Xiaobutton has already told that the head of the bag cannot be hidden; then it is insufficient to be insufficient. With the soldiers, we must use military methods.

Bunzi Xuan: "General Xiaobu is the military personality, you should know the US military retiring military truck."

Small Barton: "Although it has retired, the US military's things are still concerned. The Black Cloud Group is not a retired military contract, I heard that your boy has earned a lot."

"If you are destined to lose money in your eyes, you can be driven by you. I have to admire, it is really a hero. The black cloud group has already got a retired military contract. I should not use what I am helping!"

"And I have a retired veterans, people can't do it."

The small Barton soldier is right, but it is not a singer. If it is only retired military truck, the other party has already got it, it is not used to see him at all, and this is the depth of being.

Since this kid still doesn't want to say, Xiaobang will not take the initiative. It's good to see who can live.

The head is rich, I didn't expect Xiaobu or a old river and lake, and the mind is delicate. It seems that it is too young, an old military person is higher than yourself.

Baozi Xuan: "The things of retired military vehicles have been processed, come over this time, I want to get an authorization."

"US military project, Black Cloud Group wants to fight. And the name of the military vehicle has been unsatisfactory. Suddenly think of the generals of Barton, I feel that I have a new military vehicle with George-Barton."

I heard Bunzu Xuan actually named a new military vehicle with his father's name, and Xiaobutton finally understood what it means. This is a feeling of playing, wants to evoke Americans, and they have a memories of American soldiers.

Although not in the teacher of the second armor, you can also know some of the military information. The new military vehicle basically has no black cloud group, and it can be said that Bun Zixuan has no play. Name your father's name, didn't you choose someone who is not a father?

Small Barton: Thank you, a foreigner can still think of his father, but name a military vehicle with his father's name. At present, the new car is still not constitutive, the risks are too big, can't humiliate the praughteners.

Although there is no clear, Capabo Xuan knows that Xiaoban will definitely know some inside. Otherwise it is impossible to reject directly. After all, this is not a bad thing for both parties.

Only if you know the results, you will be so unhappy, do not leave the room. Obviously the US Department of Defense has made decisions, and the Black Cloud Group will lose the arm with a new military vehicle.

But the bag is still not to give up.

Even if you can't get it, you can't let General and Ford get the order. This will come over to find small Barton, and propose the black cloud bidding American new military vehicle named George - Barton.

I know that Xiaobu will not buy it easily, after all, there is no condition. Directly use people's father's name, will definitely be doubtful.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The United States has a lot of great generals, and the generals of Barton are obviously the most shining that stars. But the generals of Barton did not have achieved achievements, it is very filled."

"For American politics and military, there is no right to evaluate. But Barton's raises, it should be far more than four stars."

Seeing that Xiaoban's face is very ugly, Bunzi Xuan knows that this is a lung tube. There is no promotion of five stars, it is the pain of the Barton family. During the World War II, George-Barton's war is fully powerful and capable promotion. Although it is finally dying in Europe, there is no unchecked, it will not understand.

The United States named historical figures and naming weapons and equipment in the army. There is no weapon so that there is still a weapon, namely General Barton. This is something that Barton family is unwilling to mention. I didn't expect that Bao Zixuan did not leave the feelings, all said.

At this time, Xiaobang's face is very ugly, it seems to be a atmosphere for Bun Zixuan, or it may be a pity for the unfair to the old man.

When the outer face, it cannot be exposed. Not only will make people jokes, and it is easy to expose weaknesses.

Small Barton: "The United States will be able to get it. The father's war and the rank are very matched. The country also gives the family enough honor. If Mr. Bao wants to come over the Baton family, or provocate American advanced generals and the country Relationship. I advise you to still be good, so you are not good at all. "

Small Barton is somewhat angry and is normal, and it is the same. However, there is no good way to pack the first rich at this time, can only arouse the opponent's anger. Only this will have a hopes and float other advanced generals of the military.

In the United States, the general fans in Barton, the army is more than. New military vehicles use George-Barton to name, it can cause the soldiers to resonate and towards.

At the same time, the Barton family is tied together with the black clouds, and the US Department of Defense has to consider it. As long as it is excellent in performance, it is reasonable, and there is no ignore the George-Barton military vehicle.

Xiaobutton was thinking about the pros and cons. Bunxuan took the initiative to find the door; it can be so sincere, and the value of the other party will not be embarrassed in money. On the surface, only the father needs a name, you can bring wealth to the family. From side analysis, it is also a good opportunity for young Americans to deepen the impression of General Barton.

The General Barton even in brave, the record is basically abroad. It is nearly 40 years from the world, it can be said that the current young people just have heard it, and did not see the heroic in Barton.

With a military vehicle commemorate, it is a nice idea. Come, Takadon, I want to use a servant car, not the programs that the Black Cloud Group is destined to adopt.

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is reported that the generals of Georget Barton love two models, one is the other of the tanks is super big jeep. Because these two cars have better endurance and off-road capabilities."

"And the George-Barton military vehicles designed by the Black Cloud Group will be equipped with a V8 engine, the displacement is 6.2L, with a 6-speed automatic transmission. The interior uses two-color mashup, seat pure handmade, look very comfortable There is an elegant classical style, especially in the cockpit, satellite navigation, anti-chemical gas system, oxygen supply equipment and other safety equipment. There are also multimedia audio and video video systems, high-tech satellite detection systems.

After the design drawings are also seen, there is a macroscopic impression.

The car function of Baozi Xuan said that it has been installed in the Black Cloud Knights. But the US military vehicle didn't have so many features, and Xiaobang made a curious.

Small Barton is a person who knows the goods, so many features, the configuration is so high; the price is absolutely inconvenient. The US military is impossible to take too many funds to buy a military vehicle, and you can buy a few meanings. Bao Zixuan is a smart person, things should be not as simple.

Small Barton: "Everyone is a smart person, Mr. Bao still clears the matter is good. The new military vehicle in the black clouds is so advanced, the function is so complete; the price is definitely not low. The US military budget is limited, it is impossible to purchase large quantities. "

It seems that everyone knows, even if retirement also knows some of the US military.

Baozi Xuan: "George-Barton's glory should not be just in the United States, the achievements in World War II should get awards, or write into the historical textbook. The people of the world must pay tribute to them, new military vehicles must be promoted to the world In the range. "

"Not only the army, but also to launch the civilian Sakamoto. Only in this way can George-Barton's contribution to human beings."

If Bao Zi Xuan's words, Xiaobutton, of course, what it means. This kid is to sell military vehicles to the Middle East country. For example, Saudi, Kuwait is a good customer.

Although it is the name of Dad, this kind of thing is beneficial to everyone. This kid is a customer reserve, then uses the father and the Barton family name to affect the US military. It seems that everything is counted, just wait for yourself!

Small Barton: "Mr. Bao will not use the reputation of the Barton family!"

As long as it is dare to mention, it is afraid that small Barton doesn't say anything.

Bunzi Xuan: "Every sale of a Car Barton family has 2% dividend, as long as it is promoted, the benefits should be considerable."

2% of sales, the patent usage fee is alive. The head of the bag is full of sincerity. At least other companies are very difficult to come to this price.

Xiao Badon said with a smile: "Mr. Bao's sincerity made me very touched, I have no problems here, but the specific details need others to negotiate."

"After all, the ownership of George-Barton is being responsible by the Barton Foundation; it is not good to be a master."

Bedding house

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