not low, the position of the successor is not so good, in any country.

Listening to Chernote, other high levels have also begun to attach.

As the only ruling party in the Soviet, the Soviet **'s highest leader, the position of the Soviet ***** has a great power, *** Director Gorbachev wrote in his memoir: "I am When the Su Communities ***, the power I have comparable to the ** emperor.

As long as Andropoff is still alive, his command must be unconditioned, and his instructions must be observed.

Although I know that there are few people true, Andropov is still very happy. At least he is still the highest leadership of the Soviet Union, can also control this huge country.

Andropoff: "Wikto Mihailovic - comrades CCR Kakov introduced us."

Victor-Mihailovic-Chernolkov, a worker family born in 1923 in Dnieberro Petrovsk. The famous Nnp Petrovsk Metallurgical College - the furnace of advanced cadres of the country of the Brestnev era. He joined the Soviet Union in 1944, 1968 - 1982 Victor-Mihailovich - CCR Cheric Vice Chairman After the husband, Chetkolkov took responsibility for the Chairman of KG B.

For this old, Andropoff is still very assured.

The two major intelligence agencies in the Cold War period, Chetkolkov, Chairman Chetkoli, against Turner; fairly familiar.

Chetkrikov said seriously: "The Supreme Command of the European Allies is one of the three commanders to which the Military Commission organized by the North Atlantic Ocean. Headquartered in Casto, Belgium."

"The Supreme Command is served by the United States and is also the general commander of the US armed forces in the European Armed Forces. In the Netherlands Bronnd, the Northern European Command is located in Norway, Corosus. The Italian Naples, the United Kingdom Air Force Command is located in Heikham, England, and the European Union Motor Force Command is located in Germany, Zeakheim, which is responsible for the NATO countries outside the NATO countries, and the Mediterranean Waters. "

"Before the Stansfield Turner Navy will have served as the NATO EU military commander, and the general commander of the other party is not very good."

"But Turner has an identity that he has served as the Director of the 4 Years of CIA, as our old opponent."

"A series of operations in the United States has not yet been effective, so it is still unable to make effective judgment. However, Turner serves as the general commander of NATO, and its purpose is definitely a great Soviet Union."

"This person has its own uniqueness in the intelligence, as well as the military command, and the strength is not small. KGB has ordered the US and European staff to investigate, and I believe it will be possible."

"But one thing makes someone can't understand, just before the appointment of Turner will serve before the NATO Europe's command. He also participated in a TV show, and its content is to analyze the US replacement military vehicle, and the black cloud group is like this. More retired military vehicles are going to sell. "

"Participate in the show, Turner will be awarded. This is not related to the association, and it is still in the investigation."

Surprisingly, it is busy with the intelligence agencies. Especially the identity of Soviet KGr, Turner is too sensitive, and it is not survey to be unassured. The limited intelligence information is limited, and it does not mean if the Americans are not.

No way, KGB can only increase their efforts, making many intelligence personnel expose. Even if I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to joy.

At this time, Ragang is also emotional; early, knowing this, when he just served as the president, let him serve as the general commander of the NATO Europe, which may be better.

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