Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 862 and return to the Cambridge

Arrange a new military research and development plan, Bao Zi Xuan understands that even if you want to hide, you can't hide. And the world knows that he comes to the United States, if you don't return your mother, you can't say it. I don't know how to organize him, I will only talk about the lightest words.

At the same time, I also worried that I have misunderstood schools, after all, many projects, or to rely on MIT.

After two years, Bao Zixuan returned to the alma mater again, it is already a person. Although it is just a short two-year time, the achievements of Bao Zi Xuan have been shocked by the world. When you graduate, you just have the rivers' rivers, you have the right to speak in the wealth list. In just two years, it has achieved great achievements in international military sales.

Actually, you can get a US ** order, which is also to establish trade between the vast majority of countries in the world.

If you are two years ago, it is a new technology company with toys and high-tech companies. It is already a giant Macon, which is included in military and heavy work. Absolute strategic enterprises, no one in the world.

It is necessary to visit the acquaintance to visit the Mirace, and the first stop will come to Bowman's at home. Let the German old man touched, prove that Bunzixuan did not forget.

Bowman's wife is very enthusiastic, thinking that there is no white fee.

Bao Zixuan moved in the gift, and Bowman's wife directly sent people to the wine cellar. The head of the bag is quite horrible, and the Bowman's wine cellar is almost filled.

After sitting down, Professor Bowman smiled and said: "I heard that you go to the Davis Morssen Air Force base to drink Freiburg, this old man said it."

This is also the reason why Bunzi Xuan came over to Bowman, starting from the CNC machine tool, to German black scientific data, there is a US retired aircraft. There are "Professor Bowman" inside, and it is the kind of not to return. This feeling is overwhelming, and it is not to give people the old age.

Bunzi Xuan: "Freiburg colonel and I have said your relationship, this time is really good for him. It is also looking at your face, or else you should not take it cheap."

Professor Bowman knows that Bunzu Xuan is so grateful, or there will be no harm to help him.

Professor Bowman: "You should not come over, I am easy to get gossip and misunderstand. Now I don't have to consider, I have to pay attention to it. I will pay attention to it. I am not picking with you, don't do this."

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is not an important thing to come over the school, just simply come over. Of course, let's see you, how is it. If you are not happy, you will go to Xiangjiang. Whether it is teaching, or develop, or There is no problem in direct pension.

It can be said that this is enough to prove the close relationship between the two. At this time, the only regret of the Baoman couple is that Bunzi Xuan is not their son-in-law. If life is a success.

Mrs. Bowman: "We are very good here, wait until retirement. And Ai Wai is still in the United States, we will not live in Asia for a long time."

He also wants to fight for his daughter. If Bunzi is brought to Xiangjiang, then the couple will definitely follow.

Seeing the expression of Baozi Xuan somewhat awkward, Bowman said: "Now life is not bad, wait until the holiday in the river, see how you live there."

After the three people chatted again, it is mainly living and working in recent years. Since graduating, Bun Zixuan has never seen Bowman couple.

Seeing Powman's professor with Bao Zixuan to study, Bowman began to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Professor Bowman: "The development of the Black Cloud Group is too fast, the foundation must be prison. Although I am not in the business community, I can also hear some winds. Wood show in Lin Feng will destroy it, to give other enterprises some live roads. It is very good, there is no way to enter military and heavy work, after all, there are few companies that enter, and the market share is very limited, this scale is going to grasp! "

"Some companies have been deeply rooted, but also pay attention to safety. Most of capital is profitable with killing, although the times are different, but they have not changed."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Professor Bowman to see so thoroughly, it seems that he is not a professor of ordinary universities. But people don't say, he is not asking. Just know that he can help him, there is no bad mind. Without the help of Professor Bowman, the Black Cloud Group can't develop at the fundamental development of heavy work and military industries.

Bao Zixuan: "I have strengthened my security and try not to conflict with military companies."

After the lunch, Bunzi Xuan slammed from the master of Powman. Afterwards, Professor Harry Roland, and the principal's visit to John Song; counted.

After Bao Zixuan left, Bobman said to her husband: "How is the suggestion of the package, are you ready to go to Xiangjiang?"

Professor Bowman: "The country is still in splitting, we can't relax. I will help him if there is a retreat at the crucial moment. It seems that this kid can be" busy. I don't know how to open, all the efforts before. Will all in white. "

Bobman also said: "Bunzu has no father from Xiaoyu, I see his respect for you. It is obviously to treat you as a father, and even think of letting you go to Xiangjiang pension."

"Chinese only son will give your father to pension, the son-in-law will not say this."

The Mrs. Bowman is obviously not to let Bao Zi Xuan are involved in the German affairs. Professor Baiman is a master; everything is still to listen to the husband's decision, can only persuade it next to him.

Bowman's peers spare no effort to help Bunxuan, the initial idea is just to have a place behind it, not for homeless, or some family can take it.

I didn't expect this kid to develop so quickly, and it is already possible to affect some national decisions. The relationship with the United States and the Soviet Union is very good, and it has been able to play a huge role in the unity of the two Germany.

Once the opening, then the previous help will meak. I feel that the elders are helping the late generation, and they will think of him. Don't say that pension, you will be too lazy to see you. This is a very contradictory thing, while the country is big, one is private feelings.

Professor Bowman has fallen into two difficulties, and this feeling has become more obvious with the power of Baozi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group.

Refuse John President's proposal to the Massachusetts Speech, nothing can be said in the New Year's Eve. And as the principal of the Yulin Institute of Technology, to other school speakers, always feel weird.

The people visited people have visited, and the tasks of Cambridge City have been basically completed. Nothing didn't do it at night, suddenly thought of there was another place.

Some things still have to face, some people still have to see it. For the arrival of Baozi Xuan, it immediately caused a sensation in the pink bar.

Many students have heard that Baozi Xuan often patronize this store during reading. Even with the boss, there is still some relationship, in short, it is the kind of relationship.

Newcomers have not believed that now I have seen Bunzi Xuan personally arrived. And I will see the expression of the boss, saying that two people have no relationship, and they don't believe it.

Still in the Hall 8, the renovation and layout are basically different, or when they leave.

At this time, only Maggie Lauren and the head of the room are rich in the room, and the dim light is a bit awkward.

Baozi Xuan is a man, first opening: "How do you live in the last two years, see you is a change here?"

I heard a familiar business, and still countless voices. Maggie-Lauren didn't know how to answer, is it true.

Fortunately, I will react, smile and say: "How can I still have two years old. It is a more mature, steady, very mature than, and very mature."

"After you leave, I have rarely come here. Mainly gave to the following people to take care, it is more interested in operating the bar. Think about you come over, see if you can give me a position in the Black Cloud Group. "

Listening to it is a joke, it can take a test. This is a woman, and I will not speak.

Bao Zixuan: "Harvard College's high school students, of course, welcome."

I haven't waited for Bao Xuan to finish, McGare-Lauren said first: "Is it worried that the Temple can't stay a big Buddha, I think no one is dare to say that the black cloud is a small temple!"

Hearing here, Bao Zixuan knows that this woman still remembers the matter of the year, the woman is really guess.

Bunzi Xuan: "If you really want to work, the financial officer of the US Division, or the Director of Personnel, you can choose one."

Maggie-Lauren's ability, and the academic qualifications will not be suspected. If you can come over the black cloud work, it is also a recruiting talent.

The position is not too high, at least you can't enter the group management. Otherwise, it will break the company promotion system, as well as the balance of personnel.

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