Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 876 New Car R & D Seven

The cost price is not high, and the performance has improved so much. There is no reason not to be applied to the new car, and the time is very urgent, you must make a choice.

Bao Zixuan: "Since Dr. Lehat is so confident, then the new military vehicle applies this K8 material. As for the processing of processing, Tiffson will send professional technical guidance. After all, a new material application requires the original R & D team. assist."

It is said that Bao Zixuan is a thunderstorm, it seems non-emperor. Don't worry about lie to him, you can change it. Maybe this is the gain of people, there is Tyssen company to support it, can't she go where she can go.

But how credit she has, but there is a Tyssen 100-year brand in the back.

Micria Feng - Lehat: "Mr. Bao, Tyssen must have fully cooperated. Never trust the back leg of the project, will work well in the first time."

Guaranteed is not important, and the bag must see the actual effect. However, this can not be explained, or it will be hurt and gas.

Bunzi Xuan: "Doctors who believe that Lehat will handle these things, then please please."

"The new car project is fully launched, the new car code is HYC-11, the official name is George - Barton."

I haven't responded to everyone, after all, this is just an internal number, it is for a good book and convenience. The name is actually dared to call "George - Barton"; Many people immediately understand what it means.

The media have reports, Bao Zi Xuan goes to George - General Baton's memorial sacrifice, it turned out to be authorized. I even said that I went to Hollywood Mission, it seems that the media report is really unreliable.

It is said that the businessman is not good enough, and now I finally understand why the bag is so kind, and when people are working, it is not for the sake of dating.

Baozi Xuan continued: "The next steps must be duty, during this period will have no holidays. I hope everyone can understand and complete the task."

I didn't have a holiday, and I saw the expressions of the black cloud employee. Motorola and Tyssen engineers feel very impossible. This is not a stupid, why don't you have a holiday. It is no wonder that the Black Cloud Group has developed quickly, and the employee can't compare this enthusiasm.

Bao Zixuan continued: "According to reason, this is not necessary to explain it. However, it is still to explain it here. In the past, Los Angeles is to get the authorization of the Barton family, because there is no Barton Foundation to be recognized; new military cars cannot be called George - Barton "

"In fact, this is also playing a shockball.

Borrowing the name of Barton, the US ** party cannot underestimate. There is also a very important thing, that is, in the world's popularity. "

"Barton was named in Germany, but Longmeir is a defeated country. We want to be a new military vehicle called Longmeir, and it is estimated that most countries in the world will come to find trouble."

"As for the Hollywood star, it is true for the first time. Don't think more, work hard, complete your respective tasks, is the greatest contribution to the group."

The head of the bag is not necessarily explained at all; it can be concluded after all, serve as the general engineer of new military vehicles. When you work is the tight time, you can pick you up, it is not too good. Now let's clear the problem, it is also to let everyone feel at ease.

Boss is so hard, what else can they say.

When Barton and Longmere, Mia Feng-Lehat expression became very unnatural. It may be the gratification of the Laomeier Award, but more is the dissatisfaction with the new military vehicle as the US general.

Baozi Xuan: "After a week, I have to assemble George-Barton military vehicles. I also know that time is very urgent, it is very difficult. Can be a limited time to the United States **, Black Cloud Motors must be completed within the specified time. Don't tell me, I just have the parts produced. "

After that, he left, as a boss and the chief engineer, the software part was written by him. Although the US ** party will not choose the software written by the black cloud, the big household in the Middle East is not so picky.

After Baozi Xuan left, Mia Feng-Lehat asked: "No wonder the black cloud group can develop, your attitude towards work is really admirable. I am so happy to hear how to work hard, I don't dare to work in Tyssen Industry. Imagine. "

After listening to this woman, everyone laughed.

Oblak said with a smile: "Dr. Lehat may not understand the black cloud corporate culture, and the attacking project means appreciative salary."

"In the Black Cloud Group, when the project needs to attack, the Group will complete all resources to complete. People who participate in will receive more than 3 times more than three times, after the project is completed, but also have a bonus. , Priority promotion and other column rewards. The boss will never let you suffer, such good things can be encountered. "

"I just participated in the research and development of a new mobile phone, after completing the work. The mobile phone is about to enter the mass production period, and I will come here for half a month."

I heard the engineers of Tyssen and Motorola, and it feels a lot of measures in black clouds than that of their own companies; it seems that many places still have to learn more.

The new mobile phone, Motorola engineers feel tense. At present, there is a technical gap with the Black Cloud Group in terms of mobile phones. If the new mobile phone performance of the other party is more powerful. Then they only have a chasing, this scene is a head!

After Bao Zi Xuan returned to the office, John Chambers is already waiting for him. As the person in charge of the Black Cloud Motor, the main work is the same as the Ministry of Defense. Bao Zixuan is too sensitive, and it is not an American. Always go into the Ministry of Defense, nor too much.

John Chaborz: "The boss, Ford and General demanded that the United States ** party is bidding, mainly in electricity."

"They hope that the US ** can reduce the requirements in auxiliary electricity storage, the reason why the existing technique is not possible. Although there is no final conclusion, but the US ** is obviously considering. A number of people should have quite quantity in advance Ok, the US Department of Defense is just a matter of time problems with auxiliary power system. "

Eye people can see that the US Department of Defense has a lot of advances to military vehicles. Can't do it at the existing technology, more is a scorpion. Needless to think that the Black Cloud Group has made a revolutionary breakthrough in the battery sector, and it will make everyone surprised.

Bunzi Xuan: "Beauty ** Want to do what we do, or what is the requirements for the Black Cloud Group."

Everyone is not optimistic about the Black Cloud Group to get a new military order, but Bao Zi Xuan is very unwilling. This is nothing to do with how much money is made, but it is because the whole world is paying attention. If Ford and GM get military orders, a part of people think that political needs, but also can't change anything.

Ford and General will definitely take the opportunity to publicize, and the technical strength of the black cloud car will become very passive. This is no longer the gain of a city, but is about the future of the future development direction of the black cloud.

If you have an overwhelming advantage, you cannot get an order. Then there is universal and Ford not to say anything, after all, winning the colorful color, dare to show off, no one is so don't want.

I am afraid that the three-party strength is quite, the people are not so thorough about the car cognition, think that the black cloud car itself will not work. You must master the initiative, at least in all aspects, you must comprehensively crush.

John Howard: "The Ministry of National Defense is inquiring what we mean, wants to ask our opinion. See if it is not reduced technical indicators, especially in auxiliary electricity."

This is whose woolen gave the chicken, and there was no good heart. If the black cloud car pine, then the United States ** is definitely promoting the issue of the Black Cloud Group does not reach the technical requirements, considering that the third can decide to reduce technical indicators.

There is no winning bid at that time, it is in the reason.

But if the Black Cloud Group does not have a pillow, it is the technical requirements of the recognition of the bidding. If you can't reach there, there is nothing to say, and I am giving up by the Ministry of Defense. After all, you have nothing to do, you can't let the US soldiers go to the adventure!

This is a dead cycle, but it is wrong. Fortunately, the black cloud phone is awesome, otherwise the new military vehicles will definitely don't play. I can still fight now, and the deer will die.

Baozi Xuan: "Inform the US Department of Defense, the Black Cloud Auto will develop new military vehicles in accordance with technical requirements. Do not change any technical parameters, including auxiliary power systems."

"Even if Yon is standing, the black cloud car is not afraid of any challenge."

John Chambers understands the character of the boss, knowing that his decision will not change. And he also saw the Ministry of National Defense's sinister heart, this time is hard steel to the end.

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