Signing is just a small episode, at this time, I have time to eat. Come over Hollywood, in order to invite Ava-Bowman to eat dinner, there is Helen-Barton, the host, believe that the restaurant will not be poor.

Bao Zixuan: "When you have dinner, you want to eat something. Listening to Ajuan said that you often don't eat on time, and the teacher also said. Not only don't eat on time, even the phone does not play one. Don't say something. Go home and see; are you so busy! "

Ajuan is Bao Zixuan to arrange bodyguards around Ivova - Bowman, not only responsible for her security, but also play a certain manager. The richest wealth can be distressed for Professor Bowman. This time, not only the first one goes to see him. And often call. Every month will send gifts, you can say that it is very thoughtful. With the Bowman couple say, the pro son is alive.

As for the love of Eva - Bowman just went to Hollywood, open a little name slightly. It is desperate job, accumulating experience and people. Wherever I gave my family, I was very concerned about my parents.

Ai Wai-Bowman wronned: "People have just come here, of course, to work hard. I said that Dad has your student, of course, I can't care about it. Don't say these, I will go back to this section. Look at him. I haven't eaten it recently. I have to slaughter you once today, who makes you so much money. "

Talents who don't understand the situation next to this time understand that I just only know that Ava-Bowman's father is a professor. It turns out that people are the professors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and it is also a teacher of Bao Zixuan. Looking at the situation Bunxuan should be a lot of benefiting from Professor of Baiman, there is no love for no reason.

The head of the bag is not much to say, and I look at the expression of Iva - Bowman knows that this girl is strong. At least I cherish this job, it is also for dreams to chase.

Bunzi Xuan: "Okay, have time to go home. Teacher's age is big, just two years have not seen a lot."

"I want to eat today, I invite you."

Philipbee-Kai did not want to participate in this event, you can hear the Bun Zixuan said that you will ask you. In addition to the spirit of the economy, or decided together.

Baozi Xuan said in Helen - Barton: "Miss Barton, here you are familiar, see what restaurant. Busy for a day, if you want to ask you to eat."

In this way, Bunxuan took Helen - Barton, Aiwa - Bowman, Fimie Kai to the restaurant, and Phi Bikai broker is very eye-free.

With Bao Xuan, no matter how it will be losses.

The dog saw the head of the headband with three beautiful women.

Suddenly excited. Although I don't know who is the first thing of the bag, but I can guess it almost. First, Helen Barton can be excluded, after all, whether it is identity, or age is not suitable. And it's just that Barton came over, if there were two people, certainly didn't bring your boyfriend to a young pretty girl.

Aiwa - Bowman is just a photographer, although it is famous, people will naturally fall. Then there is only one answer, and the Phi Biece with Chinese background can say that two people are very suitable. At least the mother of Kai-Kai, will teach him how to catch a Chinese male heart.

The real name of Baozi Xuan appeared in Walywood, and the beautiful actor of Chinese bitter, Philippi Kay.

Many reporters have already thought about the title, I believe that the entertainment news material can be explored in the next few more time.

Helen-Bartton Road, several people came to a western restaurant. I have just arrived at the door of the restaurant, Bun Zixuan regrets. Because this restaurant he has come, it seems that you shouldn't let the woman will take the way. Is this not adding? The people who have forgotten, now there is still a collection.

Since you have already arrived at the door, it is not his style, and you have never done anything, you don't care how others have commented.

Obviously Helen - Miss Barton is the frequent visitor here, and the waiter quickly arranged the seat.

After some meals, the waiter quickly called the boss. After all, Bao Zi Xuan came over, if he did not report, it was seriously lost.

At this moment, Rathel Morgan is in Los Angeles, mainly in the market of the West Coast, and thereby expanding Asia. I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to come over, it is really a total of Feijia. Therefore, the driver will arrange the driver to bring her to the restaurant, so a good opportunity is nothing.

Old, I don't want to ask Bunxuan. In her heart, two people should not end this.

The relationship between the two is very complicated, and it has been difficult to say. And the two is an easy to crovement for emotions, which causes a lot of misunderstandings. If Rathel Morgan is fully out of the Morgan family, it may be possible. However, it is also, now Bao Zixuan will not eat back.

In order to leave a sufficient time to give the boss, the service is deliberately let the chef slow down. When you go to the dish, Rid Herrgan Morgan also returned to the restaurant.

Looking at Bunzu Xuan and three girls have a good job together, and the mood is better. He understands the man's character, will not be so unscrupulous. Especially in Know Helen - Barton is also there, at least proves not to come over.

Seeing Rathel Morgan came over, four people could not help but look at this Miss. Helen-Barton is a face, because when Rathel Morgan looked at Baozi Xuan's eyes, she seems to know that she made a serious mistake.

The story about Xiangjiang's first rush, Ms. Xuan and Morgan family, is not secret in the United States and even the whole world. Now people are flying and glating, after all, the combination of the bag richest and Morgan Miss will change the world economic pattern. Many people will not be so good, some will be severely lost.

It will even have harm to national interests, so most people do not want two people to combine. Although it is not particularly clear why the two will eventually be together, it can be seen that Rathel Morgan like a grievance, obviously has not ended yet.

Ridhel Morgan said with a smile: "How come the United States don't say hello, after all, everyone is not just an old acquaintance, or a partner. I have a partner. After the company's sadness, you are here, I don't think so. Is it not good!"

"I just didn't eat, didn't you welcome it!"

Regardless of the other, I took it directly; the service personnel quickly took the dish.

Helen-Barton is also a good phase compared to Rayl-Morgan compared to Rayl Morgan. Not much to say, as for the Philipbee - Kaine itself, it is familiar with it, of course, I don't dare to say.

Aiwa - Bowman, there is not so much scruple, laughing and saying: "Since this sister is an acquaintance, of course, welcome. And people are more excited, you said yes!"

Seeing this scene, Bunzi Xuan is also a big one. For Leid Herrgan, he doesn't know how to face it, this also makes anything that has never managed the courier; just don't want any intersection. As for the shares, it is really not very careless.

Helen-Barton also played a circle: "Rathel, we haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you will add a lot of dishes here. Don't be private today!"

Rathel Morgan: "Of course, there is no problem, Helen you have not come over. I thought you had forgotten here! It seems that I misunderstood you, today I ask guests."

At this time, the table is very quiet and caught in the embarrassing situation of no one. Can Rathel - How to make this kind of thing, after all, he is the host, and also swearing sovereignty.

Rachel Morgan: "Don't give me a introduction!"

This is the foundation, which may be uncomfortable in my heart. However, Bao Zixuan can only then then, who will come over the site.

Bao Zixuan: "Helen - Miss Barton, you should know, now is my partner."

"This is my teacher's daughter, come over Los Angeles, just see how she is here!"

"This is Philipbe-Kai, an actor; I just met today. His mother is also a Chinese, regardless of half a hometown."

Said to the love baby-Bowman and Phi-Kay said: "This is the boss of our store, Lechel - Morgan. You can work in Hollywood, you can come to visit. The dishes in the store are very good, wait I will give you a card, you can bring your friends. "

The last sentence is of course facing Eva-Bowman, but this introduction let Lacy Morgan not very satisfied.

Luntier Morgan: "It turned out to be a young teacher. You don't have to do it. When I leave, I will send a few; I have time to come over, and the checkout will be buckled from you."

"Don't be embarrassed, Mr. Bao is our shareholder; it is also the boss of this store."

After several women began to talk, Bun Zixuan did not participate. At this time, the best way is to drink, and you can't see it.

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