Edman bought food back to the hospital, let Jane first eat. How do you say that this girl is still a pregnant woman, even if you want to get information, you have to wait for the other part.

Edmman: "You have something to eat first; the big things should be said to have been eaten."

When I finish picking up the bag, put it on the bed at the bed. I saw that this is a pregnant woman knowing that I am a pregnant woman. I need to care for care. Jane's heart is not a taste, Stern Donald's heart is embarrassed by the dog!

Jane: "You can call me Jane, friends are called me like this. You are a good person, ask you to help me. This child can't stay. Now I am not raising. Start, don't mention children in your stomach. "

Edman also knows that many girls in the south will be the case. In addition, this is already reported to Mike Hughes. So I promised to help Jane to deal with this matter, but in order to repay Never Jane to provide some useful news to him.

I heard that I didn't have interest to myself, Jane Jane felt incredible. It seems that this man is really good, at least not a man who is insecting. Think about it, if it is a big wolf, how could it be ignored to fainting. This time is a good person, next time, you should pay attention. Not every time there is so lucky, I have heard that the girl is taken away before it is back, and there is no one to get tortured.

Since it has been decided, even if it is considered to be a slag man. Ed Man Lima contacts doctors to prepare surgery, this kind of thing is still a solution to it. For more than one day, there will be more dangers.

The doctor arranged operations on the same day after seeking both men and women. It is mainly to see the feelings of Adam payment huge fees, and no one can go with money.

Jane did not expectond Edman to have such a powerful, and this man should have strength than imagination. It is definitely not a simple reporter, and it is also a chance. And now she also knows how to protect themselves, for men who don't want to be responsible, have to do protective measures afterwards.

The next day after surgery, Janedi began to show Stern Donald Donald Donner.

With the relationship and resources of General Motors, it has made a lot of disgusting things. The general car model is very considerable; so many beautiful girls are so falling, and she knows that there are more than 20 students with Stern Donald.

Not only this; in General Car Ads, Stern Donald is also very strong. The person in charge of the Advertising Department could not dare to sin this Prince, using the elevation opportunity, and got the girl favors very normal.

Jane said very detailed, not only to say the specific information of each girl.

It also introduces time and place. This makes Ed Man feel the value of this money, and it is far more than the return.

Small is the problem of character, and the old may not know. Mike Donald can't make too much threat, Mike Hughes certainly will not let go of the old guy.

I haven't thought of can't have a harder before, but I want to be universally not rules. Using the victims to make an article, after all, Phillik is only one year old.

Then there is no too many scruples in black clouds, and retaliation is also rational.

Mike Donald has been in Los Angeles in recent days, and this angel city. But not to look at the son of the operator, and the secret will love.

It can achieve today's achievements, and there is a big relationship with your wife's family. Abandon a lot for this, at least in his appearance.

The previous period of work is done because of the work relationship, what is going on? Can't let people say that it is even more likely to make the Ministry of Defense. At the critical moment, CEO does not work hard, how can you say it?

It can be some special, his lover, a Hollywood 7-line star. I have to come over to participate in the work, helping women who live in the facade or is willing to do.

In this way, it comes to Los Angeles in the name of the inspection, and also said with his wife: "Now is a crucial moment, you can't bring her together."

Before the military order is not determined, the General Motor CEO is in a wife with his wife. The board will definitely have a great opinion. After all, Mike Donald is no trust.

Mrs. Donald is also the Lord of everyone. Since the husband needs, then she is not allowed to support her husband at home.

Mrs. Donald thought was very good, but the husband was made to his expectation. Betch of households, it is difficult to be forgiven in any country. It is not yet been discovered now. At this time, the family member of Donald is still a family that loves to love.

Mike Donald came to the apartment purchased by the small star, the area is not small. It is also to buy with his income and buy it. But in order to smile in Bologne, these are not important. As a general-purpose car CEO, there are still many expenses per year to be reimbursed, and their rights are large. Although a set of apartments in the Los Angeles is worthy, some people are willing to help them bear some.

No one joke in Hollywood, you live in a big house. If you get anything, no one cares. Everyone only envy, nothing will be flattened.

Mike Donald is not a super rich, but it is also a big business CEO, which is very popular. The 7-line star can catch him, it is really a bit high.

As a small star, the birthday party cannot be too grand. It is mainly invited to not so many people, after all, not anyone will give her a face.

Although the circle is small, it can be beautiful. Mike Donald's arrival, so that the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax. This is a general purpose car CEO, the resources are very rich. Implanted an advertisement in the movie, or can arrange one or two small characters.

I saw the so-called friends stared at the old man like a hungry, and the 7-wire clearly knows to defend sovereignty. So the birthday banquet is over, so that Mike Donald is in contact with the beauty, the more dangerous position is. This is also a 7-line star, which can be used to get a general purpose car CEO. It's nothing to do if you don't have any means, it is also difficult to survive in Hollywood.

Los Angeles, within two rooms within 10 kilometers. Mike Donald and Sterk - Donald, the father and son, who is carrying out the beauty of life. Unlike dad, Sterk Donald is definitely superhing to blue. Actually with two beautiful returns to the mansion; the older is absolutely stronger than a star, let the black cloud intelligence person feel deep.

Sterk-Donald knew that the old man came over, the mother had already called with him before. I didn't come over today, I don't want to know if I went to the fox. According to the father's combat power, tomorrow will definitely come over, or where he has received.

In the next few days, I will definitely be in the monetary monitors, so today I have time to play. This took the two roommates of Jane Ni to the residence, and it was still very few.

Donald's father and son did not know that their one moved was taken down. Mike Hughes got the image information can't believe, after all, this scene is too strong. Think of people who are boiling, and I feel that Donald's father is really playing.

General and Ford's main character imaging materials have been collected, and next is the net. The Black Cloud Group can send more than 100 intelligence teams, there is no shortage. Some column costs such as purchasing information, transportation cost more than 2 million US dollars. This is still not counting the advanced equipment produced. After all, it can be used in secondary.

Pay so much man, material, financial resources, if you can't get the ideal effect. Not only in front of the boss, the ability of your own will be questioned. Think that the Arctic is more, the cat encounters the death, the same ability is not related. At this point, so many universal and Ford's two automotive enterprises broke the news, absolutely worthwhile.

Mike Hugz knows that the boss should be satisfied. At least it is currently able to accept this result, but it can't relax.

There are still a lot of work to do everywhere, and it is a good time to have a good video. Many images don't have a way to watch, even if you put it on the TV station. And it is easy to intensify contradictions, and it is involved in personal privacy issues.

In this way, Mike Hughes adds someone to finish the image, video, must be completed in 2 days. The US Department of Defense Army bidding will be held after 4 days and cannot be delayed. If everything has been set, these information will have no meaning.

For this purpose, Mike Hughes is directly in the Lord, indicating that it will double salary for each participating editorial photographer. How much understands some boss personality, as long as the result, never there is much flowers.

Bedding house

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