After Motorola and the Black Cloud Group held a press conference, Ford and GM were really anxious. I didn't expect Motorola to be desperate, now everything is late.

Robert Galvin has a huge impact in US governmenters, and there is also a strong network of people in the military. At this time, everyone has great comments on their two practices. After all, the orphan oligoma is being spit with any country in the world. At this time, it has been done, how to become a huge problem.

After seeing the report, Henry Ford II also felt a bit too much. Although things are Mike Donald, a lot of things have not been defective, at least, can no longer be in addition. This military vehicle replaces orders, universal and Ford join, everyone can see it. Some things are thinking that Lai Ruai can't fall; I can only go all the way to black.

How is it is a top priority, Henry Ford II has a great opinion on Mike Donald. However, both parties are still partnership, they can't tear their faces.

Telling a greeting in the early stage, at least let Mike Donald know. Many rules cannot be broken, especially when they involve top families.

In fact, Mike Donald knows the press conference, Robert Galvin's attitude. Some panic, it is entirely a desperate rhythm, how did I not think about it? I can only go to Henry-Ford II now to see what he has. Galvin and Ford family are the top luxury giants in the United States, or some incense love is inside.

Seeing Mike Donald, Henry Ford II really did not play. Motorola and Black Cloud A news conference will result in the previous scheduled pre-work. Even will be cast aside by the world, to the woman and children, the crime in the United States is not small.

If the Mrs. Philli is biting, the Ministry of Defense will definitely pay the military order to General and Ford in order to eliminate the people's anger. This is a faint, how did it be the default?

Mike Donald: "Mr. Ford, things have reached this point. Now how to be good now, you have seen a wide range of people, the people are deep. See if you can coordinate it, it is getting closer and closer from the Ministry of Defense. Good things, everyone has trouble. "

What do you mean, everyone has trouble; this is to tie Ford and general purpose. The people will definitely think that Ford is universal dry, after all, in the eyes of the American people. Mike Donald has no better than Henry - Ford II, and the most is a small party. Henry Ford II is very high, Ford Motor is the representative of the first generation of American dreams, very symbolic.

As a Ford family, Mike Donald is only listening to the command.

Henry Ford Second World: "Things are the president of Donald to find someone, before the Motorola has greeted. Now, what is it used?

I will find someone to say and tell, but what extent, I can't determine it. "

This is what I want to completely pick yourself, Henry Ford II. Without him agree, I will find someone to do this. It is said that these old family are very shameless, and now they seem to be inevitable.

This is the rhythm of both the scorpion and the chairman.

Mike Donald: "Mr. Ford should not say this, although we have been in a competitive state before two. But now is a big enemy, black cloud car is our common enemy."

"Phillius wife and son have not handled well, everyone has trouble. Before coming to you, Ian Wright has given me a call, so that I must handle this matter properly. Now this is simple to mother and child It's not right to have a hot salad, abandoned and going back. "

"I also ask Mr. Ford to take my mind, I listen to you."

Although Ian Wright is from the family, it can be in the military for many years, the principles of the military are still very strong. It is very different for universal and Ford's orphans. But if you call Henry - Ford II, he is not so big.

I will work in the Ministry of Defense in the future, and I don't have to enter the political world. The Ford family is a crocodile, can not be sinful or not.

There is not so much scruple in Mike Donald, this time, even if the general is getting a military order. His president will not be better, resigning may be the best choice. Otherwise, once they are pursued, the business and brand image of GM will inevitably be affected. At that time, it is not a resignation.

Combining many factors, in addition to the command of the Minister of Defense, Caspa Winberg. Ian Wright is reluctant to call Mike Donald; the purpose is to remind each other, don't do it too much, it is not good to return.

At the same time, there is also a warning of Henry - Ford II, but these need Mike Donald to convey.

I heard the Department of Defense has been paying attention to this matter, Henry Ford II looks more and more. Every time I have an idea, it is really a pig friend who is not buckled.

Although I don't want to transition, I can also know if I can't give birth. Everyone will have trouble and have been destined from him to Robert Galvin.

Can only call Robit Galvin, and pay some interests in order to pay attention to this. Who lets this party has a mistake in the first, Motorola and the Black Cloud Group have occupied the high point of public opinion.

Henry Ford II is a proud person, which can make him personally call soft, it is not easy. Although I want to humiliate the opponent, it is not the practice of mature businessmen.

Henry - Ford Second: "Mr. Calwin, the last time you talked about the things, the Ford family has some people relationships in Washington. Kung Fu pays off, after a multi-party lookup; finally, it is not dark, found Phillius wife and son. "

I heard Henry-Ford's face is not red, and the heart is not jumped. Mike Donald began to admire, it seems that people are not a simple richness.

In fact, think about it is normal, the Ford family is still prosperous. Can stand out, there must be some people who have passed.

Everyone understands people, see if they don't say it, look good on the face. Nowadays, universal and Ford have succeeded, then there is no need to get people in death; so everyone will not get the benefits.

Under normal circumstances, most of the defense military vehicle orders will inevitably hand over the universal and Ford. However, these two companies are really enough, now the low-key is still coming, actually dare to be sin. Perhaps the decision to enter the automotive industry is right, US car companies need Motorola to support the situation.

Robert Galvin: "It's really grateful, Ford family will not be disappointed. Motorola is ready to enter the automobile manufacturing field, Ford is the existence of absolute hegemony level in the automotive field. With many technical patents, I don't know if I can authorize Motorola. "

"At the same time, in order to express your gratitude, the car chip used by Ford, Motorola can also be available. I think no one is more professional than us, you said yes!"

This is the case of extortion, but the situation in the situation in this time does not have other options. And in Henry-Ford II, Motorola wants to enter the automotive area, is not so easy.

Black Cloud Bunzu Xuan is learning aviation power, itself has supernatural talent and strong interest in machinery. As for Robert Galvin, more is the nature of play, how much is he can understand for the car.

Enter the automotive industry, there is no more than a cup; or there is a gap in the presence. Car R & D is quite burning, the Calvin family is looking for death, then go!

Henry Ford Second: "Since Mr. Calvin is interested in the automotive industry, Ford is of course welcomed. Patent authorization said, who let us be a friend!"

"As for car chips, Ford can consider using Motorola chips on new models."

This is the result that both parties can accept, at least Robert Galvin does not say much.

I heard the two big inexplicers, I would solve the problem, Mike Donald is relieved.

Give the Black Cloud Car through the Felix, it is undoubtedly a thousand, self-destructive behavior, and now I really want to give yourself a slap. I thought about such a faint.

Mike Donald quickly lets the Felix wife and children; send them to Washington Motorola Branch. During the time, I met all the things in these days; until $ 1 million in things did not mention.

The two sides ended this time, and the black cloud group and Motorola were over. However, there is no significant loss for generality and ford, at least the reputation is not damaged.

Motorola is also impossible to do things, with a US company, or pay attention to unity.

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