Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 860 Different Response Six

Huaxia has actions, and the Middle Eastern countries are of course not glow. Among them, Jordan and Iraq are particularly active, they want to get a military improving project.

Jordan has a unique condition, and the Black Cloud Group has established a car industrial system in Jordan. Although it is a modified Soviet equipment, this is difficult to pour a genius engineer in Babo Xuan and Black Cloud.

To say that the world is more accused of the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi; Jordan Hussein - Iben Tarrah is absolutely calculated. And it is still the type of iron fans, the old man has admired this young rich.

After the Black Cloud Group came to Jordan, it visible to the change of the naked eye. At least from economic, Jordan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A few years ago, Jordan is also the most backward country in the Middle East, except for the Shengnian famous. Modern industries, there is no relationship with Jordan. It is because of the arrival of the Black Cloud Group, so that Jordan has changed the earth. Not only has the best automotive industries in the Middle East, not only in terms of electricity, but also in other countries.

The Dead Sea is just a tourist land, and the dead sea mud is more cabbage price. It can be investive and propaganda through the Black Cloud Group, and the horse has made the price tens of times. It is also the first giant head of the world's cosmetics to develop, and the future of Jordan will become a business card. High-end synonymous, these are all real profits.

The time to sell gold to the black iron price, will not return it.

King Jordan accused Bunxuan and other reasons, this young man did not like other European and American companies. Use a low price from Jordan to deceive the power of the sea development, and choose to share the cake.

Baozi Xuan has a business vision, it is more difficult to be expensive, people do business and bright. Never accounted for the inexpensive partner, earn money to the way.

Jordan shocked the entire world with 20% of economic growth per year. Although the GDP is too low, this growth rate can also be incredible.

Since the Black Cloud Group has achieved a transaction, Jordan must have a saying. Even if the economic growth is fast, some money also saves. Black Cloud Group is modified in the Soviet tank and armored vehicles, and performance is very good. I believe that the US retirement military vehicles will not be disappointing.

There is also a very important, Jordan's automotive factories can fully undertake this job. US ** experts say that the Middle East may be sold, then Jordan cannot let any opportunities.

Hussein - Tarraler said in Said: "The Black Cloud Group reached a retired military vehicle with the United States, you should know!"

Hussein knows his identity,

The status of Jordan gradually increases. There is a direct relationship with the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, so it is more in any trends in Bao Zixuan. He is so big in the United States, he certainly knows.

Not only in the United States, in China and in Japan, he knows one or two. Even suggestions from Bao Zi Xuan, in China, in Huaxia, I have invested some projects; and purchased a part of the property in Japan.

Said: "Know, and have already got contact. The black cloud group purchased some military vehicles from the United States will maintain the Jordan factory to maintain = repair and maintenance. I plan to go through the United States in the past day, see the other party can't take the helicopter The production base is placed in Jordan. "

"Jordan already has a car industry. At present, it is still a blank in the aviation field. There is no powerful industrial basis, it is impossible to become a strong country."

"The world's pattern and war mode are changing, no longer to win by braveness and wisdom. Jordan must have a complete industrial system to master the right to speak in the future."

Said's answer made Tarlal King very satisfied. If the other party is his own son must pass the throne to him. But this kid is just your own nephew, the realm of Jordan's king and the realm have not yet reached the kind of situation.

Hussein-Iben Tarrah said: "If the king of the royal family is like you think so, he is not strong, the people are not rich. Most of the royal family is too hot, do not know how to think; this is very Danger. Don't have any concerns according to your thoughts; I will fully support you. "

In fact, after the end of the press conference, Said's call was dial. I hope that the headers will be handed over to Jordan, as a request between the US retired military vehicle.

I originally had this idea, and I felt the sincerity of Saidide; Bao Zi Xuan did not hesitate to agree. However, he did not agree with the helicopter transformation plant proposed by the other party. Just say to investigate, the current settlement of Jordan is still insufficient to allow the helicopter factory to settle.

Not only Jordan, Iraq is also very positive. The entire Iraq change is a thousand miles away, especially in the last time, two river basin tourism projects, making it more than foreign faces in Iraq. This is a good start, you can work with peace of mind, no one is willing to fight.

At the same time, Iraqi oil and gas production is gradually recovering, and the equipment of the Black Cloud Group is much more powerful than before Iraq. Not only fast, and efficient is higher, the most important loss is low.

The only shortcoming is that the price is expensive, or else you really want to put all the Iraqi oilfields.

The oil production equipment is R & D in the United States and Germany, which is definitely the presence of the world. At present, there is a production in the Chinese mainland factory, just limited capacity.

Iraq is the first customer, which is also satisfied with the Germans. This is a kind of win-win situation, and they also earn a lot.

Domestic economic recovery is fast, and there is also a process. The war of the two Iraqi is a heavy loss between the two sides of the war, it is difficult to return to the pre-war level in a short period of time.

Iraq needs a large number of military vehicles, and I want to find a batch of black cloud group or Soviet Union. Now the problem can effectively solve, this kind of good opportunity is not when there is.

President Iraq said to the two masters: "The Black Cloud Group has achieved a military acquisition contract, you should know, what do you have to do!"

For this successor, the president is still more satisfied. At least there is not so tyrannical, cautious for people; there is no negative news about the old two.

I said seriously: "I already know, and I will pass Iraqi to the Black Cloud Group. The person in charge of the Black Cloud Group Iraq has reported to Baozi Xuan. But it is more troublesome to be in the United States, if it is in Xiangjiang I really want to pass it. "

Different from Sai Yide's idle prince, the two masters can be held by Iraqi. No matter where you go, you will have a political tendency.

Before Iraq, Iraq had been purchasing the Soviet equipment. At this time, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.

I heard the son's answer, the president is very satisfied. At least proved that the old two is very busy, although the ruling and flourishing and experience are different, so you can accumulate, and you can guide yourself. I am worried that I don't care, so even the master is useless.

To say that the black cloud group modified used weapons and equipped is the most confident that is Iraq, they are experienced. The products during the World War II, through the transformation of the Iranian armored troops. Most importantly, it is completely in the wind.

President Iraq: "Bun Zixuan is not to leave with you!"

"You can call directly, things itself is bright, and you don't have to worry about Americans."

Worried is normal, after all, people are in the United States. And with Bao Zi Xuan's identity, the call is not very insurance.

I heard the second son suddenly realized that I was thoughtful. This time is the discussion of the purchase of US retirement equipment, and Americans must not be used by Iraq. Still directly with Bao Zixuan to contact us, save turn to the delay!

Two masses quickly got in contact with the heads of the bag, and told Iraqi.

The military vehicles have not yet arrived, Huaxia, Jordan, Iraqi all actively find the door. When is the business so good, like someone take the initiative to send you money.

If the Americans do you know that these countries will take the initiative to find the door, they will personally deal with this batch of military vehicles. But there is talking, find the door because I believe in the black cloud group and Bunzi Xuan; doing business, word of mouth is very important.

The Black Cloud Group will never sell problems, or sell out products that do not meet customer needs. Americans can be said, after all, there is no less pit.

Moreover, the Jeep production line can be seamlessly docked in the hands of Baozi Xuan, directly produced. Customers can get performance-free products in the first time, which are the reasons for the initiative to find the door.

For the goodwill of the three countries, Bunzi Xuan gave a positive response.

Huaxia also can be paid with Huaxia currency, and even use land discount. At the same time, the helicopter project will settle in Shanghai and Pudong, which is a country that is most affordable.

Jordan car transformation does not need to be said, the helicopter repair shop will also be established accordingly. As for Iraq, I can only put the warships during the Second World War II. All three countries are very satisfied, and the cooperation intention will be signed soon.

The relationship is good, the money that is receivable is absolutely less. The funds of the Black Cloud Group are also not abundant. It can charge Huaxia coins against Huaxia. The money in the Middle East may not be acceptable. It is too unstable, and the number is not necessarily, and the amount is too large.

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