For tanks and armored vehicles, the armor is of course, the better! I believe that each of the newly entitled military fans have seen such a sense of thinking after seeing the data of the tank armor. However, is the truth? I believe everyone is understanding that it is difficult to find out that early tanks after understanding more related knowledge, and it is difficult to achieve uniformity, defense and maneuverability.

The discovery of armor is well solved. The Soviet Union apparently came to front, and it can be seen from the tank during World War II.

When the impact speed is 2610fps, the armor is vertical, and the 57mm cannon is depth of 4.2 inches, while the 57mm cannon is from 1.5 inches, and the ratio of the two here is called tilt effect, the ratio here It is 2.8.

However, it is not the maximum of the largest equivalent value of the Black Cloud George-Barton. Why is the old guy so excited, there is any surprise in the inside.

No one dares to be a doctor who has exceeded the 80-year-old engineer. After all, his identity is too shocking. As one of the No. 8 tank designers in the Second World War, no one dared to question his authority in the vehicle armor.

Many people on the 8th tank don't know, but you can say names, that is like the existence of thunder.

The 8th tank mouse; it was an overweight tank designed by Germany Porsche in the end of the Second World War, and the combat all over 188 tons was the heaviest tank at the time. It is also because the body is extremely heavy, so that the off-road power of the mouse tank is extremely abortion, ultimately abortion due to lack of actual value.

This type of tank is mainly produced by Krupp, and Alkett is responsible for assembly, only two, one without armed only is used as verification. Equipped with a 128mm main gun and a 75mm coaxial videil. This is a weapon that is enough to destroy any armored vehicle.

The history of the eight tanks can be traced back to the German Army to the Russian T-35 Tank A, B and C-type investigation reports before the war, and there is a rumor that the Soviet Union is developing a tank that weighs 100 tons. This seemingly powerful The incomparable "land battles" deeply attracted German heads.

German famous tank designer Ferdinande Porsche Professor made a development overweight tank while meeting Hitler, and the latter immediately appointed Porsche as a total designer, develop a 100-ton tank like the Soviet Union.

In addition, Krupp received a command of the Army Weapon Branch as early as 1941 to develop a chariot like the 100 tons of tanks similar to the Soviet Union. So Krupp company's designers have made a large number of development studies of 110, 130, 150 and 170-ton tanks, but there is no such as a truck. Because of their cumbersome, the first code of these overweight tanks is called "mammoth", and later referred to a mouse in order to confuse the enemy information.

After mid-March 1942, the Porsche Ceremony received a contract, requiring a new 100-ton 205 VK10001 Porsche 205 tank.

In mid-April 1942, the German Army Weapons Bureau added that the new tank carrier should be up to 100. At the time of May 1942, at the person of Adolf Hitler, Ferdinan Germany Professor and Croine Muller Dr. Start working with the entire program. Hitler also requires tanks to weigh 180 tons, high protectiveness, and 128 mm tank guns with high performance 55 or 71 times, or 150 mm artillery; to this mouse tank is formally shaped.

Although the mouse tank did not play a major role in the war, it was able to drive nearly 200 tons of weapons and equipment to fight on land. It is estimated that only the Germans can think of it, and more powerful.

The old engineer just talking is the German mouse tank armored designer, which can be seen in the armor equivalent.

See Tyssen actually develops such a superior vehicle, it is incredible, and also has a strong interest in the designer.

The old engineer said: "Mia, this car is your design! It is a young and especially, it seems that Germany is not known."

The evaluation is really high, so that the extraordinary Mia-von-Lehart is embarrassed. After all, this car is not his design, it is a bit related but not very big.

Mia Feng - Lehat: "Dr. Miller, this car is so much a little! To tell the truth, he is not a German product, the most shell armor is Tyssen design. Just said that the armor is equivalent, A little bit, you can look at a lot of places is not reasonable. "

I heard the design of Miaf-Lehat, Dr. Muller is somewhat disappointed. After all, this car only truly understand people, only knows the greatness of the shape design. Designers have already taken into account, and ordinary people can't see his mystery.

Dr. Muller smiled and said: "Can you tell me that this military vehicle is designing, who is the general designer.

Muller can be a German-only-only old engineer, and the achievement does not have the Didande-Porsche. It can cause him to pay attention, see the superior performance of this military vehicle, as well as the design of the design.

Mia Feng - Lehat knows Dr. Muller, can only be honest with: "This car is manufactured by Black Cloud Automotive, the chief designer is the bureaux of the Black Cloud Group. Tyssen is responsible for armor Part, Motorola is responsible for the communication section. "

Dr. Muller has returned to the second line, and it can be paid to the world's industrial development. I heard the R & D of the Black Cloud Group, Baozi Xuan served as a general designer. Not saying more, can only feel the future industrial leaders may not belong to Germany.

Dr. Muller does not speak, after all, everyone is still waiting for him to give an answer. The scene is an engineer. If the problem does not understand, it is not good to sleep at night.

But I don't dare to say, the most important Muller is very quirky. As long as you are related to the experience, it is not alive in the war.

Micria Feng - Lehat knows that she can only ask questions, and now only she dares to ask. So I tried to say: "Dr. Miller, what is the special place for the shape design of this car! I hope you can explain it, don't be afraid of you, even if I haven't figure it out, I haven't figured out what is going on."

Hearing here, Muller said with a smile: "It seems that you still don't understand the mystery; this car's shape is definitely the most close to the actual design, you can say that you can consider the problem."

"Although the angle of each bevel is different, the armor is equivalent. But you have found that there is no area in the easiest attack, the armor equivalent value can reach the maximum. In the case where it is not attacked, the armor is equivalent. This is also the designer's high, if you pursue the maximum armor equivalent value. So design will become very weird, or even simply not suitable for operational use. "

"The shape is not as beautiful and smooth now. It is to take into account all the questions to design such a classic model. It is not a warrior who is in a hundred war.

"It's just a little very convinced, so huge computation amount, how is the Black Cloud Group did."

"Since I retired, I always wanted to design a similar armored car. It is only not realized because of the amount of calculation. Now I have seen this military vehicle, there is no meaning of the previous research."

I heard Dr. Muller finished, everyone understood why the old man would feel so emotion. Mia Feng-Lehat is shocked, and the shape considers such a comprehensive, it seems that Bunzi Xuan's strength is powerful than imagination.

Dr. Muller is not wrong, no research is only because the calculated value is not enough. The Black Cloud Group does not exist these problems, after all, the application of large industrial computers makes it easier.

The Germans are still relatively tradition, many aspects have not been applied to large industrial computers, and industrial software is in its starting stage.

Mia Feng - Lehart seems to understand what it is, that is, computer operator who works with them. Black Cloud Designers will input each design element, step, and link into the computer. The computer then gives an improved plan and comments. It seems that many doors are not engineers in design, but the results of the computer.

In the future, industrial design is certainly inseparable from the computer. Black Cloud came to the front again, Tyssen wanted to transcend, or to have more efforts in the computer.

After Muller, Dr. Miller entered the self-world, and the magic of the Magic Test George - Barton military vehicles.

Everyone is also unwilling, as long as he is happy, it is stronger than anything. Mia Feng-Lehat also completed the test task, and it can be interspersed with a satisfactory result.

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