There was no happening at night, Bun Zixuan selected after drinking wine. This is incredible to eat melon people, and the two are not the relationship. However, this boss has never given a good face to other men, and it will not be accompanied by it. This kind of operation is real, it doesn't understand, Bunzi Xuan is still not a man. In the face of a beautiful, long-awaited beauty, it can be indifferent. This may be the reason why people succeed, it seems to be too low in its own realm.

McGi-Lauren did not give up, but to choose to go to the Black Cloud Group and become a personnel director of the US Division, it is a hope to leave himself. Of course, it also breaks the city rule, because the Black Cloud Group has never recruited a beautiful woman.

The next morning, Bao Zi Xuan went to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Although not preparing a speech, the face should be given. It is mainly several laboratories to cooperate, and there is not so closely professor to visit the relationship.

Of course, the head is unfair. Instead, I came to Texas, because he was here to get an authorization.

Texas, referred to as the state, is the largest state in the United States, and is also the second state in the United States, second only to Alaska.

The state name comes from the Caddoan language "TEJAS" in the Indian Hasinai family means "friends" or "allies". Spain's explorer is in the name of the word, and it is used as the name of the word.

Texas, Texas, USA, is in Mexico, and Texas, Texas, is part of the New Western Governor. After Mexico is independent, Texas has become part of Mexico Acored - Tehas. Since the 1920s, a large number of US immigrants poured into Texas.

On December 20, 1835, Texas had signed the first independent statement in Goria. Then the Mexican government banned the existence of the slave system, these slaves were dissatisfied, so Texas officially announced independence on March 2, 1836 and established the Texas Republic. The United States admits that the Republic of Texas, Mexico does not admit that Texas is independent, announced that Texas is re-incorporated into its territory, Texas maintains its independent position and emphasizing the Grante River is its border. The UK tried to mediate this controversy but did not succeed, because Mexico refused to admit Texas.

In 1845, the United States announced that the United States will recognize the Grande River as its border. Texas, Texas, became the 28th of the United States.

Dezhou is known as the energy and petrochemical industry, is the largest energy and chemicals in the United States. Oil and natural gas production accounted for 1/3 and 1/4 of the production of the United States, and the refining capacity accounted for 1/4 of the United States. In the 1980s, the Dezhou implemented economic diversification policy. Although oil and natural gas were still the main industries of Dezhou, the proportion has declined, and the high-tech industry has developed rapidly, Houston, San Antonio and Dallas Triangle have become the United States Two "Silicon Valley", Houston has developed into the world's largest medical training and treatment center.

Texas is famous in the United States because it is very exclusive. The people here introduce themselves, and they will only say that they are Texas, and the previous US is omitted. At the same time, Texas is also the most beautiful state in the United States, and denim culture deep into the bone marrow.

Bao Zi Xuan came here, I want to see someone. It's not very difficult to take his name, it is not very difficult.

The Takadon felt inexplicable, Bunxuan came over the United States. Of course he knew. But why I saw a retired army colors, I really can't understand.

At this time, the small Badton is the consultant of the second installor division of the US Army, mainly, I don't want to leave the troops. It is necessary to say that the US second armor is the army.

The US Army 2nd armor is a pharmorist of the US Army. The nickname "hell on the tire"; the teacher was established on July 15, 1940.

The second installor master's initial test is a torch action in North Africa, and then he will transfer to Sicily. Then landed on Normandy on June 9, 1944, and rushed to Karang Tang support support to support the 101st airborne division of the land. On July 25th, the US military launched the spells of the cobra, the second armored division and other member of the US military team launched the offensive, and broke through the German defense line. The second armored diviner blocked the counterattack of the Germans in Afrosse. Next, we advanced to the German border. After the outstanding service, the second armored division rushed to the forward line reinforcement. When the completion of the protrusions, the first infantry staff came with the Allies crossed the Qiffei defense line and the Rhine, and became the first forces arriving in the Yi Bei River.

Bao Zixuan came over and wanted to visit the former commander of the second installor division, General Xiaobu.

General Small Barton met a subordinate of his father once when he was studying in the West Point Military Academy. That veteran saw small Barton, telling him: "Congratulations," Congratulations, "I will never get the results like your father."

Xiaobang finally became a Major General, leading the second armored divisitor that Barton's general led. The son of Xiaobutton Ben Jie once asked him why there was no name in General Barton.

Small Barton replied this: probably the war I participated in the war is not enough. Small Barton has played Vietnam War and North Korea War. Small Barton did not have the proud and uncomfortable personality, if the general of Barton is a wolf, then small Barton is a military dog, the wolf has wolf, but the dog will only unconditionally obey the order.

The father of the small Barton is a famous American famous, one of the top ten famous members, George - Smith - Barton.

George - Barton is called "Iron Derivance" on the US Army. Rude, barbarism is his impression that he left in the war. Panxing will even call him "the gangster in the US." But if you think this is, he is a big fault that he only understands the fight. The intentions of the General Barton in the military field are all-round, of which there is no shortage of wisdom and thoughtful crystallization, the success of "Barton Sword" is an example.

For this river, you suddenly find the door. Although Xiaobu did not know what the other party mean, what happened to the war, people who have seen the big scene, do not look at the wealth of each other.

Can see Bunxuan, not just respect, more important is very curious.

I heard that Xiaobuton is a bit of alcohol, it is nothing to drink, so it is the Moutai.

It's good to laugh. At this time, Baixuan is already the largest customer of Maotai. Make Maotai 5 years in advance, many people have already drunk, one is one of the big companies exported to Huaxia Export, which is going to be in the head of the head, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

It is not unreasonable, but Barton also knows Bunzi Xuan likes to drink. It is not a secret to the Soviet Union, Isenov, US **, is not a secret. Therefore, there is no refusal and resignation. After all, the price of Huaxia wine is not allowed to accept bribes. No one can afford it.

Seeing this old man in front of you, although the age is not small. It is good to keep the body, and the whole person is very essential. A head is higher than yourself, it seems that the genetic factor is critical.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello; Baocu! Take the liberty to disturb, please forgive me!"

The person is a guest, not to give wine, talking is so low-key and humble; if you can't help others.

Xiaobang said with a smile: "Don't be so polite, I heard that you drink Freiburg and Wright family's kid. Since you give me, I invite you to eat at night."

"There is still not to call me the generals of Barton, call me small Barton. This seems kindness, but also feels young; will not have generations of ditch with young people."

Is there a person in a Barton family? It seems that the gene is difficult to change, as long as it can drink it with yourself, then things will do a lot.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since Xiaobang is interested, it will be willing to accompany the gentleman."

For drinking, Bun Zi Xuan has never been afraid of who. Small Barton dares to challenge, so that you will give it to see it.

Small Barton: "Although we are the first time, you can have a temper. What is going to say, don't say that you want to see my kind of ghost. It is estimated that you will not believe that I am a soldier. Being born, there is not so much curved. "

Troubled for the soldiers, it is to be some. No matter which country, which nation is the same.

Although the Barton family is not a top family in the United States, it can be a deep-rooted existence in the army. It is definitely not easy to be guilty, at least the first rich will not do it. It is best to say that it is simple to say.

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