Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 858 Different Response Four

I heard things about the black cloud group and Bunxuan; as an important partner, and the old friend, Ustanov, I can't sit, I urgently need to understand the situation.

I know that the Black Cloud Group has a business with the Americans, but now I have a connection between the United States. So too close to it, will not affect your own and family, need to be careful. No one in the crime of the country, not only loses life, but also be nailed to the shame. Ustanov is very important to reputation and is a strong supporter of a strong Soviet Union.

Uscanov: "Americans replace military vehicles are boiling, Chetkrikov comrades can explain the situation in detail."

I know that he has been drinking with Bao Zixuan, and his nephew is closely related to the other party. If you ask directly, it is definitely not good. No one will doubt the Soviet National Defense Minister's loyalty to the country, but should also avoid it.

Chetkilkov met the Chairman of KG B, of course, knowing the bend around this. Seeing others without reacting, the most important Andropoff did not speak, and began to introduce.

The things that have just taken place have made them passively. Soviet KGG said that there is nothing to know, and the general order of NATO's European Allies is appointed. It was not pericamed by a little wind before, and the Soviet high-level number of his work was not suspicious.

It is basically aware of the situation of replacing military vehicles in the United States. GM and Ford Motors are as important as American companies, KGB learns that the trend is very normal.

Chetkrikov: "To say that the United States has direct relationship with the black cloud group, since the buns Xuancounted hand, jeep and Dodge two brands, plus their own black cloud car. It can be described as big in the international market, USA Local is more played with universal and Ford. "

"Car sales can not go out, workers, factory buildings, and equipment need to be maintained. So General and Ford United States other car companies, began to lobby the US Department of Defense, let them replace military vehicles."

"Before there is intelligence, Americans are really intended to replace some old military vehicles; with this opportunity to solve it."

But so many military vehicles are all replaced, and the funds are not small. Americans do not waste such a step even if the wealthy is rough, can only sell the retired weapons and equipment.

"The previous US ** car is provided by Jeep, so I find the original factory is the best choice. And before the Black Cloud Group has purchased many old weapons from the Soviet Union, and the old equipment can be said to be full."

"In addition, General and Ford also want the Black Cloud Group to deal with, 300,000 military vehicles will only occupy its production line. At that time, production capacity will inevitably affected, this is also a good time from the new market.

"This Black Cloud Group acquired US replacement military vehicles, it is also forced to have already been. However, Bao Zixuan is in the Middle East, Huaxia, Africa and South America. The problem of selling these military vehicles is not big. Comprehensive analysis will not be affected, but Made a big profit. "

I heard the conspiracy of the US Automotive Manufacturer and the Ministry of Defense, not the Black Cloud Group to do this. The Soviet high-level reassurance, the current Black Cloud Group plays an important role in the Soviet foreign trade. Never have any problems, it is not good at break. That will give a serious impact on the Soviet economy, no one dares to take risks.

A company has been able to affect the great Soviet Union, so that the Soviet high-level is very upset. But this is the fact that it is difficult to change the facts.

Andropoff: "KGB can provide information to the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, absolutely can't make it tend to be US."

"Whether it is not the intention of the US car company, or it is obvious; it is not important. I just want to know if there is any response to the Soviet Union, I will never let the Soviet soldier will fight against the opponent."

At this time, everyone looks to Ushino, after all, these are responsible for the Ministry of National Defense.

In fact, Ustjinov is also a bitter, and the Soviet economy is far from the United States. Without financial support, it is difficult to ensure that military weapons are updated, especially after entering the mechanization era.

Afghan war is like a quagmire, continuously swallowing the limited military expenditure of the Soviet Union. At this point, we must provide weapons to the Afghanistan garrison, but also to meet the competition of the United States in China, at least in the armament.

At this moment, Americans have made military trucks, so that the Soviet military is very passive.

Even if Ustanov is from the person in charge of the logistics, a typical technical cadre; there is also a feeling of smuggling women. It can be counted in the Americans, even in difficulties. At least the pre-pre-work should be prepared, can't drag the legs on the army.

Uscanov: "Show off from the information, Americans are very motion; the requirements for new military vehicles are very high. Although I don't want to admit that the Soviet Union wants to follow up. Not only single technology, in economic Also supported. "

"After all, Americans are ready to use more than 30 billion US dollars, and the Soviet Union has not yet arrived in this extent."

"The update of technology is normal. The Soviet Union can use step-by-step way. I have ordered Moscow people, Golki Automobile Factory jointly developed a new type of military car research and development work. At least in performance will not fall behind the beautiful ** car, but There is a number of times on quantity. "

To say the two major automobile manufacturers of the Soviet Union, it is also a famous existence.

The Moscow Automobile Facture was established in 1930, occupying the stamp of the Soviet automotive industry in the 1970s and 1980s, and was considered a banner for the Soviet car manufacturing industry.

In 1947, the first batch of Moscow people offline, producing the first generation of Overefield K38 in 1936. The Soviet Soviet Government occupied the industrial base in eastern German, after the World War, the Soviet Union, who took the K38 production line back to the predecessor of the Moscow Automobile Factory after the investigation. The first generation of Moscow people after listed, named Moscow people M400 sedan, only 9000 rubles, which was the lowest price in the market, and thus immediately caused hot sale. The more and more market share gradually pushes Moscow people to the top of the Soviet Auto Industry.

Founded in 1930, Golki Automobile Group is the product of the first five-year planning period of Slin Industry. At that time, the United States had an extremely serious economic crisis, and the Soviet Union was taking advantage of this time to buy a complete set of automotive plants in the United States in the United States. This automotive factory is located on the banks of Lake Erie, called Luji Motor Factory, which belongs to Ford. It is the world's first comprehensive multi-use bus factory, which is also one of the most advanced automotive plants in the world. After the Soviet Union bought a full set of drawings and production equipment, the Soviet Union was built on the Volga River, the Gork Factory of tens of kilometers. As a result, the Soviet Union entered the most advanced field of automobile production, and the Gorky Automobile Factory has also become the pillar of the Soviet automotive industry.

The Soviet high-level is still very confident on the two bus plants. After all, a teacher is in the United States, a German line; plus the Soviet improvement and innovation. In the eyes of the Soviet Union, both automotive plants are not weak in the world, both technology, and any car manufacturers in the world. Not promoted, just because of political reasons, there is a direct relationship with the blockade of the United States and Western Europe.

Bremenvi also knows the status quo of the Soviet Union, especially economic conditions. Every year, high military costs are constantly eating the Soviet Union economy, but there is no military support, and Americans will be more unscrupulous. This is very contradictory and can only bite your teeth.

Know your physical condition, it may not hold for a long time. Can only make appropriate reminders, even if you are expensive as the highest leaders, you can't easily change the established programs and policies.

Bremenv: "Ustanov Marshal is the technical cadre, this matter is handed over to you."

"The Ministry of Finance is appropriate, used for R & D and production of new military vehicles. The remaining is inadequate, can take the United States. Sales out of the active military vehicle; Eastern European countries and other alliance countries can buy some military vehicles or Not a problem. "

The first Rich has changed its decision-making again, but this time is capital investment. It is not possible to say that there is more bad things about the Soviet Union, but it can't talk about what is good.

Finally, the Soviet high-level meeting results, KGB strengthened the investigation of the general commander of NATO Europe; Uscanov organized the domestic design bureau and the automotive factory R & D, production of new military vehicles; Soviet Foreign Trade Department is responsible for selling retired military vehicles .

It is quite reasonable on the surface, and it is quite reasonable; the suffering is only known.

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