Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 904 Decision of the Ministry of Defense

Saudi and Kuwait are so fast, greatly unexpectedly, including the United States; What does the Middle Easant mean, and it is currently a discussion price. How to go to the low price, it is simply a chaos.

At this time, the US Department of Defense Conference is a discussion around the military bidding, and the purpose is how to be good.

Caspa Winberg first said: "If the ABC TV station is about the car contrast, everyone has to see, to talk about their respective opinions. Tomorrow is the day of the military bidding, we will announce the result for up to one week. At the concern, if you can't satisfy the public. The Ministry of Defense will usher in the trust crisis, and if you don't say, you should also want to get it. "

Seeing everyone does not talk, Caspa Winberse knows that this is not to take responsibility. At present, black cloud advantages are very obvious, and the prices published are not particularly expensive; at least within the range of acceptable.

General and Ford expose ABC TV, they are not trusted by the public. People who can have a lot of people have a lot of benefits, no one dares to open it easily. This is not just that it is so simple, and even affects personal business.

No one speaks, caaspad Winberg looked at a circle: "General Ian Wright, is your responsibility to coordinate universal and Ford. The situation, you introduce you to you."

Just so helpless, who makes your job lowest. The Ministry of Defense requires him to do it, and the work offenders must basically run.

After the news broadcast, Ian Wright first got contact with General Motors. The general car reaction is also fast enough, and Mike Donald will resign to the board of directors. John Smith serves as a temporary CEO to address the crisis facing General Motors.

South increased the direct removal of Stern Donald, and some students were advised. A lot of Hollywood director, and it is also the South to increase well-known alumni, and some are even members of the School Directors. It is also a collective voice, definitely can't ruin the school's reputation, and must guarantee the purity of education.

The power from the alma mater is a great help to individuals, while the alma mater is in a crisis to the alumni name. This critical moment, basically chooses to be very strong.

South Answer other aspects, but in the field of movie art is definitely a well-deserved NO1. Hollywood has too many director who graduated from this, and a horses horses the school will not have a lot.

Donald's father and son have no one will pay attention, leaving GM. They are nothing, and now they are famous, basically no business will hire. It should accumulate some wealth for so many years, as long as it is not a Taiwanese. The days should not be difficult, the premise is to solve the conflict of family. The bags have known all the best,

Mrs. Donald can not have a good temper.

The general car problem itself is well resolved, CEO left, some people do it in the sin. At least it is an explanation to the public, and the performance of the Hummer military vehicle is also excellent enough, and the Ministry of Defense will not bring serious consequences.

Ford is basically a family member, and there is a Henry-Ford II. Although it is not seen with your own eyes, it is necessary after all, the news is from the interior of the family, and the credibility is still very high.

When Ian Wright contact Henry - Ford II, the other party is holding a family meeting. At this moment, the Ford family has become a beautiful laughter, if it is not properly resolved; it will affect the reputation of Ford Automobile, as well as the bidding of the military branch of the Ministry of Defense.

As long as it is an eye, it is known that the black cloud car is really ahead of other manufacturers. This technical gap is impossible to make up in a short time, and it is even if the old blessings are unique.

Since the grandfather created Ford, in addition to the fact that the major power was pressed. It seems that Ford cars have not encountered such a big crisis, and they are pressed some breathless.

It is said that he is Henry-Ford II, which is not much better than your grandfather. The grandfather was able to establish a Ford car under the pressure of Old Morgan and Rockefeller, and the Ford car was large. How can I now go to him, actually even a small black cloud car is indifferent. It is Bao Zi Xuan's strength and ability to be amazing, stronger than old Morgan and Rockefeller, or the ability to have too much grandfather.

At this time, he is very doubts that it seems to be retired. But go back to see the Ford family help the so-called young talents, basically no one is worry.

If the family and the Ford are handed over to them, the last result is only the acquisition. Now think about it, I am listening to Ian Wright call. I know that the coming is always coming, Henry Ford II looked at the family member said: "If you have just said, you can leave the company first. The family can provide some funds, do some business."

"If you get lost, don't come back later."

At this time, Henry Ford II uses a knife to cut, at least a meeting to the Ministry of Defense. And let the family children will work out, as for what is the result; he doesn't know, even who is not daughter.

After reporting the decision of the Ford family to Ian Rat, it is a temporary satisfaction situation. As for the last result, you need to look at the American people's reaction, as well as the extent of the White House.

Ian Wright said the generals of the Ministry of Defense: "At present, General Motors CEO Mike Donald has resigned, follow-up work by John Smith. How much is this person, there is no black history."

"As for Ford Motors have left all the family children involved, the family children will not enter the automotive work in the short term."

I heard the general and Ford's decisions, people present at the scene have a lot. At least companies have shown their attitudes, and no one has to speak feelings. How to say that generic and Ford have the purest beauty of the United States, and take care of it.

The Navy will say: "Black Cloud George-Barton military communication equipment and electronic system safety! Is there any opinion in the Department of Defense?

This is a key issue, even the military secrets do not guarantee vehicles, who dares to use.

Ian Wright can only tell: "For this Bunxuan very smart, the black cloud group itself is not bad, even better. I don't know if it is in order to pull the allies, or worry that the Ministry of Defense is opposed. Now All electronic chips and communication devices are all from Motorola, I think Motorola should still trust. "

I heard that everyone is relieved, Motorola can be an old American supplier, loyalty is definitely no problem.

The Navy will say: "The Navy can make a concession, but the Sales commando must use the Black Cloud George - Batton military vehicles."

US Navy Sales Commando, one of the top ten special forces worldwide.

"Seal" is an alias of the US military tribicity commando. The assault team was formally established in 1962, his predecessor was the US Navy underwater blasting team, and it has been expanded to two combat groups in the 1980s, with a total of approximately 1600 people. The seal commando has now become the United States to implement local wars and can deal with the killer of the emergency.

The four stars of the Army will follow: "The Army can also make a proper concession, but the Delta Force, the green beret and the tour army must be equipped with Black Cloud George - Barton military vehicles."

The Delta Force is one of the world's most popular, the most equipped special forces, the most funded special forces. Its training facilities and training intensity is desperate to other special forces except SAS.

The US "Delta" special forces are established in the January 22th special air group (SAS) in April 1978 and refer to SAS. Due to the excellent equipment armed high-quality personnel and the height of mobile, it has the ability to carry out motor deployment in "anytime, any location".

The green beret is the title of the US Army Special Forces. This troops typically combat 12 people, good at unconventional war, overseas defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, anti-terror, and can perform anti-proliferation, humanity rescue, humanitarian task.

Every player of the green beret is a master of guerrilla, at least a foreign language, has its own technical expertise (weapons, engineering, communication, medical), and has accepted a comprehensive other professional cross-training, with necessary time Training and directing a infantry. "Green Beret" is often sent to many countries in the world, and can perform a variety of special combat missions in various environments. "Green Beret" is the US main force in the United States. It is the first normalized special forces in the United States, with a number of more than 8,000.

In the many elite troops in the United States, the tourist soldiers are a long history and powerful elite troops. Have glorious history and excellent tradition; the role of the world police in various places can be implemented in various places. The visitors belong to the light infantry. It can use a variety of transportation to quickly enter the military executive task, so that before the arrival of other special forces, the tourist has completed the task. Just like the motto of the tour of the ride, the mortar "of the ride, a pioneer" and embroidered the Ranger word, the ribbon armt, has always been a symbol of the glory and dignity.

The four-star air force will not be willing to show weakness, very formal: "82 Airborne staff must be equipped with Black Cloud George - Batton Military Vehicle."

The 82nd Airborne Master is subordinate to the 18th Airborne army, the station is the Brest of Brest, North Carolina, USA, nicknamed "All Americans", the preparation staff is about 12900 people, the only one in the US military can enter the combat area through umbrella The whole construction of the system, strong motor capacity, has formed a set of combat applications in long-term combat practices, with strong combat capabilities. The 82nd airborne division is usually combined with the Air Force. The Air Force is responsible for providing air transport, close air support and airborne replenishment.

I heard a few military generals, and the Minister of Defense Caspa Winberg was very satisfied. It seems that these are all very mastering, and it is not too much.

Moreover, it is also an explanation for the US people. The most elite troops distribute the best equipment, even if the price is expensive, it can be accepted. Three arms did not add more than 8,000 military vehicles, even if some special requirements, a total of 10,000 military vehicles were completely within the acceporated.

To know that the US military has to purchase 300,000 military vehicles, the black cloud only occupies a small share. It can be fully explained in general, Ford, and other local automakers.

The second day of the military bidding is more like routine, the biggest share is still taken away. The US Department of Defense has issued 100,000 Hummer military vehicles to General Motors, and 60,000 orders were received by Ford.

Chrysler became a winner this time, but also received 40,000 military orders, but I didn't want to think about it before. It is an unexpected surprise, mainly after Ford and General Broad, the Ministry of Defense should pay attention to the impact.

Black Cloud got 10,000 military vehicle order share, all distributed to special forces. The rest of the big trucks and special vehicles are divided, and everyone is still satisfied with this result.

As for the people, there is no opinion, general and Ford broke the scandal. What can be said to be the largest in the United States, and the oldest automakers in history, with a high reputation. In the two companies, they also dismissed and expelled without anyone, what else can be said!

If you have a bidding of the US military vehicle bidding, although you are not willing, you can accept it. At least 10,000 parts have been received, and I didn't think so good. And the Ministry of Defense has no restrictions on the export of new military vehicles, not only because they have too few orders, and there is also the way to control can't control; with this, it is better to be a smooth.

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