Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 877 New Car R & D Eight

Received the latest instructions of Bao Zixuan, John Chambers passed the meaning of the black cloud car to the US Department of Defense. When you know that the Black Cloud Group does not need to reduce technical standards, Ian Wright is incredible. Of course, I didn't dare to neglect, and I quickly report to the Minister of Defense, Casper Wenberg.

Seeing is Ian Wright, US Defense Minister Caspa Winberg said: "How many companies participating in the bidding, I am mainly worried about the black cloud. In case of uncomfortable, I will have a license. The thing is not good. Bun Zixuan is too young, no loss, you don't know how to compromise. "

It is no wonder that it can become the Minister of Defense, the analysis and predictive ability is really different. It seems that this defense minister before, and there are still many places worth learning. Inadvertently Ian Wright has begun to admire Caspa Winberg; but where he knows that Bunzi Xuan's decision did not expect it at all.

Ian Wright: "The Minister of Defense is really like God, the movement of the black cloud does not understand."

I heard the bunxuan this kid really had an unusual move, and Caspa Winberg is very worried. After all, this young man is not only in China, but it is more super rich. He is born by the lawyer, of course, knowing that there is money to make the ghosts.

Super rich, if you launch, most people can't hold it. Moreover, the Minister of Defense can't do any longer, but I don't dare to die.

In addition, Baozi Xuan has a huge influence in the world, and it can be seen from the old military vehicle. In the United States, there is a popularity of household names, and you can make the entertainment circle to open up.

Smart people will not have to sin, this super rich, Caspad Winberge is a smart person in a smart person, and will never make things that have violated their own interests.

Caspa Winberg: "What is the move in the black cloud car, Bunzu Xuan, this kid does not start what moth!"

Many of Bao Zixuan make people very headache, this young man is too uneasy. If you have any words, the stag is still young!

Ian Wright: "There is no requirement of the Ministry of Defense to reduce military technical indicators in black clouds. They have shown that they have been designed in accordance with the prior art parameters. Never affect the use of military, and you can maximize automotive performance and actual capabilities. "

There is no need to reduce technical indicators, although it is not a learning science and engineering. In the design of the military template, many experts in the US Department of Defense believe it. It is difficult to do with prior art. Is there any secret method in black clouds, or how it dares to be inspired.

Caspa Winberg: "Is it confirmed! The black cloud really does not need to adjust the technical indicators, what is the meaning of Baozi Xuan.

Ian Wright is also a face, about military technical standards, basically all of his organization. In order to confuse the Soviet Union, it also refused to let the buns. Specially added technical difficulty,

From the prior art, some problems can not be solved. The expert group believes that the auxiliary power system does not want to think before the battery technology has not been revolutionized.

Now Bunzu Xuan actually dares to take this burden, is this boy crazy. Still need to be investigated, at least you can't show it.

The Ministry of National Defense is also worried that in case the military order cannot give Ford and General. They are also unreasonable. After all, the interests have been got, and they will become very embarrassed. It can be worried that I am worried that the black cloud car leads too much, but it is not good to return.

Ian Wright: "The Black Cloud Group has sent a formal document, indicating that it will strictly implement the technical standards developed in accordance with the Ministry of Defense. Currently, it has been designed and attitudes very resolute."

"After receiving the letter, I also confirmed with the Black Cloud Car President John - Qianbus. I got the other party's sure to answer, I will report to you."

"The matter is somewhat abnormal, Bun Zixuan this person is very savvy, and does not hit the battle. Although there are many experts, it can still be unassured. In case of the technical breakthrough of the black cloud group, we don't know. Waiting for the bidding It will be very passive. "

Experts did not dare to fully believe that although they are leaders in their respective fields. It is sometimes too arrogant, can't look for others, but will delay.

Caspa Winberg: "Multi-party asks, understand the latest technology development. At the same time, send people to find out, the situation of black clouds must be a clear."

"Bun Zixuan this young man is very uncommon. And he is very relieved. It is very reluctant to be placed in technology research and development. Ford and general difficulties are difficult to count on, or not in the civilian car market is so miserable."

"The replacement of military vehicles is for what, don't make a wedding dress for the black cloud."

"At the same time, you personally go to General and Ford, revealing the black clouds. Don't always think about the benefits, the Ministry of Defense is very pressing."

"At the same time, let them skills more skills, at least can't be too much better than black clouds. Otherwise everyone is not satisfied, the officers and soldiers will not be satisfied with the Decision of the Ministry of National Defense."

Ian Rit knows that the Minister of Defense Casper Winberg has been dissatisfied with General and Ford. It seems that it is really going to beat two companies, not the moment when doing things, need to take out some truth.

The Minister of Defense personally explained the task of explaining, and he did not dare to slack off. Ian Wright is a strong purpose to come to Detroit.

For Ian Wright, General and Ford cars are given to high standards. Henry Ford II and Mike Donald were personally greeted to the airport.

After arrived at the hospitality department under the US Department of Defense, Ian Wright looked at Ford II and Mike Donald: "Two should guess why I came over, Winberg Minister's research and development progress before the two companies Not satisfied, I hope that the two must pay attention to it. After all, what is the possibility before the sample cars are not passed, "

There is Henry Ford II, and the average person is not good. The old man's position in the US car industry is really no.

The progress is not satisfied is just an excuse, there may be other questions. Otherwise, it is impossible to run a small matter in order to be a small thing in Ian Wright.

Henry Ford Second: "About the progress of R & D is also pleased with the generals, Ford has organized a strong soldier to attack, will not delay the replacement of the new military vehicle."

"Only many technologies are not very mature, I don't know what opinions in the Ministry of National Defense."

It is the following people before communicating, Henry Ford I can't easily come. Now Ian Wright personally come over, then there is no need to hide it.

I heard Henry - Ford II wanted to reduce technical standards, Ian Wright feels that this old man is also more and more, it seems that Ford Motor has not explored the spirit of the year. It is a group of children in management, and I don't know how to study technology.

However, there is a saying, many design concepts, and technical indicators are indeed too advanced. But this should not be said from Henry - Ford II, which is the face of the entire Ford family.

Ford Motors As a flag of the American industry, when is the target of reducing technical standards.

This cannot be full of Henry-Ford I, just being bored by the engineers. It is also his smallest son, under soft mill; after it is asking, asking if it is asking.

Ian Wright did not answer directly, but said to Mike Donald: "Is there any different opinions in common?"

What does this kid mean, at this time, Mike Donald is very suspicious of Ian. Is it not to let General Motors transition, or is for Ford Station.

But no matter what, it is still necessary to keep consistent with Henry - Ford I. Look at Ian Wright is not to be bought by Ford, at this time, I want to pit the universal car.

Mike Donald: "The same is true. Many design indicators are too advanced. It is also difficult to solve the problem before the related technologies have no breakthrough."

It is very implied that it is very clear that it means that it is expressively. General and Ford interest, the technology is quite, if the Ministry of Defense does not agree, they have no way.

Although suspicion of Henry-Ford 2 is there in an arms between Ian Wright; there is no evidence, or there is no damage to the general interests; if you don't happen, this is good for everyone.

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