Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 861 Different Reactions Seven

I don't know if the black cloud group has a high efficiency, or the other three countries have an urgent hope. In short, in less than two days, three contracts have been signed.

In order to achieve the best results, it may also be a glimpse. At the routine reporter meeting, three countries have announced that the Junyun Group reached a cooperation intention, and will buy the US retirement military vehicle after the refillation of the Black Cloud Group.

The cooperation intention to announce the conference, and suddenly shocked the whole world. In addition to the strength of the three countries, people feel that Bunxuan is really too business.

Three countries announced the retired military cooperation plan, but it is very risky. After all, the military car is still in the US military, it is difficult to keep some hands and feet. It is not stupid, mainly to have absolute confidence in the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

Of course, it is also related to the guarantee of the head, he repeatedly emphasizes that there is absolutely not to install any monitoring equipment on the military vehicle. For the technical level and corporate reputation of the Black Cloud Group, three countries are still very confident. Besides, I have to check back, I have to check it, I believe that Americans have not stupid to do their hands and feet in the car. It will definitely affect the overall image of the whole country, it is not so easy to sell military products.

Brazil and Silly in African countries have heard the news. The US ABC TV news is also concerned, and we must have one of the weapons and equipment such as military vehicles. But three countries actually don't have traditions, and suddenly play somewors.

Black cloud cars have a factory in Brazil and is not small. There are many black clouds in Brazil, but because of price factors, it is not universal. This retired military vehicle does not exist, and there is a huge attraction for some people in Brazil's relatively low income.

When the Brazilian military has not promised, there is already a chance. I hope that the Black Cloud Group will take some military vehicles to modify sales. Sales will not let the bag are unrestrained.

Brazilian gang strength is not small, not afraid of the government. But for the Black Cloud Group, they will still be carefully treated. Everyone knows that the head is rich and rich, and the security of the black cloud automobile factory also makes them feel away.

In the black cloud in the hands of the black cloud, it is not given to the money, and the two sides will not worry.

Then the African warlord has also begun to stop, and it is open to the media. You can't forget Africa, they also need this military vehicle.

What happened to this world, the Black Cloud Group has just acquired the US retirement military vehicle. There are so many customers actively go to the door, everyone is waiting to give Bao Zi Xuan to send money.

At this time, General and Ford's two cars are also regretted. I know that they will eat orders, nor to let the black clouds are so extent.

I have not received a car, a car,

It has been sold out. And it seems not enough, this makes Wall Street can't understand. When did the car become futures, I have never been hypelled before.

At this time, the pink bar next to Harvard University is another scene, and two American girls are talking about topics about men. If you listen carefully, you will find the protagonist of the story or our head.

Jessica Mei Yong graduated from Harvard University and did not leave. And choose to continue to study, and are currently being pursued by a Ph.D. in Harvard Business School.

At this time, it is not a person, and many intimate partners have left. Only the boss of the pink bar, Maggie - Lauren has always been; at this time, the two are chatting in a small private room.

Jessica Mei Lu said: "Life is getting more and more boring, and there is no feeling with this to learn. There is only you to find memories. It seems that it is really like people."

Mai Qi-Lauren said helplessly: "I am also the same, now there is no interest in the business restaurant; maybe it is old! It is you; Harvard University so many young people, nor you taught it. "

The woman of the Meiyi family unless the luck is bursting, otherwise, marriage can be the master.

Jessica Mei Wei: "You don't know how much old antique in our house, how could I choose myself. In order not to delay each other, still count."

"It's you, do you prepare for a long time? Newspaper report, he has returned to the United States. And it will come here, maybe it is your last opportunity. This time doesn't say, then there is no chance. "

Maggie - Lauren is also awkward, after all, Bao Zi Xuan's identity is different from. At this time, people were already the world's first diamond king, but he was a year of nearly 30 old women. Whether it is wealth; or social status; and the age is not suitable.

And also known that Jessica Mei is talking about her, but why not say herself. I haven't found my boyfriend for so many years, and I have a direct relationship with the same buns.

This man looks at the charm, but it can't forget. Not only the wealth of the other party, it is more important to flash points, and you can think of it.

Mai Qi - Lauren: "This is different from the past, it can only be thinking in your heart. It seems that we are drinking together, just yesterday."

"Even if you come over the Cambridge, it will mainly go to MIT. Other places will not come over, and there are a lot of people who want to see him, then I will think of me."

Jessica Mei Yong has been thinking, it seems to be greatly determined. Very solemn say: "I don't want you, there is an idea for such a man; it can be destined to have no points. But you are different; there are still many opportunities. Harvard University's high school students, so many years can have been used The land of Wu, the Black Cloud Group is a good choice. "

Listening to Jessica Mei Lin said that Mai Qi-Lauren ignited his fight. The development of the Black Cloud Group is very fast, and the managers can also appear. Join themselves to make the Dark Group's management capabilities and business levels. At that time, near the water building is also said to be the month, even if there is no relationship with Bao Zixuan. It is also a place to be ambitious.

Maggie - Lauren: "You want me to go to the Black Cloud Group, will not be a bit wrong."

Just know that Maggie-Lauren will definitely, then you are adding a fire.

Jessica Mei Yi: "From this military sales, it is not difficult to see. Bao Zixuan has already made a solid foundation for the development of enterprises around the world, and it has also been a very vast people."

"The Black Cloud Group is not short-defaulting. Bun Zixuan is a rare technical genius for a hundred years. Management ability will be the key factor of restricting enterprise development, and the management team of Black Cloud Group can say it is very bad. Most of the technical staff are born. Very disadvantageous to enterprise group development. "

"It's not to find talents, but there is no suitable candidate. Exactly, Bao Zi Xuan does not have a special trust, may have a big relationship with the Chinese status."

"Your joins will bring changes to the entire black cloud group. First, Bunxuan will trust you more; at least will not reject. After all, everyone is familiar with each other, and it is known to know the roots."

"Second, you are a woman, itself has a lot of men not have an advantage. Of course, it is not the same person."

"The current Black Cloud Group is all people take the initiative to find him to do business. As long as the management team is too hard, the technology will not have any problems."

"The Black Cloud Group has only one female executive, which is the Zhao Tingting, who has just started to start a business."

After I finished taking photos, I saw a woman after the appearance; Maggie - Lauren didn't know what to say. Whether this woman is in that country, the aesthetic method is an ugly woman. Such people are definitely superior, or how can they become a high-tech of the Black Cloud Group.

Jessica Mei Yong continued: "This woman is not strong, but the right to Black Cloud Group is very big. It can be said that it is a character, but there is no relationship with Baoxuan."

"It is not difficult to see from here. Bunzi Xuan is really no one available. This is your chance, I hope you can grasp it."

Bao Zi Xuan did not know, come to the United States. Not only brings great changes to the military and the world; there are also a few women to move.

Not only Maggie - Lauren and Jessica - Mei Yi, there are still many people waiting for him.

Rachel Morgan has been operating the Lexuan Express Company, and because of the relationship between the Morgan family, the company has developed very rapidly. This time Bunxuan's arrival, she can't calmly.

To say that the most upset woman in the bag, Rathel Morgan absolutely counts. I know that the man has a girlfriend, but it is not dead. Currently planning, see what method uses the other party.

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