Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 885, big business small action

The movement of the black cloud car seems to be high. It can be started from the United States, of course, the national defense department, general, and Ford Motor. As early as Bao Xuan sent people, three were arranged by others. Strive to have no white feet, at this time, it will finally find evidence that is not conducive to the Black Cloud Group.

Although the Arctic can't be can't get, it can happen in the Brazilian Massiass incident; or the first time has been known. The Black Cloud Group actually accidentally occurred during the test of the automobile performance. Two Americans have lost their lives, which can be very serious.

It is very unfavorable to the Black Cloud Group; even affects the entire corporate image, after all, their death can be avoided.

At this time, Baixuan is very passive. After all, he is basically a message at the same time. In the test, Black Cloud Cars appeared serious accidents, and two excellent American engineers were killed.

One of them is Motorola employees and another is a black cloud car engine engineer. At this point, it is not only to face the crisis, and Robert Galvin is also in place. In any case, there is indeed Motorola employee because of public duty. It must be said that it is necessary to comfort at least to comfort the family.

General and Ford Action is fast than imagined, they first contact Motorola staff family in the first time, indicating that they will give legal aid. The condition is that it is hoping that things are big, so that the United States pays attention to this.

Bao Zi Xuan's foreigner came over the United States to open the company, actually killed US employees. If you can't kill the other person, then you will be ignorant!

Motorola's died of the employee named Philix, a high school student who graduated from University of Chicago. This year is only 32 years old, and when his son is still one year old. Let such excellent people lose their lives, and the sin of Bao Zixuan has increased.

At this time, Phillius wife hugs his son, representing the representative of General and Ford. As a vase, he certainly knows what the husband's death is. I heard that I can get huge compensation, and my heart is planning to maximize how interests.

General and Ford's representative sound is low: "Mrs. Philox, your husband is unfortunately died in the Amazon test. Such tragedy can be avoided. Just because some brands are alone, let Phillips are young I died of life. This is the sorrow of the whole beauty, it is a major loss of human communication history. "

It is also necessary to admire general and Ford, actually put an accident of ordinary engineers; say that it is the same as Newton, Einstein is almost the same. In fact, it is very good to understand. If you don't say that Phillius is so great, how can you make this woman makes it.

Baozi Xuan has always been known as a generous, and this woman will definitely compromise in front of money. If so, the effect of two Americans die will inevitably be a discount.

Lost a little more money, for the Black Cloud Group, may be the least money.

At this time, Mrs. Phillius was a little, after all, things were too sudden. For no qualifications, just a clothing store salesman, this blow is too big. If the processing is not good, the house where you can live now can't keep it. After all, all this must rely on husband, and he is now unemployed at home.

It is in the idiot, and it is also known that the general and Ford send people will definitely be good. After all, things are not related to them, more is commercially competitive.

The US military vehicle replaces a lot of boiling, although it takes a child at home. It's not nothing to know, the husband itself is a science and engineering man, which is very interested in these. Under the ear reading, you also know the competition between some industrial enterprises.

The other party is nothing more than wants to use yourself and add it to the Black Cloud Group. But as long as you have money, this is still willing to help.

The husband has died, and now it is useless. The benefits are maximized, and the problem that needs to be considered.

So the woman is rare, there is a chance to see the will: "The competition for the US military vehicle orders has entered the stage of white heat. The boss of the Black Cloud Group has always been known as generous, what is the benefit of me and my son."

I heard the general and Ford car representatives, and I am happy to see the woman who is called a beautiful woman. The findings of the survey are very do not match, and it seems that everyone will grow. And live with Philliis for so long, there is a lot of experience in the insight. Some difficult things, but the other party greedy eyes also let them see hope.

Mrs. Phillik is called Emei, which is a clothing store shopping guide. Previously, Phillix often watched your home, two people look at the eyes. Although the home opposes, Emei is a little unique; there is a Motorola engineer with a Ph.D. in Chicago.

In the process of interaction, the female is unexpected, which makes things tricky. Finally, there is no way, and the family can only compromise. It can be seen that Emei is not just a vase, or a very heartbeat woman.

This woman has been in contact with many men, including rich second generation and rich old head. I found that it is fun, I will not marry her at all. Phillius's money may not be so much, but it is definitely a potential stock. Motorola's top engineer is a career that everyone envied.

Grab the other party and become the goal of struggle. That is, in this case, Phillix was quickly made by the other party.

Since the other party likes money, it will do it; it is ready for this general and Ford. The representative said: "Mrs. Phillix, these are not a problem. General and Ford will give you more, and will not affect where you get the benefits from the black cloud. I think this sincerity is enough, at least the two sides in certain interests The same. "

"We hope that things are big, and you want to get more interests. These two things are not contradictory, and even the effects of complement each other."

Emei feels a door, things are originally used, and both Ford does not matter. The other party is so active, it must be, I hope that I will make the black cloud name. That two can be divided into more national defense military orders, which can be a big sale.

And as the other party said, the money that the Black Cloud Group should not be less. Some people give themselves, why not!

Emei: "How much activities can I give me more events and Ford."

I heard this woman mentioned funding, general and Ford representative know that this is an opponent. It seems that the other party is not a simple vase, knowing how to make you most beneficial.

General and Ford car representative said: "We just don't want the black cloud car to be good, and it is not duty to pay for you any fees. But in the respect of Dr. Phillice, it is willing to take 200,000 US dollars as an activity funds. This is an accident Get, does not affect other compensation. "

200,000 US dollars is a huge amount, but this is not a generic and Ford bottom line. The military order is a business that exceeds 10 billion dollars. The previous two companies have paid a lot for this. The unexpected appearance of the black cloud, let the military order have certain variables. It seems that there is no overall situation, no one dares to take this risk. At this time, it is to kill the most powerful competitors, and the accident of Phillix is ​​a perfect opportunity.

Emei: "This money I can't do anything, or wait until the Black Cloud Group people come! Phillix appears unexpectedly, they should be responsible."

Of course, I can't let the black cloud contact each other first, so it will definitely before. Bunxuan will protect this for mother and child, not to face the media in a short time.

And the words are already good, Mrs. Phillix is ​​in hospital for treatment. Black clouds have reached an agreement with their families, they will be kind to Phillix family.

Step by step is to let Philips family add blocks, orphan oligomers can get a lot of sympathy. Don't use other people, American women, and children's associations must find black clouds.

General and Ford car representatives: "Mrs. Phillix thinks how much can you satisfy."

This is a challenge, and the appetite will definitely die. It is not a brain, and you know that many things can't do. Universal and Ford's money is not so good, especially the money that is white, but also hot sagregation.

Emei thought: "1 million US dollars, this is a reasonable number. Our mother is also to live, and for military orders, we are not countless."

This woman is very smart, but also knows the depth. In this way, the two sides quickly reached unanimously; universal and Ford car immediately took the mother and child son. Before walking, the Emei Bank account is $ 1 million, and the conditions are cooperated with some columns.

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