I learned that Black Cloud Group and Motorola held a joint conference, Mike Donald and Henry - Although the Ford II was not very cool. I can also know that I can't stop it. Is it now publishing Phillius in their hands, it is not a self-trick. This matter itself doesn't matter with you, caught the victims, you can safely.

Mike Donald, with Henry - Ford II, or decided to look at the black clouds. After all, in their view, the incident is completely buns Xuan's confidence. If the black cloud car is prepared, the investigation is clear, and there will be such a serious accident.

Then just keep the Black Cloud Group, it is for different fields of Motorola, and there is almost no competition. And in their view, Black Cloud is the largest competitor of major technology and industrial companies in the United States. I don't help myself, go to the truth of the outside. Although Phillik is brought to Washington, it is aimed at black clouds. If Motorola wants to catch things, they have no way.

At the same time, the training teacher mainly teaches Emei to say the shortcomings of the black cloud, Motorola has not mentioned.

I don't think about it, Felix is ​​Motorola. Then this matter Robert Galvin is impossible, and now people are brought to Washington. Motorola is very passive, the Galvin family will not be indifferent.

Robert Galvin response is ultimately expected, almost invited to invites for cost. There is no shortage of incompetent news, this phenomenon is still applicable.

The two science and technology giants held a joint conference, and the media reporter was a bee to pall the Chicago. Not only is American media, most media around the world come to Motorola's headquarters.

I have been fully prepared before, and I will build a temporary news hall on the playground. Motorola's headquarters is not small, but there is no room to accommodate so many media reporters; after all, no one will build such a large venue.

Not only because Bunzi's own belt traffic, more importantly, Motorola has undergasting blood. Come over the media, and it is still the kind of value. At this time, you can do a good relationship with the media, and you will fall into trouble.

Bunzi Xuan and Robert - Galvin were sitting on the chairpers and looked at the black pressure below. The entire Motorola playground has been covered by the reporter and the broadcast equipment. It can be seen that the reporter is more, the media is distributed, and the carrying book is very rare.

In order to increase the media attention, Motorola actually invited, and the Bao Zi Xuan has a gambler ABC TV broadcast company reporter Alice as the host. Therefore, it is not only a mainstream medium, and there is a lot of gossip media. After all, Bao Zi Xuan has been a hollywood to cause a sensation, and the young and handsome rich, itself comes with gossip properties.

Alice originally wanted to come over,

When I heard Motorola, she invited her to serve as a site host; this can be a good thing to fall on the sky. Not only can you get first-hand information, you will also get a lot of money.

See what Alice, Bunzi Xuan just understand what it means. This is what you want to transfer the public vision, you can pack the heads of Motorola planners.

New product released, the company has any joy to announce; please have no problem with your own gossip. It is time, Motorola and the Black Cloud Group have an excellent employee to delegate. Is it time to talk about love? It's just a mess.

Things have happened that Bunzu is also helpless. In the end, it is simple to think about it, or really don't live seriously.

Alice once again saw Bunzi Xuan, the nobles in this life. Before the same buns, gambling, made the famous gas. Now it is a platform that is ABC, how big is the influence of the head of the bag.

Motorola hired her to serve as the site, directly 100,000 US dollars, more than her salary, it seems that there are some men to talk. Even if you don't get money from the other party, you will not suffer.

In fact, this is also a reason why many people must find a celebrity, and the benefits of fame and ranking are not at all.

Alice also knows what is today, so wearing a relatively elegant. Two companies are not a glorious thing because they test new cars.

Bunzi Xuan and Robert Galvin are also a black suit, at least from the dress, people can't pick any problems.

Alice said to the microphone: "Today is a special day, we can get together mainly because of Dr. Phillira, Motorola, Phillio; Black Cloud Motor's well-known engineer Nicholas' unfortunately. Two is a US elite talent, Their accidents died, for the whole country, it is a huge loss. "

"I hope that the deceased can rest in peace, their family can sorrow."

"Motorola and Black Cloud Group are responsible enterprises, will not make people who have sacrificed because of public staff workers. However, for their families, people are alive. First, please set up, for new car experiments in Amazon jungle Two doctors mourned a minute. "

No one dare not do this, the deceased is big. In any country in the world, it is applicable to the United States. And this time, I want to see what the black cloud group and Motorola have, and the previous period is of course to cooperate. It is impossible to ask, let people go back. That way, it is not good to explain, the editor will not take so much. It is incooling that I haven't got it, it is nothing to say.

After the mourning, Alice continued: "Today, the media comes from Motorola's headquarters, as a responsible company. Enterprises have any dynamics, will let the public know. Whether it is Motorola or Black Cloud Group, people-oriented. Employee Unfortunately, the two corporate heads are very sad. "

"Things have happened, in addition to actively prevention; to ensure that similar accidents will occur in the future, it is the most important thing to comfort the family of the deceased. It can make people feel very atmosphere, actually some people use the accidental articles of Phillix."

"At present, Phillik is already received by Washington, not only his wife, but also a child. This is a heart, I hope some people or business can be, don't do anything about it, don't do violation of the US Constitution Things. "

"Black cloud has reached a compensation agreement with the family of employees. I hope that the Felix wife will be able to contact Motorola after seeing the report. Only we are a family, don't be used by people. I have a pain, enema Fast things come. "

I heard the black clouds reached a compensation agreement, and the reporters did not feel the efficiency of the Black Cloud Group. It seems that the richest rich is the blood book, or the family can not agree. What is more interested is that the Fatis family is taken away; this can be wonderful than movies, it seems that there is still a story that is not known.

Media reporters are all rustic people who are unrest, now heard the excitement message; it can be said that the confidence is increased, and the interest is full. I want to see what I will happen, I want to have no news material for a period of time.

After entering the reporter's question, a media reporter who is very good with Motorola is asked: "Mr. Calwin, do you know who is taken away from Dr. Phillice Wife and the child!"

"There is also known as I know, Dr. Phillios has been in Chicago. And Motorola's headquarters is in Chicago, is not the first time that the company is not the first time, causing others to have a machine."

It is very simple to make this seemingly sharp problem.

Robert Galvin: "At the time, I learned the news through the black cloud. Uu read the book www.uukanshu.com In fact, when the test team was started, they have been stared at. Their moves are in the monitors of people, about This black cloud has been told in advance. In the case of the principle of the highlight of the new car, there is no special concern. "

"The Key Team has an accident in Amazon, and some people act first better than us. This will be drilled. However, no matter who, this is not in the eyes of Motorola; at the same time, it will become a Calvin family. The enemy. "

"The competition between enterprises is normal. You can use the despicable means to deal with the orphans of others. If you have anything, do you have a lot of things."

"It is therefore hoped to pass a message to some people through the media, do not test the bottom line of Motorola."

Robert Galvin is a good temper, it seems that the other party is so angry. This time is really anxious, will definitely have a good show.

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