Quasi-military position, the rank of the level, will be the best, between the colleges and orders, higher than the top school, from the actual situation, Huaxia's large school should be quasi-flat, and lower than the United States and other countries brigadier. It is quasi-will be the title of the lowest level of the first-level military ranks in some countries. There is no such thing in the military scales in some countries.

At this time, the Book in Ian Wright will be in the Black Cloud, and its purpose is to understand the development of new military vehicles. Book will be in the absence of the Ministry of Defense, or it is impossible to come over the black cloud. When it is generally believed that the black cloud has no play, send such a person to come over and can give you a good face.

It can be found that Black Clouds have expressed warm welcome for his arrival. Not only John Chambers greeted the door, Bunzi Xuan is personally introducing the preparation of Black Cloud Auto.

Let the bruces that have never been taken in the army will be touched, at least he feels respectful. As a veteran, it is not a person who doesn't know much. Respect is mutual, and then the big name of Bao Zi Xuan he has heard more than once.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Welcomes the generals of Butt to come to black cloud inspection. For your arrival, we are looking forward to a long time. Military traffic research also hopes that the Ministry of Defense can give certain guidance and opinion, or it is true to be closed. "

Bit as a veteran veteran, still have seen some big scenes. Moreover, Freiburg colleges also exchanged with him, and it also investigated the black cloud and Bunxuan's information before. In front of you, this little boutique, in the process of interaction, but you have to be careful.

Burt: "Mr. Bao said, your big name is like a thunder. Come over, look at the research and development progress of the black cloud new military vehicle, you are an expert, why do you want me to guide."

For the dispatch of Bud, Bun Zixuan already knows the message. It is provided in Freiburg, Moutai is gradually playing.

Freiburg colleges and universities are presented to his evaluation, both of which have both war, and there is no understanding in the workplace. In short, this person is not good, especially the rich people are not cool.

Looking at it is not as good as Freiburg, but it is still a bad thing.

It can be said that both people are all ghosts, I want to see how the other party is.

Baozi Xuan: "General Bud, just listen to us to report, or directly visit the workshop; macro understand the progress of R & D."

I know that this old boy culture is not high, it is a famous big old and rough in the US military. In order to avoid embarrassing or black clouds, it is better to mention it; it is also given to the other side.

Book will not think that Bunzi Xuan is still very pressing,

So smiled and said: "I like it directly, or go to the workshop to see the development progress of the military vehicle."

"Mr. Bao is so confident, definitely will not be disappointing."

Under the leadership leadership, several people came to the parts manufacturing workshop. At this time, the main body of the military vehicle has been made, although it is just a housing, but it is still a small shock to Bud.

However, from the perspective, the new military vehicle in the black cloud can be crushed before. Although the shape decided nothing, but the mighty domineering shape is still able to add soldiers fighting for a certain extent.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "General Bud is a hipster, I feel how we do this military vehicle."

Sorry from the shock, Burt said: "Very good, the car R & D capability of the black cloud is really famous. Even if the performance is not good, the sales of this car will not be poor. There are still many people in the world that belong to the appearance, visible How important is the value of color. "

"What is the name of this car, I really want to know."

This is certain to know what, and Bao Zixuan also understands how long it will be concealed. It's better to be directly when you hide it.

Bao Zi Xuan: "This military name is George-Barton, mainly combined with the generals of Barton like the speed of Jeep, and the reunion of the tanks."

As long as it is a pure soldier in the United States, we will basically advocate the general of Barton. Book will not be free, and it is to admire the kind. Now I heard the military name called George - Barton, knowing that Bunzi Xuan is very large. Now that the Ministry of Defense is difficult to engage in, this military vehicle cannot be ignored from the name. Moreover, how much the shape is so domineering, general and Ford's program, can be said that it is not comparable to the black cloud.

As an old soldier, he is more willing to use the black cloud.

What makes him don't understand is that Bao Zixuan contacts the Barton family. Previous media reported to the Georget Barton Memorial, now the answer can finally be announced.

The Ministry of National Defense is also worried that the Barton family has come up, and now it seems that both parties have completed the binding. Caspa Winberg is destined to be disappointed, and the military order has new variables. This is not necessarily a bad thing for yourself, and the black cloud can't arrange him to dock and be responsible.

Burt: "The name is very good, it is a hard-selling Mr. George-Barton General Memorial Hall, originally to be authorized. In the shape, it is indeed worthy of the name of the General Barton, the performance can not be not possible. Even the Barton family agreed, USA Soldiers will not promise. "

Baozi Xuan: "Performance will meet the technical requirements of the Ministry of Defense for the new military vehicles, and will also improve the investment in technology research and development,"

"340 horsepower engine is no problem in driving medium tanks."

Moreover, it will not be revealed that the head is rich and wants to make beautiful **, universal, Ford's three one measures. It is not possible to expose too many technical secrets, especially in an auxiliary power equipment.

Burt: "When is the military car that can be assembled."

This problem is reasonable, after all, the Ministry of Defense is the purchase side. In this case, there is still a point of testing. I want to know when the black cloud can produce it, then according to the situation of the black cloud from the new adjustment plan.

Even if you know the purpose of people, you should answer. This is a positive, and it doesn't matter.

Bunzi Xuan: "One week, but black clouds must be strictly tested, it can be handed over to the Ministry of Defense. I found that the internal solution is solved in the company, so it is good for everyone, and the Ministry of Defense can save a lot of trouble."

After turning a circle, I didn't see any gang, Bouri will leave the black cloud car.

In fact, it is not just that he, the Ministry of Defense sent all the groups to go back to live. To summarize the results of the investigation, the generals must be aware of the information to be written to the Minister of Defense.

The military office efficiency has been very high, and that is the country.

I saw a few groups of people have come back, and Caspa Wenber has held an emergency meeting. He wants to learn about the situation of various companies in the first time, saying that it doesn't want to appear unexpected.

Collect money, the sky is justified. At this time, he must be tilted, otherwise everyone must follow bad luck. The capitalist of the United States can not talk about it, it is not quyching, and the benefits of the loss is so simple.

Caspa Winberg: "You have worked hard these days, but now it is not a lax. I hope you share the information and plan it."

What is the meaning of an eye, Ian Wright Horse?

Ian Wright: "General and Ford attaches great importance to the new military vehicles, it has entered the assembly stage. After three days, you can complete it. After testing, you can hand it over to the Ministry of Defense."

From now on, performance can basically meet the requirements. It is only some of the energy storage, and the engineer is looking for a solution. Will continue to pay attention, it is definitely not the replacement progress of the military vehicle.

The protagonist is General and Ford. At this time, the two companies are basically ready, then things are better. As for other car companies, it is not that important.

Since it is a meeting, it is certain that everyone will speak. The surface is fair, and the Americans are still good.

After the past, the military general of Chrysler, Carter, and Oscar made a report, how to say it will be divided into some military deposits, and simply report it.

Book will know the turn to him, or as always, it will not be reported to the last report. It seems that he and the black cloud car are the same as the status of the Ministry of Defense.

The only difference is that the black cloud group is very popular among the world; the technical strength is more crowning, and he does not have any foundation. Since it is not honest, then nothing is not the best choice.

So the Book said a few words, and guess the Bunzi Xuan's things hide him. And I saw confidence from the opponent's eyes, and it is necessary. However, I don't want to let the Ministry of Defense have known these bureaucrats, waiting until the black cloud car and Ford, it must be very fun when universal competition.

Book will not know that he did not seriously report, and even the name of the black cloud new military vehicle did not report. Decoction of the Ine-Wright, the resignation of the Minister of Defense, Casper Winberg, is the hard warranty.

At that time, even the names were said, the high-level high-level in the Ministry of Defense would pay enough attention. After all, in order to honor, the Barton family will not be able to authorize George-Barton's name. Don't understand the power of military vehicles, and more money is difficult to buy this family.

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