In fact, many things are not allowed by Mike Donald, Ian Wright and Henry - Ford II are all family children. And with each other, it will trust each other.

Although General Motors is the largest automotive enterprise in the United States, it has now lost family inheritance. Most of the board members are also investors, and they are too much than the Ford family. Ian Wright as a family of family, and the completion of the family is very normal.

It's the case, I heard the biggest two car companies in the United States, and Ian Wright is in meditation. Is the Black Cloud Group is a stamp, in fact, there is no good way.

Ian Wright: "Two is the leader of the US automotive industry, which is the authority. According to the reason, the Ministry of Defense should not question the two companies, but now there are some changes. Black cloud does not ask for military To reduce technical standards, it is strongly stated that it will develop new military vehicles in accordance with the Ministry of Defense. "

"So Winberg Ministers mean to listen to two opinions; if the Black Cloud Group has mastered the technology that is not known. After all, Bao Zi Xuan is known as a super genius; it is very high in technical requirements, and understands research."

Although the words are very savings, the purpose is self-evident. Black cloud cars do not require reduced technical standards, then things become complicated. Is they mastered the latest technologies or prepare to give up.

This is a question of two gambling, Henry Ford II and Mike Donald dare not take risks. Baozi Xuan is not a person who is in trouble, many times have to prevent it.

Henry - Ford Second World: "Black Cloud Auto actually expressed the development of new cars in accordance with technical standards, it is incredible. Previously, the Ford Engineering Technical Team has repeatedly argued. It is considered that there are existing technical capabilities, not enough to resolve the auxiliary power equipment. That is to say that the battery does not meet the energy storage requirements, is it buns Xuan's hometown, let us go to the foot. "

There is no discussion in common aspects, and it also gives the same conclusion. It's just not so embarrassed, I didn't expect Henry - Ford II actually, it seems to be anxious.

Ian Wright: "What is the idea of ​​Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, we have no knowledge, even if you know that the impact on the overall situation is not big. Now you are discussing our own problems. Can Ford and generality can solve technical problems; or know who It can solve the problem. In case of the black cloud, you can meet the bidding plan of the Ministry of Defense for the new military vehicles; when you can all be very passive, special research technology is the last word. "

Although there is no disappointment, Ford and GM's investment and attitude of technology research and development, Ian Wright is very unsatisfactory. Black cloud is rushing to the horse, and General and Ford are still in the same parties, which is the so-called American great business. It seems that both companies have lost blood, they must give them pressure.

Ian Wright: "What kind of people who are Bao Zixuan should know,

Dare to guarantee at least some grasp. General and Ford must take out their attitude, can't have too much gap with black clouds. "

"Two should know that the technical strength of Black Clouds may be stronger than universal. Many things must be precailed, can't always follow people."

Didn't say Ford, I want to give Henry - Ford II. After all, Ford is a banner of a US car, can't fight morale. Besides, Henry Ford II is also a face, and it is not easy to evaluate with his identity.

The US general is not polite, but people are very reasonable. And this also represents an attitude, there is definitely the meaning of the Minister of Defense, Casper Wenberge, the two enterprises have to pay attention.

Mike Donald: "From the inside, Black Cloud Automobile has set up a secret research and development department. It is personally responsible by Bao Zi Xuan. "

"It's good to find some spider marts. After all, the engineers inside are not only from the black cloud car interior. US Motorola; Germany Tessen and Krupp companies; and Black Cloud mobile phone companies have participated."

"From the current inexplicable information, Bao Zixuan is a big move. But I don't know which step of the R & D team goes, so I see the Ministry of Defense can consult the Motorola."

What does this mean, but there is no face. Let the Ministry of National Defense come out, and Motorola is not bullied. This is to be aware of media, Ian Wright does not resign. How did this person when the general car CEO is, but the mind is actually a brain.

Ian Wright: "President Donald, Motorola and Black Cloud are normal business behavior. The United States is a national business free country, without any organization and department can interfere with normal business contacts. The Ministry of Defense has no such rights, Don't say this, don't say anything. I didn't hear it this time. I hope that you will be so good. "

Mike Donald is very embarrassed, just too anxious, there is no clear expression. So I apologized: "General Ian Wright should not be misunderstood, things may be different from what you imagine."

"I mean Motorola works with black clouds, there will be the possibility of leaking communication satellite confidentiality, GPS positioning technology. Motorola, can master a lot of military secrets; and black cloud cars are not military suppliers, no Got authorization. "

"In case Motorola, in order to win the customer, relax. So beautiful ** will lose weight, just think of preventing it."

Ian Wright finally understood what it means, this old kid is worried about Motorola leaks. Robert Kalvin, which is still awkward than the fox, will not do such a stupid thing, which is obviously not in the wine.

Questioning is not necessarily wrong, let Motorola help investigations; taking out the specific content of their and black cloudwork cooperation projects, then you can know the research and development schedule and status of the new military vehicles in the black cloud, or not.

Seeing Ian Wright's expression, Henry Ford II feels a door. I quickly followed: "Motorola serves as a supplier of the Ministry of Defense, and the national defense investigation is normal. I believe that Robert Galvin will not say anything, he is a clear."

This is to give the Ministry of Defense, but can this face! Motorola is not a small role, if it causes Robert Galvin dissatisfaction, it is not good to see it.

Ian Wright: "Two means, I understand that the black clouds with Motorola normal business contacts. The Ministry of National Defense is impossible to transition, if someone is investigated, inquiries General and Ford, I believe that two hearts are uncomfortable. ! "

"Anti-happening is not necessary, it can be appropriately reminded Motorola. I will report to the Minister of Defense, you don't worry."

This is obviously perfunctory and playing, and it is not allowed to force Ian Rit. Many things also need him to coordinate, and then, people are not a good bully.

Mike Donald: "General Ian Wright is still going to the Black Cloud Auto."

Everyone is a smart person, this is to let him go to the situation. These two guys have really didn't take themselves, actually caused him.

Ian Wright: "The purchase of this new military vehicle is to support universal and Ford. Chrysler, black cloud and other car companies are supplemented. In order to improve work efficiency, send several teams to automotive manufacturers."

"I personally lead the team to Ford and general, it is to pay attention to the two companies. Other various officers are responsible, you can go to find the Babi, he will go to the black cloud test."

Seeing the two people thinking, Ian Wright knows this is ready to make an idea. It is no wonder that the US automotive industry will not fall, and there is such a headless person to grow.

Use administrative means to give them orders, do you have to operate this. The people are not a fool, soldiers are not so good. It seems to be mentioned, give these two pressure.

Ian Wright: "Iron Iron is still hard; relying on conspiracy, even if the victory is won, it can be seen from the long-term perspective."

There is no more time to give two car companies, Ian Wright is a polite delivery to leave.

Seeing the two left, hurry to report this situation to the National Defense Minister Casper Winberg. The things about Motorola also took it, got negative and replied, did not say anything.

In fact, this is also Ian Wright intentionally, just wants to let Caspa Winberg help him correct mistakes, so leaders will feel that you are very good, it is also a way to protect Mingzhe. In addition, Caspa Winberg disagree, it is also an explanation for general and Ford, at least not blame it on his head.

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