Baozi Xuan's statement, let the on-site reporters turn to Robert Galvin. I want to know what this Motorola is thinking, and it is also concerned that the newspaper can do it. You can report some of the welfare of the Black Cloud Group. At least make more companies to learn more, maybe they will go to their heads.

While helping the black cloud, it is also a welfare. Bao Zi Xuan is looking at this, and will tell a lot of questions. At the same time, it is also necessary to transfer the public vision, at least not always pay attention to the death of employees.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Calwin, the Black Cloud Group has reached a compensation agreement with the victims of the victims, and I will be prepared by the Motorola."

"Dr. Phillice is not found, I don't know if Motorola is trying to find, or there are other secrets that are not known."

"In addition, Motorola will not follow the people's welfare, as well as significantly improve employee treatment. As the most famous enterprise in the United States, where the future road will go."

This is a set of boxes, if the average person will definitely be played. Several questions are very sharp, absolutely no good ideas.

A view of the newspaper name, Robert Galvin Lima understand what is going on. The reporter from Washington, must be bought or used by some companies, will have a hard work.

If it is not a special, Robert Galvin really wants to laugh. Some media are not transitional, or no matter what you do. Motorola is too good to talk, what A cat is dare to learn in front of himself.

Robert Galvin: "Before the Compensation Agreement, Mr. Tongbao Xuan has communicated. Two maintained a consistent. Phillix is ​​Motorola staff, and the project with black clouds has paid. So compensation is completely made of Motorola, Other companies have nothing to do. "

"Phillik is 32 years old, Motorola will continue to issue 68 years of salary to his family. At the same time, 2 million US dollar compensation will also be issued one-time, and his son Motorola will also take it. If Philikist agreed, I Will pick him home, let him grow in the Garfen family. "

This can be a rhythm of steps, and if Little Phillik is able to enter the Galvin family. Whether it is future development, or education is not a problem. It seems that Galvin is more powerful than Bunxuan, actually has the idea of ​​his son.

Robert Galvin continued: "Mr. Bao Zixuan mentioned employee welfare, treatment problem. Previous Motorola has implemented, but will not be very resolute. The Galvin family has been adhering to people-oriented principles, so good strategies must learn Come over and apply it. "

"Motorola has been established to this day,

Every year to make money. It has never been lost, and the wealth of the Calvin family is sufficient. So sharing will become the future theme, in fact, there are many things in this way may not know. Employees have a sense of belonging and do more. Enterprises often make more, Bao Zixuan This kid is a ghost, and will not lose business. "

"As for where you said the future of Motorola, you can tell you now. The traditional communication industry will continue to strengthen, and will do it. In addition, the car field is also a very good industry, and there is a car in the future, Motorola's car. Don't feel weird. "

Different from Bunzu Xuan's foreign households, Robert Galvin is a well-known business tycoon in the United States. The Galvin family is a well-known existence, and his guarantee is gratified to the US reporters. The local business family began to pay attention to the issue of employee, so it is a huge gospel for the entire US people.

Two companies in Black Cloud and Motorola are just a beginning, and it is believed that more companies will join in the future. If the bill is formed, then it will be something that people are happy. Although I hope is very embarrassing, I have the opportunity to want to fight.

What is the meaning of Motorola Motors, Robert Galvin wants to enter the automotive field. It is very likely that the black cloud has made a significant breakthrough in various fields, and the strength of Motorola is not weak.

Previous rumors were general and Ford brought the family members of Phillix to Washington, the purpose was to find trouble to Black Cloud. I didn't expect Motorola all taken all things, so taken that Felix's slim, tanhing to play Robert Galvin's face. It is increasingly interesting now, at least the automotive industry will become lively.

Previously Robert Galvin did not show the intention of entering the automotive field, it seems that the old kid is still preventing him. However, this is the interior of people, and there is no relationship with him.

The reporter could not think so, dare to say that the two have been talked before; and reached a certain kind of interest exchange. Sure enough, I asked: "Mr. Bao Zixuan, hello! About Robert Galvin said, Motorola is about to enter the automotive manufacturing area. Is it that the black cloud has reached some agreement, the technical patent of Black Cloud Auto will not Open to Motorola. "

This is forced to express it, or give him a pit. Things have this, can only choose cooperation.

Baozi Xuan: "Mr. Calvin said with me, I have unconditional support for this black cloud car. As long as it is a patent in the black cloud, there is unconditionally authorized to use Motorola. Acquisition or build a car factory, machine equipment is casually picking. It is a black cloud in the hands of the black cloud. The automotive industry is a big industry, and the black cloud can not eat. "

"You can have a strategic partner to enter, it is a thing that is happy. The two companies can join us, and the information is shared to better service and customers."

"I am not afraid of everyone's jokes, Mr. Calwin wants, as long as I don't have much, I don't dare to give it. Black Cloud Group is purchased from Motorola, Mr. Calvin is broken, it is estimated that I will hold the machine there. cry."

"It is not that the conditions are not suitable, Mr. Calvin has no daughter; otherwise I will definitely."

If Bao Zixuan's words make the scene atmosphere easier, but also know what is the case. Therefore, no one is laugh, or pay attention to the impact.

The US reporter can be surprised, and the Black Cloud Group looked at the scenery. It turns out that there is a soft rib, Motorola is the black cloud of Achilles. Core technology is still in the hands of Americans, then you can rest assured.

Robert Galvin didn't think that Bunzi Xuan actually gave his face, but he didn't even say even. It seems that two people can work very tacit, they can be relieved.

In fact, it has been planned before this, it is to force Bunxuan's statement. Media reporters are also prepared, as long as Robert Galvin mentioned the car, immediately wants to ask about Bao Zixuan's attitude.

Today, the purpose of holding a press conference is about the problems of the family of victims, and it seems to be perfectly solved. Many people are thinking, and it is estimated that it should be satisfied with them.

People who have no more than, but not a lot. At least to see if there is so good tooth, the business is on the surface and the gas. That's because no one touched the core interest, once it breaks through the red line, it is desirable.

Now general and Ford's behavior is about to be retalled, Motorola is ready to enter the automotive area, which is the best proof.

The press conference finally, Bunzi Xuan and Robert Galvan were published in the joint statement. Regarding the tragedy of this Amazon jungle new car experiment, we will try to avoid in future tests. Don't make the tragedy to repeat the logistics guarantee.

In addition, I hope that Phillix wife can take the initiative to contact Motorola while Motorola will also actively find mother and child drop. Be sure to pay the compensation to the mother and child, and take good Little Phillicks.

At the same time, don't give a warning to companies with heart, don't take orphans. Motorola and Black Cloud Group have a mission-sensitive business, and they are not missing. If an employee who is dusk is not compensated, the family will not be taken care of. It is the sorrow of our company. This is the commitment of Motorola and Black Cloud and is also a guarantee.

After the press conference, two corporate images immediately gigmled. This is really a company, everyone only envy.

At the same time, Many of the Black Cloud Group about employee policies and welfare have become a large business standard. If there is no height of the Black Cloud Group on the employee benefits, it is not worthy of big business.

Bao Zi Xuan did not pay tribute, actually became a manufacturer of industry standards. At least a large business standard, you need to refer to the Black Cloud Group. This is an influential, I don't know how to spread into the world.

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