Everything is ready, Mike Hughes is not to be compared on the car, but also compare it in the company. Let the American people see, who is more trusting. I believe that there is video image to make comparisons, general, Ford, including the Ministry of Defense, did not dare to deny the dedication of the black cloud, serious, meticulous to work.

I don't dare to say that there is a fair competitive environment, at least let the Americans know. Black Clouds have completed all work carefully, and what the so-called great business is doing, it is estimated that only they know themselves.

The ABC TV is the first object to attack. Bunxuan has a little bit of the relationship between the ABC TV station. Last Motorola and Black Cloud held a joint press conference to serve as the host. Note Will not be trustworthy and Ford; as long as you are a smart woman, you know how to choose.

This woman has some gossip with the boss, Mike Hughes, who specially tied to her girlfriend when I met Alice. This is also to avoid suspicion, but more importantly, a woman is adjusted in the middle, and others can't say any gossip.

Mike Hugz has been dealing with TV stations in recent time, John Chambs is intentionally cultivating him. Before the past Brazil, you must get appropriate exercise. From an engineer to transform a process, you must try to learn more people.

Alice is still a good sense of this black cloud car, possibly in the principle of love house and Wu; people watching the black cloud group are very pleasant, the most important thing is to be very respectful to her.

It may be because of the relationship between Baozi Xuan, but it is still very enjoyable as a woman. Many of the Golden Lords who came over the TV to discuss advertisements. Many of them have excessive requirements. Although I haven't been my head now, it is also a morning and evening.

Seeing a good Golden Lord, it is really a thing that can't be met.

Mike Hughes invites Alice to have dinner together, and specially choose a quiet place. Seeing the other party with a girlfriend, a smart woman, of course, what is meant.

Mike Hug: "Miss Alice, very taking the liberty to come out. Just a lot of things are not convenient to negotiate in the company, I hope you can understand."

Burst competitors black materials are not a glorious thing, although it has been more excessive in General and Ford. After all, many things that broke the news involved in personal privacy, once people grasp the handle, master evidence. Very disadvantageous to the black cloud car image, I don't want to admit it in the company's negotiation.

It can be said to be a personal behavior of employees outside, even if it is discovered. Mike Hug can be said to be a good job, believe that the character of Bao Zixuan will definitely not let him suffer. There is so many industries in Black Cloud, just arrange a position or very easy.

Alice also knows the greasy between many large companies.

At this time, the Black Cloud Group has also become the largest Golden Lord ABC Radio and Television. As long as it is not too much, it must promise. And from the other person's deliberate with a girlfriend, and the gossip between his own buns. Black Cloud staff really will not treat her, at least not currently not so bold.

Alice said with a smile: "Hughes Director, what I can help, I can say it straight. Don't be so polite, the black cloud group can be ABC's largest advertiser, I don't dare to get crime."

Recently due to military orders in the Department of Defense, Baozi Xuan has undergone blood. Not only ABC, the other two TV stations in the United States also spend heavy gold in the advertisement, but only the size is not ABC.

Bao Zixuan either not shot, it is inevitably a big hand. It is now necessary to pay the ABC TV station 2.6 million advertising costs every month. It is definitely a super-gold main category.

Mike Hughes: "Recent boss handed the advertising plan to me, ready to implement a new solution. Not only do not reflect the power of black cloud products, but also expose the competitor. There is no harm, not us. Not benevolent, they are not afrained. "

"The things of Phillius will also know that if you don't make a strong acknowledgment, you will take the black cloud when you will take the black cloud. You can't give you the black cloud as a soft persimmon. "

"I have some image information in my hand, I hope ABC TV can be played loop."

After finishing the laptop, let Alice ribbed on the headset. You can understand the video content well without disturbing others.

Even if these videos have been processed and clipped, you are still very atmosphere after seeing it. Any woman can't tolerate such defeats, the scum exists.

The generic car CEO is not a formal employee. Using a little power in your hand, you can play women's feelings. I don't want to be responsible after the most important thing. Be sure to expose him, it is best to let the world clear the sister of Donald's father and son.

Donald's father and son are good to do, the problem is several members of the Ford family. The Ford family is very powerful in American politics, belongs to it. The ABC TV station dared to expose the private life of Ford family members, and will then be retaliated.

If you are serious, it will also cause other family members to rebound. After all, everyone will think, today can expose Ford family members, will not be turned to their heads tomorrow.

Alice said that he worked out, this kind of thing is nothing to conceal.

Mike Hughes still listened to this unwritten provision, it seems that it is too little to know about this world. The United States is much more complicated than imagination, just that it is too simple.

Seeing Mike Hughes is difficult, Alice said with a smile: "It is not completely free, you can collect an interview program in the name of the TV station."

The content of the program is a car or a car related to the car, which reports the front news of Mr. Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, and then add the Ford Car as a backspace.

It's just that, the Ford family will definitely reckle the ABC TV station, and the black cloud should take some sincerity. At the same time, it will lead to the contradiction of Black Clouds and Ford cars to be further intensified, and it is difficult to ease. Cooperation is even more likely, there is a kind of non-dead rhythm.

Raise yourself, degrading your opponent is the lowest behavior. It is often the most effective way, you can try it. As for others how to say, the mouth is long, and there is no way to control.

Mike Hugqi did not expect this woman to be quite awkward, so ABC TV is absolutely guaranteed. Of course, as she said, the two companies will fall into the situation, and they don't dare to be the master.

Do you want anything to ask the boss, so if they use these people. With the absolute support of manpower, material, financial resources, the company is completely discharged. It is still not possible to do things well, no decision, and it will be difficult to get reuse later.

Mike Hughes: "The Group will take 5 million US dollars as an operation and public relations fees. It is not a way to the criminals. In fact, it is difficult to develop, and the competitors are difficult to coexist; especially those who think of high people."

Alice did not expect Mike Hughes to just consider it, it seems that these are the meaning of Bao Zixuan. I really don't understand this man, and I have been given to a young man's decision. In the end, there is money too much, or it is still a transition.

However, these are not too much related to her, as long as they can create benefits for TV stations, improve ratings; leadership will not transition interference. Dodge you can still hop; in recent days, it has accumulated a lot of wealth and people.

And it is believed that Bao Zi Xuan will not wait for her because of his business. Maybe the results will be better, and there is also a reason to be close to the man who is known as the world's first diamond Wang Lao.

Two people communicated some details, they all know that time is urgent; they will begin to prepare. I think this time I don't kill General and Ford, but I have to take off their layers.

Alice with the promise of the Black Cloud Group, as well as the advance payment back to the TV station. At this time, he will also have some people. It is good to have bullets in your hands, and you will not panic at all. When I left, Mike Hug was paid 2 million US dollars as the first fee. After the event, there will be a heart.

Women with ambition will not be too greed at the starting stage, Alice is even more. All $ 2 million is all spending for public relations costs, and he is not allowed to stay. Such a woman is a little terrible, at least most men can't do it.

The benefits of good fortune immediately, and everyone began to actively prepare. As long as it is the order and requirements of Alice, it is also useful than the Taiwanese long. He wants this effect, and I believe that Bao Zi Xuan sees its ability, the dinner promised should be honored.

A night, all preparations have been done. More rare is a TV station that is about to play; in strict confidentiality. This is also the requirements of Alice; the charm of money, no one can resist.

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