Hollywood; Also known as Heli Alive, located in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California, USA, is pleasant in the mountains of California, USA.

The word "Hollywood" is often used directly to refer to the US movie industry. Since many famous film companies in the United States have been set up with American movies and movies, Hollywood is a world-famous movie center, which is held here every year Oscar The Golden Image Awards Ceremony is a grand event of world movies.

Hollywood is not only the global fashion origin, but also the center of the global music film industry, with the world's top entertainment industry and luxury brands, leading and represents the highest level of global fashion, such as DreamWorks, Walt Disney, twenty Century Fox Film Company, Columbia Film Company, Sony Film Entertainment, Global Video Company, Warner Brothers, Paramount Film Company, etc. Within the scope, the fashion and technology here are often developed, naturally the unfortunate, with a deep fashion and majestic technology, has been imitated around the world.

Since you have come to Los Angeles, you must come over and turn around. And at this time, Bowman is in this life and work, and you have to come over to see how her life is.

As a Hollywood circle, Helen Barton learned to Bunzi Xuan wants to go to Hollywood. Very enthusiastic, the wizard is also, and it is also the same landlord.

As for the Trump General, the Memorial Memorial Memorial of George-Barton served as a speech. I believe that no one knows the father than him, and it is also a inheritance. Let the people who come to visit, have more deep experience.

Helen - Barton actually knew the love of Bowman, Baozi Xuan did not expect that loveda actually had such a famous gas. Helen-Barton although the performance is not famous, it can be a famous door after all. Plus in Hollywood Mix for many years, it is also a famous person in the circle.

Helen-Barton's words made Bunzi Xuan understand what is going on, it seems that the name of Bowman is not as big as the name of Bowman.

Helen - Barton: "There is a rumor before, a photographer who has just graduated, how can there be such financial resources. It turned out to have a relationship with Mr. Bao, no wonder would be so arrogant."

After Bowman came to Hollywood, it was still a relatively low-key. A little girl, followed by bodyguards, plus living in a luxury home, and the car is not difficult to remember.

In addition, the camera is used as the highest end configuration on the market. Therefore, soon open the market in the star circle, many people will take the initiative to find them.

The Hollywood studio is still simple in this year, and at least the head is rich. Aiwa - Bowman is working hard to shoot a beautiful star. I saw a beautiful star in various postures, Bunzi Xuan did not dare to look straight.

Here is Hollywood, where the world is the most place. Xiangjiang's first Baozi Xuan suddenly drives into the studio, and it is not a known secret.

Aiwa - Baoman can take the initiative to see her very happy, good professionalism makes her unable to put down the work that I have promised people, which makes the bag to come to the studio to find him.

The beauty star assistant saw a man coming over, and the boss is not willing. I want to say it before, I can see the bodyguard behind Bao Zixuan. The most important Helen - Barton is also in the middle, there is no episode.

But the dog, but no matter how much, the bag is a beautiful star to the photography shed. In Lenovo's identity, I don't want to be misunderstood.

The broker saw that the coming is Bao Zi Xuan, I don't know what to say. Suddenly, this is a good opportunity. After all, this person is very famous in the United States. The avenue will be sensational in the United States.

Because there are half of Chinese blood, your dog can think that Bun Zixuan came over to find Philippine - Kay. So wait outside to see what will happen next.

Ava-Barton gave a sorry gesture and started to continue. Bao Zi Xuan responded that it didn't matter, which made everyone be very curious.

Baozi Xuan said to Helen - Bowman: "Sorry, let you follow me, etc."

For this super rich, as well as partners. Helen-Barton is still more satisfied, and she is also a good bunxuan, what is the relationship between Bowman? Women are more gossip, and there is not much relationship with age.

Helen - Barton: "You can see what you have to know if you can see Mr. Bao."

"Before all people are very curious about the love baby - Bowman, now the answer is finally unspeakable."

Bao Zixuan: "Aiwa is my tutor's daughter, it is my sister! Miss Barton is very late in Hollywood time. If there is a chance to help take care of it, I will be grateful."

Helen-Barton didn't expect Bunzi Xuan to ask him for a tutor, although it is only a guest, it can also represent an attitude. Can let the bags to help people help, see the position of this camera in his heart before.

At this time, Aiwa-Bowman ended shooting, and it completed today's work. Directly went to Bunxuan, smiled and said: "How is this today, actually come over. Dad says that you may come over Los Angeles. Now that Professor Bowman is finally reliable."

Looking at two people relaxed to greet, others feel that they will be returned to wealth, Bunzi Xuan is just an ordinary person.

Ai Wai-Bowman said to the beautiful star who just filmed: "This is my good friend, Bao Zixuan; like your mother, it is also a Chinese man, I believe you must have a common language."

The reporter said to Bunxuan: "This beauty is my customer, and it is also the future Hollywood big star, Phi Biki."

Phi Bi Kase, born in New York, July 16, 1963. Mother's Chinese descent gives her black hair and the charm of the Oriental, but her film is mostly in China's audience.

Philipbe Kaset July 16, 1963 was born in New York, USA. The mother is Chinese, so it has half of China's bloodline, from a child, dreams become a ballet, but when the knee injury is forced to turn to the model development in the age of 14. The father is a TV producer, and her uncle is a movie director, but she was explored in the dance hall. Being famous in the rain waiting for the signature of Bogji. 19-year-old starring the woman's "Golden Toy Jade", followed by Youth Campus "Open American Academic House" and Science Fantasy "Elf" became a starry idol.

When Bao Zixuan said with Aiwa - Bobman, the broker has explained the situation to Katie Phipbee. I didn't expect UNAM Bumman, and the photographer did not have a relationship with Xiangjiang's first rich, it is no wonder that the photographic equipment is so high, but the charge is so low.

Miss people is coming over to experience life, it is not to make money by photography. Today, it is not enough to take pictures of her, and it may be not enough to be assistant and bodyguards.

Katiefi said in Huaxia: "Hello, Mr. Bao. I have heard your name, and my family said that you are the pride of the whole Chinese world. Today, I finally saw the real person, I will give me a sign. name."

In Hollywood, a black hair is not very common. This makes Bun Zixuan very kind; and the girl mother is the Chinese people, can say that a fluent Huaxia explanation has not been forgotten.

I will take it to myself to sign, so that the bag is rich, I don't know what to say. After all, he is just a businessman, not a big star.

Baozi Xuan: "The Hall has known, and I didn't expect that Miss Phili said so fluent. If the voice is listening, you must think you are Chinese."

Can introduce awareness, Katie-Phi Bi is very satisfied. But the broker did not think so, this opportunity is not when there is. It can be said that I have been missing this time, I have to regret it in this life. Now it is not to pay, and the opportunity to find the opportunity must take the initiative.

One eye, Phi Bi Kai Jima understands what it means. Hurry and take out the notebook: "Mr. Bao, I don't know if I can sign a name, go back to my mother or have a business."

All said that the Phi-Kai is famous in the rain in the rain, and it seems that the rumors are not empty.

This is someone to find Bao Xuan signature for the first time. I don't know what to do. It is good to respond quickly, take over the paper and pen and write your name.

Although there is no sign, it can be contract, but the document has signed a lot. Moreover, Baozi Xuan very much attention to the font practice, the text skill is still very good.

In this way, the first signature of the head is being obtained by a beautiful star. Finally, some people actually have a price of 1 million US dollars. After all, it is really too commemorative.

Bedding house

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