Although the press conference is because the two employees are killed, the true protagonist of the story is the two business tycons on the stage. And the male No. 1 is absolutely non-packaged, as long as there is a place he is, there is no effort to fight. The first question Robert Galvin is not only to collect the other party, but more importantly here is the Motorola headquarters. Be careful to ask the owner, the rules cannot be changed.

I have heard the Black Cloud Group has reached a compensation agreement with the victims of the victims. Everyone is very curious about the specific numbers. After all, this is related to everyone's personal interests, and look at how to compensate for the public staff. Bao Zixuan can't use money to describe, the rich and enemy country is this kind of person.

I want to see that this super rich is generous, or is it.

NBC reporter asked directly: "Mr. Bao, Hello! For the accident, the black cloud group testing the accident, many people think it can be avoided. Mr. Bao just can't just use it, I don't know if it is really."

"There is also just I have just heard that the Black Cloud Group has reached a compensation agreement with the family members of the victim, and I don't know if I can know."

This is two questions and is very sharp. Going out to test the new vehicle is normal, if it is because Bun Zi Xuan's personal preferences caused, then he is a culprit, saying that killing murderer is not too.

There is also the compensation agreement, which belongs to the company's internal confidence, how can it easily publish it in the outside world. NBC reporters have no kindness, the main purpose is to read the buns.

Bao Zi Xuan said seriously: "As you said, I have an unstaked responsibility about Dr. Felix and Dr. Nicholas. I have an unstaked responsibility. I just use it well, my arrogance! These I don't spend, I finally Decision is in me. "

Bao Zixuan directly admitted that the atmosphere of the scene became strange. No one thought of this Super Rich would directly admit it, this time, many people can't even hide. What does this kid mean, is it forgotten? Or simply retreat, many reporters discussed directly on the spot.

Alice as the host or very experienced, and said: "Everyone is quiet, or the first time I have said the words."

Alice's words are still very killed, and the quality of the reporter is not bad. Soon, it's quiet, I want to hear how this super rich is round back.

In everyone, admits is just the first step. There is also follow-up, and the bag is never losing the Lord.

Bao Zixuan continued: "Things have happened, I don't want to shine any responsibility. As a business boss, an engineer. Be sure to give the best product to the customer, especially industrial products."

"If there is no system test,

How new car grades make people convince. Progress in technology requires engineers to continue to explore. This is often sacrificed with bleeding, almost hard to avoid. "

"I think this is not the first accident in the test product. Of course, it will not be the last time. We can do just try to avoid and make up, the other is really nothing to say."

"As for you to pay attention to how much money, I want to make more money in front of life, but now in addition to money, I really don't know how to remedy. This is a century problem, I hope that the future people will be perfect solve."

"Nicholas is 40 years old, Black Cloud pays its salary on month. This process is 60 years, and during the period, it will be adjusted according to the salary level, and it will not be lower than the existing engineer."

"At the same time, the company will take $ 2 million to compensate his family, and ensure that three children can accept the best education. After graduation, they can take advantage of the black cloud group and have priority and promotion."

"These are just a little bit of the company. It is the best education for the child. These other people can't give it, so I can only say three children from Nicholas here."

The head is rich, it is full of sincerity, at least I have not heard of a business that will pay for the dead. And still according to the distribution of salary, this is what operations, and it is true that people can't understand.

Bao Zixuan admitted that he has a responsibility, but has it fully acknowledged. At this point, everyone is not concerned about these, compensation amount and the way are topics that everyone is interested in.

At the same time, the media reporter also truly saw the power of Bao Zixuan, of course, also included the humanized management of the Black Cloud Group. Such a company is to make the employees have no worries at all, maybe because of the job to make a job earning more. Is it that the bag is not worried that some people deliberately cause accidents, and the family benefits.

There are many people in the world who are tired by life, and people who take extreme ends can.

In fact, this problem has really thoughtless, and later discovered that it would be a bit redundant. Many positions are not so easy, can't commit suicide! Such a company can pay money to family, and you will condolence. Baozi Xuan is a more money, and it will not do this.

Another point is the welfare of the Black Cloud Group, which can be said that it is difficult to find the second home in the industry. Employees Direct family medical expenses are all reimbursed, and children's education company is full. There is almost no money to spend money, and there is happiness life, who will take extreme.

Sure enough, there is a reporter to hurry: "Mr. Bao, you don't worry about other employees!"

This means, is it concerned that employees deliberately give them an accident, that is, the so-called suicide. Americans think about it is really strange, it seems that other companies should have similar events.

Bao Zixuan said: "I understand what you mean, but I think it is still a qualified boss. Although I can't guarantee that every employee is concerned enough, at least it can guarantee that they have no worries in life."

"The Black Cloud Group implements the full-priced system of employee education, that is, the staff of the son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, grandchildren, granddaughter, and volunteer public school costs are borne by the Black Cloud Group."

"And not only employee physiotherapy problem, their direct relative medical expenses are all borne by the company; of course, the part other than social security."

"In addition, the Black Cloud Group has a school school in Xiangjiang Headquarters. Employees from all over the world can put their children in the group's internal school. As long as you work, you can don't worry."

"A family happiness, a happy life, no worries, who will easily take the extreme. Therefore, I don't have to guarantee that there is absolutely, but I still believe in my employees."

"In our family, two people, mother's usual, almost no cost. And I don't have a special hobby, and it costs a lot every year."

"Enterprises are not developed by me, and employees are core and main body. Therefore, we will improve their welfare and treatment, which is what I need to focus on this boss."

"I have always had a dream, follow my employees only need to do things well. Don't think too much, the company will meet everything. Never treat employees to be treated."

Although I know that the black cloud group has high salary, good welfare, no one wants to get better. Bao Zixuan does not want to stay in another company, or what is it.

Don't you worry about it, now you can support it. Which day, the company began to lose money, how to do it at the time. It's easy to get better from bitter days, and it is not so easy to breathe.

In fact, Baozi Xuan also considers these problems, so we can only make money as much as possible during his power. Not only to buy a large number of quality properties, but also to complete the strategy, patented layout.

Later World Nokia has a noble aristocracy, the patent fees charged each year, let other companies look like. If you do everything, you will not have a problem.

Another point is that employees should have their own duties, can't have waste; ensure a radish, don't have too many deputy, then there is no money and can't hold.

There is still a very important, doing these seemingly spent sales. Many employees have insurance, including the black cloud group own employee. The physiotherapy cost reimbursement is almost not much, as for children's education is just an obligation stage. Whether it is in the Xiangjiang, it is still in the United States, Japan, and education has not low, the government will give corresponding subsidies.

The actual payment of the Black Cloud Group is not much, but many people don't know. At this point, everyone was shocked by the "Black Cloud Group's power, and did not carefully calculate.

Bao Zixuan said so, let the Robert Kalvin next to Kalvin. It seems that Motorola also has to reform, or employees are non-modified.

Bedding house

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